

課程咨詢: 10108899


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2010-01-27 18:15:54  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 文章作者:匿名



— — 學(xué)而思初中課程在線預(yù)約 — —


免費(fèi)學(xué)習(xí)診斷 精品5人班 個(gè)性化團(tuán)課


1. Mr Brown has died for two years.

2. We knew each other since 1.

3. If your brother won’t pass the exam, he will not be happy.

4. The fire has caused many damages to the factory.

5. Let me have some looks at your new dress.

6. Here are a new pair of glasses.

7. He has many money.

8. My brother has been here from 1989.

9. She looked herself before the mirror.

10. He is easy to get along.

11. You are right, I agree to you.

12. I saw an one-eyed man standing there.

13. The word “honest” begins with a “h” and ends with an “t”.

14. What a fine weather we are having now.

15.There weeks are too long for me.

16. He has been looking forward to meet you.

17. He was used to get up early.

18. I am considering not to stay here.

19. It was so dark that I couldn’t hardly see anything.

20. The more busy he is, the more happy he feels.

21. Neither he nor you is wrong.

22. No woman and no man are admitted.

23. I paid three dollars to that book.

24.What big a classroom you have !

25. He jumps very highly.

26. I have seen the film 2 times.

27. That is your book, isn’t that ?

28. Tom and I are at the same age, isn’t he ?

29. Nobody answered my questions ,didn’t he ?

30. No one but Tom and Mike has a beautiful bag, doesn’t he ?

31.I won’t ask, I will see it on my own eyes.

32.I like skating. So she does.

33.How a beautiful painting this is !

34. Physics are my favourite subject.

35.Few people know him, don’t they. ?

36.I am not a so good player as any of you.

37.This house has 30 meters long.

38.I crossed the street to avoid to meet him.

39.I know he can pass the exam if he tried hard enough.

40. I haven’t got a chair to sit .

41.She has plenty books to read.

42.He can’t able to read such a difficult book.

43. Sixty miles are not a short distance.

44. Either his friends or his sister are wrong.

45.You must be a writer, mustn’t you ?

46.What beautiful weather, doesn’t it ?

47.The murder was caught and hung.

48.I remember to meet him a year ago.

49.I am late, amnot I ?

50.Did he need go yesterday ?

51.My mother is a good cooker.

52.China belongs the third world.

53.You had better not to buy this coat.

54.I prefer going to stay.

55.I have finished the work for a week.

56.He spent his evening to read novels.

57.The news at 6 o’clock are not true.

58.The glasses is mine.

59. Bread and milk are their daily food.

60. My sister bought the cup in the shop on the corner of the street.

61.One-fifth of her time are devoted to writing .

62. She is busy to write a report.

63. Sometimes we run across each other in the street.

64.In winter we used to go to skiing when we were in USA.

65.It’s never enough old to learn.

66.I really don’t understand why you like this music! It puts me mad.

67. There is no point by arguing with him.

68. I have love to listen to pop sons.

69. The farmers work as busy as ants when the autumn comes.

70. They gave the factory an order to 1500 cars.

71. Do you know how many the population of Japan is ?

72. My heart is full with sadness.

73. The room is full of people.

74.She is always ready to help the others.

75. He is well known by us.

76.It is fairly an interesting lecture.

77. My sister plays violin very well.

78.I would rather you will come next Sunday.

79.I wish I saw you yesterday.

80 I left after the clock hit ten.

81. How do you do with that bike you found ?

82.Perhaps I forgot the stamp in the taxi.

83.I wish to shake hands with you, do I ?

84. As long as I know, he hasn’t come yet.

85. Will you prefer some iced tea ?

86.His brother is kinder than intelligent.

87.How do you think of this film ?

88. He will be back after ten days.

89.Twenty sheeps are missing.

90.It took them three hours to walk across the forest.

91. I spoke such loudly that I could be heard by all.

92.Be sure to write to us, aren’t you ?

93.The answer of the question is wrong.

94.He likes to travel by horseback.

95.Do you have a book ? –No, but I wish I do.

96.He lives on teaching Chinese.

97.In 1980s, great changes have taken place in China.

98.I need a pen to write.

99.He would not rather go by train.

