

課程咨詢: 10108899

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2010-09-01 15:34:57  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源



— — 學(xué)而思小學(xué)課程在線預(yù)約 — —


免費(fèi)學(xué)習(xí)診斷 精品5人班 99元買快課



五、英漢詞語互譯 (每小題1分, 共8分)

1.   長城      _______________            2.    向……學(xué)習(xí)___________________

3.   值日      ______________              4.    左手      ___________________

5.   listen carefully__________      6.       wrong number      ____________

7.   the same age  ___________         8.     grow flowers ______________

六 在II欄中找I欄各句的答語,填序號(hào) (每小題1分, 共8分)

                 I                                    II

(    ) What day is it today?                       A. Five past seven

(    ) What are you doing there?                   B. It’s Monday.

(    ) How many lessons do you have this morning?   C. I still feel ill.

(    ) What time is it now?                        D. She’s from the UK.

(    ) How do you feel now?                      E. I have four.

(    ) Do you speak Japanese?                     F. Yes, he can.

(    ) Where is Nancy from?                      G. No, I speak French.

(    ) Can he jump high?                         H. We’re playing chess.

七 選擇填空 (每小題1分, 共7分)

(    )  1 She likes           and            flowers.

A. cook, grow     B. cooking, grow      C. cooking, growing

(    )  2 We are ready               breakfast.

A. to                   B. for                       C. at

(    )  3 The waiter and waitress             table tennis every day.

A. are playing     B. play             C. plays

(    )  4 We have no lessons          the weekends.

A . in           B. on                   C. at

(    )  5 Show        your stamps, please.

A. me           B. we               C. his

(    )  6 The students are ________ follow Mr Ma’s orders.

A. trying to       B. trying                       C. try to

(    )  7 —Do you have          hobbies?  

—Yes, I do.

A. some          B. any              C. /

八、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,(一空一詞) (每個(gè)空格0.5分, 共4分)

1. A: What are you           (do), my friends?

      B: We’re          (catch) insects, now. Come and          (join) us!

      A: Great!

2. A: That boy is          (talk) with a visitor. Can you see?

      B: Oh, the boy can           (speak) English very well.

      A: Yes, let’s go and have a look.

3. A: How do you spend your weekends?

      B: I often          (make) model ships. It’s interesting!

      A: How does your sister spend her weekends?

      B: I’m not sure. I think she often          (fly) her kite in the park.

      A: Does she like           (fly) kites?

      B: Of course.

九、看圖完成句子或?qū)υ?(每個(gè)空格0.5分, 共5分)

1. Tom: Hello, everyone. I’m Tom. I’m from       

      I speak             . I love my country, and

      I like traveling, I ’d like to go around China.


2. A: How many lessons do you have on            ?

      B:             .

      A: What are they?

      B: They’re            , English, Maths and        .


3. A: Lie on your          ,now.

B: OK.

A: Can you lift up your         ?

B: Yes, I can. Look!


4. A: What is Mike doing?

      B: Is he catching the           ?

      A: No, perhaps he’s            photos.

      B: You’re right. The flowers near the wall are very



   (每小題1分, 共8分)

Dear Jack:

I live in China with my parents this year. I s        at Jinling Primary School in Nanjing.

I get up at h         past six every day. Then I go to school by bike with my Chinese friends. I l          Chinese from them. I usually have six l          every day. After school I often do my homework first. Sometimes I play football after school. I like to live here very much.

Can you come and visit me by plane? Please write to me soon.


(    ) 1. David lives in China now.

(    ) 2. David goes to school by bike at half past six.

(    ) 3. After school, David often plays football first.

(    ) 4. David has a good friend, his name is Jack.


一、根據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容,選出合適的圖片 (每小題1分, 共5分)

1. A: What subject do you like?

B: I like Science very much.

2. A: What’s wrong with your grandpa?

B: He has got a backache.

3. A: Does she like watching TV?

B: No, she likes collecting stamps.

4. A: Put your fingers together.

B: OK.

5. A: Which insects can jump high?

B: Grasshoppers can jump high.       

(B C B B C)

二、按聽到的順序給下列圖片標(biāo)序號(hào) (每小題2分, 共12分)

1. A: I’ve got a bad cold.

      B: Take some medicine, and have a lot of rest.

2. A: What time is it?

      B: It’s twenty-five to seven. Time to get up.

      A: All right.

3. A: Excuse me, what’s the time please?

      B: It’s six o’clock.

      A: Thank you.

4. A: What do you usually do after dinner?

      B: I usually watch TV.

5. A: I like collecting stamps. I have many stamps.

      B: Great. Show us your stamps, please.

      A: OK.

6. A: Hi. Where are you from?

      B: I’m from the USA. I’m American.      

( 6 3 1 2 4 5)

三、聽錄音,連線 (每小題2分, 共8分)

Today is Sunday. Su Hai is calling her friend, Liu Tao.

A: Hello, is that Liu Tao?

B: Yes. This is Liu Tao speaking.

A: Hi, this is Su Hai. What are you doing now, Liu Tao?

B: I’m playing computer games. How about you?

A: I want to grow some flowers. David is your good friend, Right? How does he spend his weekends?

B: I think he often plays football with his English friends.

A: That’s great. Does Helen play football, too?

B: No, her hobby is collecting stamps.

A: Oh, good. I want to call her now. Bye, Liu Tao.

B: Bye.



四、聽問句,選擇正確的應(yīng)答 (每小題1分, 共5分)

1. What subject do you like?

2. Can you put your hands on your shoulders?

3. What day is it today?

4. What does she usually do after school?

5. Touch your toes with your fingers five times.  

(A B A A C)

五、英漢詞語互譯 (每小題1分, 共8分)

1    the Great Wall      2     learn…from…      3     on duty        4     left hand

5    仔細(xì)地聽            6     錯(cuò)誤號(hào)碼            7     同齡             8     養(yǎng)花

六、在II欄中找I欄各句的答語,填序號(hào) (每小題1分, 共8分)

B  H  E  A  C  G  D  F

七、選擇填空 (每小題1分, 共7分)

1. C   2. B   3. B   4. C   5. A   6. A   7. B  

八、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,一空一詞 (每個(gè)空格0.5分, 共4分)

doing   catching   join  talking  speak  make   flies   flying

九、看圖完成句子或?qū)υ?(每個(gè)空格0.5分, 共5分)

1. Australia English

2. Thursday Four Chinese PE

3. back legs

4. butterfly taking

十、閱讀這封信,根據(jù)首字母補(bǔ)全單詞,再判斷句子正誤,用T和F表示 (每小題1分, 共8分) 

study   half   learn   lessons

T  F  F  T




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