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2010-09-05 10:33:01  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源



— — 學(xué)而思小學(xué)課程在線預(yù)約 — —


免費(fèi)學(xué)習(xí)診斷 精品5人班 99元買快課


1. I live on the __________ floor in this building. (one)
2. Lucy is tall and _______ , she must eat more. (fat)
3. Many ________ doctors wear glasses, too. (woman)
4. Your room is between mine and the ________. (twin) They’re the same age, but they have different _________. (hobby)
5. The boy sits there and reads a comic book ________. (happy)
6. Mr White is ________. He is from _________ and he speaks __________. (English)
7. My mother often goes __________ (shop) on Sundays.
Waiter: Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam. _____1____ This way, please.
Peter: Thank you. Could you show us the menu (菜單),please?
Waiter: 2
Peter: Thank you. Well, Sally, what would you like to drink?
Sally: 3
Waiter: We have coke, orange, apple juice; we have coffee, tea and milk, too.
Sally: 4
Peter: A bottle of coke for me.
Waiter: OK, here you are. What would you like to eat? We have bread, hamburgers, rice, noodles (面條) and potato chips (薯?xiàng)l).
Sally: 5
Peter: And I’d like some noodles, please.
Waiter: All right. Wait a moment, please.
Peter: This is one of my favourite places. The food here is very good!
a) I’m tired. Bring me a chair, please.
b) Certainly. Here you are, sir.
c) I’d like some hamburgers.
d) I’d like a cup of coffee, please.
e) Where do you want to sit?
f) I don’t know what they have.
g) There’s a table for two over there, beside the window.
( ) 1. -Excuse me, do you have any comic books?
-Sorry, I don’t have _______. Ask Rose. I think she has ________.
A. some; some B. any; any C. any; some D. some; any
( ) 2. - Your mother _______ very young. - Thank you.
A: looks at B. looks C. looks like D. look
( ) 3. ______ there a map a and two posters on the wall?
A. Have B. Has C. Is D. Are
( ) 4. - Whose names are these, _______ or yours?
-____ . I don’t know all of the students in Class 5, so I have _____ on this piece of paper.
A: theirs; Theirs; them B. their; Theirs; they
C: their; Theirs; them D. theirs; They; them
( ) 5. Hello, Miss Li. ________.
A. Here's some flowers for you B. Here are some flowers for you
C. Here's some flowers of you D. Here are some flowers of you
( ) 6. -______ the door, please. - Please come in. The door _____.
A. Be open; opens B. Be open; is opening
C. Open; opens D. Open; is open
( ) 7. John ______ playing basketball. He likes football.
A. isn’t like B. doesn’t likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like
( ) 8. Look at the sign “Keep quiet” on the wall. We ______ make a noise here.
A. should B. must C. shouldn’t D. can
( ) 9. ______ child is that girl?
A. Whose B. Who C. Which D. What
( )10.-Are the two boys in this photo_______ volleyball?
-No, they aren’t. They are_______ ping pong.
A. playing; playing B. playing with; playing with
C. are playing; playing the D. are playing; playing with
( )11. Mr Smith sees a ________ note ________ the grass and _________.
A. ten-yuan; on; picks it up B. ten yuan; in; picks it up
C. ten-yuan; on; picks up it D. ten yuan; in; picks up it
( )12. John’s family usually _______ supper at 6:00 in the evening.
A. has B. have C. are having D. is having
( )13.- When is the National Day (國慶節(jié)) of the PRC? - It’s ________.
A. on 1st October B. in 1st October
C. on the 1st of October D. in the 1st of October
( )14. There is ______ “s” and _______ “u” in the word “use”.
A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. an; an
( )15. It’s going to rain. You should _______ an umbrella with you.
A. bring B. take C. use D. put
( )16. Can you show me some ________?
A. animals stamps (郵票) B. animal stamps C. animal’s stamps D. animals’ stamps
( )17. I can’t play _______ piano (鋼琴) , but I play _______ tennis very well.
A. /; / B. /; the C. the; / D. the; the
( )18. I have a watch here. It says 1:58 .
A. two past two B. fifty-eight past one C. two to one D. two to two
( )19. Does your mother cook _______ you _______ the weekend?
A. for; on B. for; at C. with; on D. to; at
( )20. I can ______ a big birthday cake _______ thirteen candles on the table.
A. see; with B. look at; with C. watch; of D. see; has
1. Lily often does some reading in the morning. (改為否定句)
Lily ______ often ______ some reading in the morning.
2. Sometimes I go to the cinema with Nick on Saturday. (就劃線部分提問)
_______ _______ sometimes ________ with Nick on Saturday?
3. We go to school from Monday to Friday. (同義句改寫)
We go to school ______ _______ ________ _______.
4. What does Kate do ? (同義句改寫) ______ Kate's ______?
5. He goes to school by bus. (同義句) He ______ ______ ______ ______ school.
6. He wants to buy himself a book. (同義句)He wants to_____ _____ _____ _____ himself.
1.He doesn’t enjoy_______(chat) with others.
2.Thanks for ________ (help) us, we’re so happy.
