

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

預(yù)約高中1對(duì)1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學(xué)員個(gè)性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報(bào)名↓



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2010-05-13 16:45:40  來(lái)源:智康教育 文章作者:匿名

  270 transalte ……into…… 把什么翻譯成什么 eg : Trasalte English into chinese

  271 travel with sb 和某人去旅游

  272 try one's best to do sth 盡某人較大的努力去做某事 eg: I will try my best to learn

  English well

  273 try to do sth 想干什么,但沒(méi)成功 try doing sth 想干什么,已經(jīng)做過(guò)了

  eg :He tried to climb 他想爬上去,但沒(méi)成功 He tried climbing 他想爬上去,已經(jīng)做過(guò)了

  274 try…試衣服 have a try 試一下

  275 turn down 開小 ←→ turn up 開大

  276 turn off 關(guān)上 ←→ turn on 打開 open 拆開

  277 upside down 倒著 nuless=if not

  278 visit to… 參觀某個(gè)地方

  279 wait for sb 等某人

  280 wait for sb to do sth 等某人做什么 wait for sb 等某人 wait for sometime 等多少間

  eg : Would you please wait for me to get ready 等我準(zhǔn)備好,好嗎?

  Let's wait for the rain to stop 讓我們等雨停吧

  281 wake sb up 把某人叫醒 282 want to do sth 想做某事

  283 watch sb do sth 觀看某人做某事 補(bǔ):wear out把…穿壞

  284 welcome to +…(地方) 歡迎到……

  285 what about +n /doing eg : what about an apple

  286 what if 如果……怎么辦 What if +句子

  eg : What if it is true ? 如果是真的怎么辦?

  What if aliens should come to the earth 假如外星人來(lái)到地球怎么辦?

  287 what they will do = what to do

  288 What's the matter ? = What's the trouble ? = What's wrong ? 有什么困難?

  289 while +延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞

  290 why don't you do = why not do

  291 will you please do will you please not do

  292 with one's best = with the help of sb 在某人的幫助下

  293 with the help of sb 在某人的幫助下 with one's help

  294 work at…在某處工作

  295 work with sb 和某人一起工作

  296 would like sth /to do sth eg : I would like to go to LuZhou

  297 would you please +do 298 yet :至今 ,用在否定句中

  299 you'd better do 較好做某事 = you'd better not do 較好不要做某事

  300 不定式 +v(原)

  301 聯(lián)系動(dòng)詞(taste吃起來(lái)/sound聽起來(lái)/look看起來(lái)/semll聞起來(lái))+adj

  302 名詞、副詞、 形容詞修飾 enongh 時(shí), 形容詞放在之前, 名詞 副詞放在之后

  303 太多 too much +不可數(shù) too many +可數(shù) much too 相當(dāng)于 very ,修飾形容詞

  304 向賓語(yǔ)提問(wèn):Whom 305 向地點(diǎn)提問(wèn):Where 306 向方式提問(wèn):How

  307 向價(jià)格和不可數(shù)名詞提問(wèn):How much 308 向可數(shù)名詞提問(wèn):How many

  309 向頻率提問(wèn): How often 310 向時(shí)間段提問(wèn):How long

  311 向時(shí)間提問(wèn):what time/when 312 向物主代詞提問(wèn):Whose

  313 向職業(yè)提問(wèn):what do/does……do 314 向主語(yǔ)提問(wèn): Who

  315 在將來(lái)時(shí)中,……以后(用 in, 一般時(shí)態(tài)中,……以后(用 after

  It's time for sth. 該到做某事的時(shí)間了.

  It's time to do sth.(It's time for sb. to do sth) 該到(某人)做某事的時(shí)間了.

  2. can't wait to do sth. 迫不及待地要求做某事.

  3. ask (tell)sb. (not )to do sth . 請(qǐng)(告訴)某人(不)做某事.

  4. make/let sb. to do sth. 讓某人做某事.

  5. hear/see/sb. do sth 聽見/看見某人做某事. 6. had better(not )do sth 較好不做某事. 7. It's

  better to do sth較好做某事 8. It's best to do sth較好做某事

  9. enjoy 喜歡做某事 10. finish 結(jié)束做某事

  11. keep 繼續(xù)做某事 12. keep on doing sth. 繼續(xù)做某事

  13. carry on 繼續(xù)做某事 14. go on 繼續(xù)做某事

  15. feel like 喜歡做某事

  16. stop to do sth 與stop doing sth 停下來(lái)去做某事(與)停止做某事.

  17. forget/remember to do 與 forget/remember doing sth.忘記/記得去做某事(與) 忘記/記得曾經(jīng)做過(guò)事.

  18. keep(precent,stop)sb. from doing sth阻止/防止/阻欄栽人做某事

  19. prefer….to ……喜歡…..勝過(guò)……

  20. prefer to do sth. rather than do ath.寧愿做某事,而不原做某事.

  21. used to do sth.過(guò)去常常做某事.

  22. What's wong with……? …..出了問(wèn)題(事)?

  23. have nothing to do with….. 與…..無(wú)關(guān)

  24. be busy doing sth . 在忙于做某事

  25. too…..to….. 太……以致知于不……

  26. so ……that ….. 如此….. 以致知于不……

  27. such…..that…… 如此….. 以致知于不……

  28. It take sb. some time to do sth .某人做某事用了一些時(shí)間.

  29. spend …..on sth.(doing sth.)花錢/時(shí)間做某事.

  30. pay…..for sth.花費(fèi)(錢)買某物.

  31. What /how about……? …….怎么樣(好嗎)?

  32. would like to do sth .想要/愿意做某事..

  33. I don't think that我認(rèn)為……不…..

  34. Why not do sth.? Why don't you do sth .?為什么不做某事呢?

  35. What do you mean by….?你….是什么意思?

  36. What do you think of …..(How do you like ….)你認(rèn)為….怎么樣?

  37. Mike enjoys collecting stamps . So do I.邁克喜歡集郵.我也也喜歡.

  38. The more, the better . 越多越劇好.

  39. Thanks for doing sth.謝謝你做了某事.

  40. It is said that….. 據(jù)說(shuō)…

  感官動(dòng)詞 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel +

  do  表示動(dòng)作的完整性,真實(shí)性;+doing 表示動(dòng)作的連續(xù)性,進(jìn)行性

  I saw him work in the garden yesterday.


  I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(強(qiáng)調(diào)"我見他正干活"這個(gè)動(dòng)作)


  one… the other 只有兩個(gè)  some… the others有三個(gè)以上 one… another,another…

  some… others,others… others = other people/things the others = the

  rest 剩余的全部

  1) 泛指另一個(gè)用another。 2) 一定范圍內(nèi)兩人(物),一個(gè)用one,另一個(gè)用the other。

  3) 一定范圍內(nèi)三者,一個(gè)用one,另一個(gè)用one (another),第三個(gè)可用the other,a third。

  4) 一定范圍內(nèi),除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others。 時(shí),也用others。

  5) 泛指別的人或物時(shí),用others當(dāng)在一定范圍內(nèi),除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部

