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2016-08-04 00:07:15  來源:本站原創(chuàng)



— — 學而思初中課程在線預(yù)約 — —


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  catch a cold 感冒;受涼

  catch fire 著火;變得流行,火起來

  catch hold of 抓住

  catch on 流行;領(lǐng)會

  catch on to 理解

  catch one’s breath喘氣;休息

  catch one’s eye /attention 引人注目/引起注意

  catch sight of 看見

  catch up with 趕上


  come along 過來;進展,發(fā)展

  come along with 隨同

  come across 偶爾遇見,偶爾發(fā)現(xiàn)

  come at 襲擊;拜見

  come by 從旁走過

  come around 到來/蘇醒,恢復/改變看法或立場

  come around / round to 贊成;同意

  come back 回來/想起,記起

  come by獲得,得到;拜訪,串門

  come between 離間,使分開,使產(chǎn)生隔閡

  come down with 因……而病倒;患…病

  come down 流傳

  come to the point 抓住要點

  come into contact with 與……接觸

  come in for 遭到,受到(責備等):

  The reporter’s work came in for criticism.come on 發(fā)生,趕快

  come off 發(fā)生,舉行

  come off it 別傻了,別鬧笑話了,別出洋相了

  come out 發(fā)行;被告知;結(jié)果是;公開宣稱

  come into operation 啟用

  come to a standstill 停止

  come to a stop 停止;到站

  come to an end 結(jié)束

  come to light 真相大白;顯露

  come true 夢想成真

  come through 按要求(或期望)做:I asked for their help, and they came through.我向他們求助,他們就幫了我。

  come up to達到;符合;不辜負

  (live up to)come up with 提出;趕上

  come upon 偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)(或遇見)

  come a long way 取得進展;明顯提高

  come all the way 遠道而來;大老遠跑來

  come in handy 遲早有用

  come into being 誕生,形成

  come out of 從(某場所)出來;出自

  come to one’s mind 想起

  come to think of it 回頭想起

  come to an agreement 達成協(xié)議

  come what may 無論如何

  中考上海站 > 中考準備 > 中考復習 > 中考英語


  來源:家長幫社區(qū)    作者:妖嬈的五花肉    2016-05-23 13:27:33

  標簽:2016上海中考 中考英語 動詞匯總說兩句

  3. Do

  do a favor 幫忙

  do good to 有益于

  do harm to 有害于

  do damage 使受到損失

  do (one) in 使精疲力竭;殺死

  do (one) out of 騙取:His partners did him out of his fair share of the money.他的生意伙伴把他該得的那筆錢騙走了。

  do away with 廢除;去掉

  do (one’s) own thing 做自己較喜歡(較擅長的事)的事

  do or die 需要拼命,需要全力以赴

  do over 重做,返工;重新裝飾(或裝修)

  do one’s best 竭盡全力

  4. Get

  get across 穿過;清楚表達;使理解

  get accustomed to = get used to 習慣于

  get along 進展;相處;度日

  get at 暗示;夠得著,觸及;

  get away with 逃脫

  get bored doing 厭倦做某事

  get by (勉強)對付過去,(勉強)過活;溜走;勉強過得去

  get down to 開始處理;開始認真對待

  get down 使難過get hurt 受傷

  get one’s hopes up 使某人產(chǎn)生希望

  get even with 扯平

  get going 開始

  get hold of 掌握;了解

  get in the way 擋道

  get in 進入,被允許進入;到達

  get in touch with 與……建立聯(lián)系

  get somewhere/nowhere 有(無)進展

  get off the ground 有所進展;突破

  get off 被允許離開;逃脫懲罰,逃避義務(wù);

  get on one’s nerves 使……心煩

  get on 和睦相處;變老;繼續(xù),繼續(xù)進行,進步;

  5. Go

  go about 流傳;開始做(復雜的事);繼續(xù)

  go after 追求;追逐

  go along 配合:she decided to go along with their plans for the surprise party.

  go around 足夠供應(yīng),謠言流傳;四處走動

  go beyond 超出;勝過

  go back on 違背(諾言等)

  go by 憑……判斷;順便拜訪

  go down 下降;下跌;消腫;被記。ㄣ懹洠

  go Dutch 各付個的;AA制

  go in (into) 詳細調(diào)查;從事

  go in for 贊成;參加(診斷);熱衷于

  go off 消失;變質(zhì);爆炸,發(fā)出響聲

  go off on me 對我發(fā)脾氣

  go on with = go ahead 繼續(xù)

  go out 出去;泄密;過時;停止運轉(zhuǎn),熄滅;約會

  go out of one’s way to do sth.不辭辛苦做...