3. What’s the time, please? Sorry, I ________ (not have) a watch.
4. Jack, with his classmates, often _______ (go) to the bookshop books on Sundays.
5. The pair of jeans _______ (be) yours. It's not mine.
6. Jill, _______ (not be) late for the meet ing. It usually starts at 7:45.
7. Would you like _______ (drink) another glass of water ?
8. He likes _______ (listen) to the music very much.
9. My mother __________ (not wash) clothes every day.
10. It's time ________ (have) lunch.
1. 我的祖父母喜歡聽輕音樂。
My ________ ______ _________ _______ light music.
2. 明天是六月一號(hào)。祝你兒童節(jié)快樂!
__________ is June 1st. _______ _______ _______!
3. 我們和他們一起做模型飛機(jī)怎樣?
What about ______ a ______ plane _______ _______?
4. 我常上因特網(wǎng)查資料。
I often ______ ______ things ______ the __________.
5. 大樹的右邊是兩個(gè)廁所。
_______ two _______ _____ the _____ of the big tree.
Christmas is a very important (重要的) holiday in western (西方的) c__________. It is on
the 25th of D___________. People usually go to p______ and have a big lunch. C_________ are
very h_________ because they can get presents from their parents.
In China, Christmas is not very important. The biggest holiday is the S________ Festival (春
節(jié)). It usually comes in January or F___________. People v_______ their friends and eat a lot of
n_____ food. All the C_________ children like it because they usually can get red packets (紅包)
with m_________ in them.
Dear Zhou Lan,
Thank you very much for your mail. I want to go to China. I know something about China from your e-mails. Your English is very good. But I don't know much Chinese. Now I'm learning (學(xué)習(xí))it from my parents. They know much about China. They tell me many things about China.
I'm happy to know you like your school and your family. You want to know my family and my school. I have a big family. My grandparents and my parents are all very fine. My father has a brother. He is my uncle, John. He and my aunt have their children. They're Bill, Linda, Mary and Lily. My brother Dick is a boy of eighteen. I like my family very much. I'll go to China next year with my mother. She is going to teac h English in a middle school in Beijing.
( ) 1.This is an e-mail from _____ to _____.
A. Zhou Lan; Annie B.Annie; Zhou Lan's family
C. Zhou Lan; Annie's family D. Annie; Zhou Lan
( ) 2. Does Annie's father have any sister?
A. Yes, he has one. B.No, he doesn't
C. Yes, he has two. D.No, but he has a brother.
( ) 3. How many people are there in Annie's big family.
A.4 B. 6 C.12 D. 14
( ) 4. Who will come to China?
A.Annie B.Annie's family C. Annie and her mother D. Annie's parents
( ) 5. Who teaches Annie Chinese?
A. Zhou Lan. B. Annie's parents C. Annie's grandparents D. Annie herself
Each team has three players. The basketball players (運(yùn)動(dòng)員) are running and jumping in the
hot sun. Music is all around. In just twelve minutes, the game is over. But a new one starts right
away (立刻). How exciting!
This is streetball. It’s much like basketball. But it’s faster. People play it outside and it’s
interesting. Usually, children play streetball on an open (露天的) court. They use only half of the
court. What they need is a basketball goal (球框). Children love lots of things about the game.
“It’s very nice to be outside in the sun. And the music is great”, said Bai Xue, fourteen, a girl in
Some say streetball was from Europe (歐洲), others say it came from America. But now,
boys and girls in many countries like to play it. Streetball is a game for all.
( ) 1. How many players are there in each streetball team?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
( ) 2. Streetball is much like _________.
A. basketball B. tennis C. football D. badminton
( ) 3. Which one is NOT right?
A. The game is over in twelve minutes. B. People usually play a streetball outside.
C. Only girls like to play the game. D. They use only half of the court.
( ) 4. Where was the game from?
A. Europe. B. America. C. China. D. A or B.
( ) 5. What’s the best title (題目) of this passage?
A. Different Ball Games B. Streetball: An Exciting Game
C. How to Play Streetball D. Streetball And Basketball
同學(xué)們一定很愛小動(dòng)物吧,請(qǐng)以“My pet” 為題,寫一篇不少于5句的短文,寫出你的感受吧!
1. what’s it? 2. What colour is it? 3. Why do you like it? (because, play with. feed, feel happy)


一、1. first 2. thin 3. women 4. twins’ / hobbies 5. happily 6.English/England/English 7. shopping
二、g b f d c
三、1-5 CBCAB 6-10 DDCAA 11-15 ABACB 16-20 BCDBA
四、1. doesn’t/do 2. What do you / do 3. five days a week 4. What’s/job 5. takes a bus to 6. buy a book for
五、chatting helping don’t have goes is don’t be to drink listening doesn’t wash to have
六、1. enjoys listening to music 2. Tomorrow/Happy Children’s Day 3. making/model/with them 4. look for/on/Internet 5. There’re/toilets on/right
七、countries December parties Children happy Spring February visit nice Chinese money




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