

課程咨詢: 10108899


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請撥打咨詢電話 1010-8899
當(dāng)前位置:上海學(xué)而思1對1 > 中考欄目 > 中考英語 > 正文


2010-01-26 16:59:23  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 文章作者:匿名



— — 學(xué)而思初中課程在線預(yù)約 — —


免費學(xué)習(xí)診斷 精品5人班 99元體驗課



1 .被動語態(tài)的構(gòu)成:
助動詞be + 及物動詞的過去分詞。
am(is ,are) + 動詞過去分詞
Rice is grown in China .中國出產(chǎn)大米。
Was(were) + 動詞過去分詞
These photos were taken last year .這些照片是去年照的。
情態(tài)動詞 + be + 動詞過去分詞
This car can be mended in an hour .這輛小汽車一小時就能修好。
2 .主動語態(tài)變被動語態(tài)的方法:
I think Ezhou-Huanggang Bridge        up in 2003 .
A .builds           B .is built     C .can build        D .can be built
簡析:此題是考查含有情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài)。根據(jù)賓語從句中主語Ezhou-Huanggang Bridge與謂語build up之間的關(guān)系,可以看出主語是動詞短語build up的承受者,要用被動語態(tài)。且根據(jù)說話人的語氣,只是一種推斷,表示有可能,因此要用情態(tài)動詞can。故答案為D。
Do you know bananas        in Hainan ?
A .grows            B .is grown     C .grew         D .are grown
No one knows how the huge rocks        and       without our modern machines eight hundred years ago .
A .are cut ,moved                   B .were cut ,move
C .are cut ,moving                  D .were cut ,moved
簡析:此題是考查一般過去時的被動語態(tài)。在賓語從句中有表示過去的時間狀語eight hundred years ago,表明賓語從句中的謂語動詞要用一般過去時。根據(jù)主語the huge rocks與謂語動詞cut和move之間的關(guān)系,表明主語是謂語動詞的承受者,謂語動詞要用被動語態(tài),且cut和move為并列謂語,后一個謂語應(yīng)省去助動詞be。且主語the huge rocks為復(fù)數(shù)。故答案為D。
Li Lei mended the bike .(改為同義句)
The bike               by Li Lei .
簡析:此題是考查將一般過去時主動語態(tài)的句子變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)。原句是主動語態(tài),謂語動詞為一般過去時,被動句中的主語是第三人稱單數(shù)the bike,其答案應(yīng)為was mended。
Ken is often heard to apologize to his teacher .(改為主動語態(tài))
We often        Ken        to his teacher .
簡析:此題是考查一般現(xiàn)在時被動語態(tài)的句子變?yōu)橹鲃诱Z態(tài)。被動句是一般現(xiàn)在時的被動語態(tài),主動句中的主語是先進(jìn)人稱復(fù)數(shù),謂語動詞要用動詞原形。并且動詞hear在被動結(jié)構(gòu)中后面要接帶to的動詞不定式,但它在主動結(jié)構(gòu)中常接不帶to的動詞不定式。故答案為hear ,apologize。
(   )1 .The medicine        in a dry and cool place .(2000年重慶市中功課)
A .keep         B .must keep            C .must be kept D .must be keep
(   )2 .A talk on Chinese history        in the school hall next week . (2000年天津市中功課)
A .is given                         B .has been given  
C .will be given                    D .will give
(   )3 .Today ,the forests have almost gone .People must       down too many trees . (2001年安徽省中功課)
A .stop to out                      B .stop from cutting
C .be stopped to cut                D . be stopped from cutting
(   )4 .About 500 cars        in the factory next month . (2001年遼寧省中功課)
A .were produced                    B .will produce
C .have been produced               D .will be produced
(   )5 .The key       for locking the classroom door . (2001年廣西省中功課)
A .uses         B .is used          C .is using     D .use
(   )6 .A new school        over there in two years . (2001年四川省中功課)
A .may build    B .may be built     C .is built
(   )7 .The man who lived alone on that island thought he        never       .
A .will ,find   B .would ,be found      C .is ,found    D .had ,been found
(   )8 .Computers are very useful .For example ,they can       sending e-mail .(電子郵件)  (2001年蘇州市中功課)
A .use for      B .be used of           C .be used for D .use of
(   )9 .What a nice garden !
It      年武漢市中功課) every day . (2000
A .is cleaning B .has cleaned      C .must clean       D .is cleaned
(   )10 .This work        next week . (2000年廣西省中功課)
A .may finish       B .finish       C .finishes         D .may be finished
(   )11 .My house       in 1995 .We have lived there for nearly five years . (2000年廣西省中功課)
A .was build    B .has built        C .is built     D .were built
(   )12 .The lost boy        early this morning . (2000年四川省中功課)
A .found        B .was founded      C .was found    D .founded
(   )13 .That white building        two years ago ,but it is quite old now . (2000年河北省中功課)
A .built        B .was built        C .is built     D .builds
(   )14 .The big tree       by my mother ten years ago .(2000年甘肅省中功課)
A .was planted B .planted          C .has planted D .was planting
1 .English        widely       (use) in the world .
2 .These pictures must       (keep) well .
3 .She       (fall) ill last night ,and she       (take) to the hospital at once .
4 .Now rice and wheat       (grow) in my hometown ,too .Look !The crops__________(grow) fast in the fields .
5 .The Great Wall       (know) all over the world .
6 .       the street lights usually       (turn) on at seven in summer evening ?
7 .       this kind of car       (produce) in Wuhan ?
8 .       the doctor        (send) for last night ?
9 .We used a teapot before the thermos       (invent) .
10 .Three children       (take) good care of by the nurse .
11 .Some new houses       (build) by the villagers themselves .
12 .What language       (speak) in Japan ?
13 .The black bike       (buy) in that shop three days ago .
14 .The doctor said Jim must       (operate) on at once .
15 .The big tree       (blow) down in the storm last night .
1 .You needn’t do it now .
2 .You must finish your homework now .
3 .We can do the work today .
4 .She had done the work by the end of last month .
5 .The writer has written many stories for that magazine(雜志) .
6 .He was doing his homework at this time yesterday .
7 .My brother is reading the book now .
8 .They founded that hospital in 1996 .
9 .Yesterday we played football after school .
10 .People all over the world know the Great Wall .
11 .He often helps his brother .
12 .Do you learn Unit 8 ?
13 .Does Li Lei do his homework at home ?
14 .Did Miss Gao speak English yesterday ?
15 .When did Mike visit China ?
16 .Why do you tell her the thing ?
.1—5 CCDDB 6—10 BBCDD 11—14 ACBA 
.1 .is ,used 2 .be kept 3 .fell ,was taken 4 .are grown is growing 5 .is known 6 .Are ,turned 7 .Is ,produced 8 .Was ,sent 9 .was invented 10 .are taken 11 .were built 12 .is spoken 13 .was bought 14 .be operated 15 .was blown
.1 .It needn’t be done now . 2 .Your homework must be finished now . 3 .The work can be done by us today . 4 .The work had been done by her by the end of last month . 5 .Many stories have been written by the writer for that magazine . 6 .His homework was being done by him at this time yesterday 7 .The book is being read by my brother now 8 .That hospital was founded by them in 1996 . 9 .Yesterday a football was played by as after school . 10 .The Great Wall is known all over the world . 11 .His brother is often helped by him . 12 .Is Unit 8 learned by you ? 13 .Is Li Lei’s homework done by himself at home ?   14 .Was English spoken by Miss Gao yesterday ? 15 .When was China visited by Mike ? 16 .Why is the thing told to him by you ?(Why is she told the thing by you ?)
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