100 He left his country because of political reasons.


1. Mr Brown has been dead for two years.

Die 為瞬間動(dòng)詞,在現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)表狀態(tài)時(shí),要轉(zhuǎn)換。

2. We knew each other in 1.

Since 一般情況下用于現(xiàn)在完成時(shí),這里用過去時(shí)。

3. If your brother doesn’t pass the exam, he will not be happy.

If 從句中,一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)表將來。

4. The fire has caused much damages to the factory.

Damages 不可數(shù),要用much。

5. Let me have a look at your new dress.

Have a look 看一看是固定搭配。

6. Here is a new pair of glasses.


7. He has much money.


8. My brother has been here since 1989.


9. She looked herself in the mirror.


10. He is easy to get along with。

get along with 為固定搭配,“和某人相處”

11. You are right, I agree with you.

和某人意見相同,要用詞組agree with sb.

12. I saw a one-eyed man standing there.

One 開頭發(fā)音為輔音,只能用a。

13. The word “honest” begins with an“h” and ends with a“t”.


14. What fine weather we are having now.

Weather 不可數(shù),不要用a。

15.There weeks is too long for me.

There weeks 是個(gè)整體的時(shí)間概念,故謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)形式。

16. He has been looking forward to meeting you.

“Look forward to” 期待做某事,to在這里為介詞,后接doing。

17. He was used to geting up early.

“be used to”習(xí)慣做某事,to在這里為介詞,后接doing。

18. I am considering not staying here.

Consider doing sth。 考慮做某事

19. It was so dark that I could hardly see anything.


20. The busier he is, the happier he feels.


21. Neither he nor you are wrong.

就近原則 you 搭配 are。

22. No woman and no man is admitted.


23. I paid three dollars for that book.

Pay。。for 為 固定搭配。

24.What a big classroom you have !

感嘆句的順序出錯(cuò)。Big 用來修飾classroom。

25. He jumps very high。

High 和highly 均為副詞,但意義不同。Highly表達(dá)抽象意義上的高度。如高度表揚(yáng)等。

26. I have seen the film twice.。 表頻率兩次,只能說twice。

27. That is your book, isn’t it 指示代詞使用不正確。

28. Tom and I are at the same age, aren’t we ?主語為復(fù)數(shù)

29. Nobody answered my questions ,didn’t they?

當(dāng)陳述句中的主語為everybody,everyone,anyone,nobody,no one 等不定代詞,疑問部分的主語要用they來代替。

30. No one but Tom and Mike has a beautiful bag, doesn’t they? 同上

31.I won’t ask, I will see it with my own eyes. With 表方式,用眼睛看。

32.I like skating. So does she。倒裝句結(jié)構(gòu)錯(cuò)誤。

33.What a beautiful painting this is ! 感嘆句以What開頭后接名詞詞組。

34. Physics is my favourite subject. 形式為復(fù)數(shù)的意義為單數(shù)名詞做主語,謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)。

35.Few people know him, do they. ? few 在句中有否定意義。

36.I am not so good a player as any of you. 修飾位置錯(cuò)誤。

37.This house is 30 meters long. 表達(dá)有多長(zhǎng)是陳述事實(shí)。

38.I crossed the street to avoid meeting him.

Avoid doing 避免做某事,是固定搭配。

39.I know he can pass the exam if he tries hard enough. 主句與從句的時(shí)態(tài)不一致。

40. I haven’t got a chair to sit on。Sit 為不及物動(dòng)詞。

41.She has a plenty of books to read.

A plenty of。。。很多,為固定搭配。

42.He can’t read such a difficult book.

Can 和 be able to 都是表能力的結(jié)構(gòu),但不可同時(shí)用在一個(gè)句子里面。

43. Sixty miles is not a short distance.

Sixty miles 是個(gè)整體概念,謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)。

44. Either his friends or his sister is wrong.。就近原則

45.You must be a writer, will you ? must 在這里表推測(cè)。

46.What beautiful weather, isn’t it ?

原句省略了,完整的表達(dá)為 What beautiful weather it is !

47.The murder was caught and hanged。


48.I remember meeting him a year ago.