  go over 參觀;復習;仔細檢查;被接受(得到贊許);

  go through 通過;經(jīng)歷;完成

  go through with 把…進行到底,完成,實現(xiàn)

  go steady (和某人)正式確定戀愛關(guān)系

  go up 上升;增長;上漲

  go under 倒閉,失敗,垮掉

  go all out 全力以赴;竭盡全力

  go out of business 歇業(yè);停業(yè)

  go without saying 不用說,不言而喻

  on the go 忙個不停的

  go through a lot of money 花了很多錢

  6.    Keep

  keep an eye on sth.  照看、、密切注視

  keep in mind  記住

  keep in touch with  與……保持聯(lián)系

  keep pace with  與……同步前進

  keep off 避開

  keep back 隱瞞(信息),拒不告訴、、保留,儲存

  for keeps 長久地

  keep on (doing) 繼續(xù)(做某事)

  keep one's finger crossed  祝……好運

  keep (one's) eyes open or peeled 密切注視

  keep (one's) head above water (通過持續(xù)努力)生存,繼續(xù)、、勉強對付

  keep track of  追蹤、知道、理解

  keep (one's) sanity 保持鎮(zhèn)靜

  keep up with  跟上、、繼續(xù)

  keep up one's spirits  振作精神

  keep cool  保持冷靜

  keep count on  保持聯(lián)系

  keep sth. in mind  把……記在心上

  keep sb. from doing sth  阻止某人做某事

  keep(sth.)to oneself  不與人交往、、保守某事

  keep one's opinion / idea to oneself  不把想法告訴別人

  7.    Make

  make a fuss  大驚小怪、、小題大做

  make advances  取得進展

  make war 發(fā)動戰(zhàn)爭

  make an effort  努力

  make a night of it  痛快的玩一晚

  make a day of it  做了一整天

  make a living  謀生

  make a comeback  東山再起

  make a face  扮鬼臉

  make away with 拿走,偷走

  make a point of  堅持要

  make believe 假裝,假扮

  make certain  肯定、、確認

  make do 湊合,將就

  make ends meet  收支平衡

  make friends  交朋友

  make for 有利于,有助于

  make it  成功

  make light of 認為…不重要

  make much of 重視

  make the deadline  趕上較后期限

  make a fortune = make big bucks  掙大錢

  make no difference  毫無區(qū)別

  make a difference 有影響,有關(guān)系

  make out  辨認出、理解、填寫

  make off with (迅速)拿走,偷走

  8.    Put

  put an end to = put a stop to  終止

  put aside  撇開

  put across 溝通,交流,被理解

  put away 把……放回原處、、收起來

  put by 留存,積蓄

  put down  把……記下來、貶低,看不起、

  put forward  提出

  put off  延期

  put into practice  實踐

  put on  穿上、、上演

  put sth. in order  把……弄整齊

  put to use  使用

  put up舉起、安頓、參與、建立

  put up with  容忍、、忍受

  put up to (doing)慫恿,唆使

  put out  熄滅、解雇、給…添麻煩,冒犯

  put out with  對某人生氣

  put out by  由于某事而生氣

  put through to  電話接通

  put over on 欺騙,愚弄

  9.    Take

  take action  采取行動

  take advantage of  利用

  take after  仿效、(相貌、脾氣或性格)與…相似,像

  take care of  照顧

  take effect  生效

  take(sb.)for a ride 欺騙,蒙騙(某人)

  take charge of  負責、、管理

  take in 接待、減小,改小、理解,明白、欺騙

  take into account = take account of  把……考慮進去

  take into consideration  考慮到

  take it easy 不要緊張、、慢慢來

  take it for granted  把……當成理所當然

  take measures = take steps  采取措施、、步驟

  take off  起飛

  take one's time doing sth.從容不迫做某事

  take over  接管、、接收

  have what it takes 有能力,能夠

  take part in  參加

  take potshots at 拐彎抹角地批評,指桑罵槐

  take place  代替;發(fā)生,出現(xiàn)

  take out sth. on sb.  向某人出氣

  take turns  輪流

  take up占有、、著手

  take a break  休息,放松

  take a close look  仔細看一看

  10.  Turn

  turn around  轉(zhuǎn)身

  at every turn 到處,時時

  in turn 輪流地→(反義)out of turn

  turn down  關(guān)小、、拒絕

  turn in = hand in上交

  turn into  把……變成

  turn off  關(guān)閉

  turn away 把(某人)打發(fā)走

  turn blue/green 凍得青紫/羨慕,嫉妒

  turn on  打開

  turn over  移交、再三考慮、翻轉(zhuǎn)

  turn over a new leaf 改變,(尤指)改過自新

  turn to  翻到、轉(zhuǎn)向、求助于

  turn(one's) stomach 使惡心、、使作嘔

  turn up  突然發(fā)現(xiàn)、找到、出現(xiàn)

  turn up (one's) nose 拒絕

  turn out  結(jié)果是、生產(chǎn)、培養(yǎng)、打扮



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