

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

預(yù)約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學(xué)員個性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報名↓



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當(dāng)前位置:北京學(xué)而思1對1 > 初中教育 > 初中英語 > 正文


2010-06-02 15:28:45  來源:博客


  21. —Whose bike is this, Betty? —It’s __________ bike.

  A. I                       B. me                    C. my                   D. mine

  22. The soldiers went to help people in Guizhou __________ Sunday morning.

  A. in                     B. on                     C. at                            D. of

  23. —__________ were the boys? —Oh, they played basketball on the playground.

  A. When                B. What                 C. Where               D. Who

  24. Mike was late for school this morning, __________ he went to school without breakfast.

  A. and                   B. so                   C. but                   D. because

  25. My mother always tells me __________ loudly in public.

  A. speak              B. to speak            C. not speak          D. not to speak

  26. —Which dress is __________, the red one or the blue one? —The blue one, I think.

  A. expensive          B. much expensive C. more expensive  D. most expensive

  27. —There is __________ juice in the fridge, Alice. Shall we go and buy some?

  —OK, let’s go!

  A. little                  B. a little                C. few                  D. a few

  28. —I think Lily can sing this song as _________ as Lucy. —Yes, you are right.

  A. good                 B. well                  C. better                D. best

  29. Please teach us how to use this computer. We __________ use it without your help.

  A. can                  B. can’t                 C. must                 D. mustn’t

  30. The students will go to the Great Wall if it __________ fine tomorrow.

  A. is                      B. was                 C. be                   D. will be

  31. —Where does Jack have lunch every day?    —He _________ it at school.

  A. have                 B. has                 C. had                   D. having

  32. Mary was very glad because her mother __________ her a nice dress yesterday.

  A. buy                B. buys                 C. buying                   D. bought

  33. We __________ here for more than ten years.

  A. live                   B. have lived        C. has lived           D. lived

  34. Our classroom must __________ every afternoon.

  A. clean                B. cleans               C. cleaned             D. be cleaned

  35. We wanted to know ____________ here last summer holiday.

  A. how long does he stay                 B. how long did he stay

  C. how long he stays                         D. how long he stayed