Remember doing 記得已經(jīng)做過事情,remember to do 記得還沒有去做的事情。

49.I am late, aren’t I ? 注意否定反問的形式。

50.Did he need to go yesterday ? 不定式的用法。

51.My mother is a good cook。Cooker是炊具的意思。

52.China belongs to the third world.

Belong to 固定搭配,屬于。。。

53.You had better not buy this coat. Had better not do sth。 較好不要做某事

54.I prefer going to staying. To 在這里是介詞,后面接動(dòng)名詞。

55.I finished the work a week ago. 動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài)要使用正確的時(shí)間狀語。

56.He spent his evening reading novels.

Spend (in)doing sth。 花費(fèi)時(shí)間做某事。

57.The news at 6 o’clock is not true. 形式為復(fù)數(shù)的意義為單數(shù)名詞做主語,謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)。

58.The glasses are mine. 看清主語再選用正確謂語動(dòng)詞。

59. Bread and milk in their daily food. 主語為一個(gè)整體的概念

60. My sister bought the cup in the shop at the corner of the street. 固定搭配

61.One-fifth of her time is devoted to writing . 主語為一個(gè)整體的概念

62. She is busy writing a report. Be busy (in)doing sth。 忙于做某事

63. Sometimes we run into each other in the street.

Come across = run into 偶遇某人

64.In winter we used to go skiing when we were in USA. 固定搭配

65.It’s never old enough to learn. Enough 放在形容詞和副詞的后面。

66.I really don’t understand why you like this music! It drives me mad.

Drive sb.mad 讓某人發(fā)瘋.

67. There is no point in arguing with him. 固定搭配

68. I had love to listen to pop sons. 固定搭配

69. The farmers work as busy as bees when the autumn comes. 俗語的搭配

70. They gave the factory an order for 1500 cars. 固定搭配

71. Do you know what the population of Japan is ? 詢問人口數(shù)要用what來提問。

72. My heart is full of sadness.

Be full of +抽象名詞 be full with +具體可數(shù)名詞

73. The room is full with people. 同上

74.She is always ready to help others. 只有 one。。。the other 的搭配

75. He is well known to us. 固定搭配

76.It is a fairly interesting lecture. 程度副詞的位置不對(duì)。

77. My sister plays the violin very well. 樂器名詞前要加定冠詞。

78.I would rather you came next Sunday.

would rather 后省去that的從句,從句中用過去式表示虛擬。

79.I wish I had seen you yesterday.

Wish 后接賓語從句如表示與過去相反的愿望時(shí),從句謂語動(dòng)詞要后退一個(gè)時(shí)態(tài)。

80 I left after the clock struck ten. 描寫鐘報(bào)時(shí),要用strike。

81.What do you do with that bike you found ? 固定搭配

82.Perhaps I left the stamp in the taxi. 這里表示把東西遺忘了。

83.I wish to shake hands with you, may I ? 固定搭配

84. As far as I know, he hasn’t come yet.

As long as 只要。。。as far as 就。。來說

85. Would you prefer some iced tea ? 表委婉語氣。

86.His brother is more kind than intelligent.

比較一個(gè)人或一個(gè)事物的兩個(gè)性質(zhì)時(shí),用more。。than 表示“與其說。。不如說”

87.What do you think of this film ? 習(xí)慣表達(dá)

88. He will be back in ten days. In 加時(shí)間狀語可以用于將來時(shí)

89.Twenty sheep are missing. Sheep為不可數(shù)名詞。

90.It took them three hours to walk through the forest.

Across是平面的穿過,through 是空間的通過

91. I spoke so loudly that I could be heard by all. So。。。that。。 太。。而,,,

92.Be sure to write to us,will you ? 祈使句后的附加疑問句,用will you。

93.The answer to the question is wrong. 固定搭配

94.He likes to travel on horseback. 坐在馬背上要用介詞on

95.Do you have a book ? –No, but I wish I did。

Wish 后的賓語從句用過去式表現(xiàn)在的愿望。

96.He lives by teaching Chinese. 表示“以。。為生”

97.In the1980s, great changes have taken place in China. 表示“幾十年代”,前面用the。

98.I need a pen to write with。


99.He would rather not go by train. 否定詞位置錯(cuò)

100 He left his country for political reasons.

For。。。reasons 為習(xí)慣表達(dá)方式。




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