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2017中考英語閱讀理解訓練:many holidays

2017-02-24 11:13:47  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理

  2017中考英語閱讀理解訓練:many holidays

  In Japan there are many holidays and other great days.We can tell only a few here.

  The fifth birthday of a boy is a great day in the family.The boy puts on a shirt like the one his father wears.It is an important moment in his life and means that he must now be a manly little boy like his father.He must smile when he has pain(疼痛)or trouble.He must carry on.

  The day a girl becomes seven years old is a big day in the family.She may now wear a sash(腰帶)like the one her mother wears.Her friends and her mother's friends come and drink tea and eat cakes.It means that the girl must now be a womanly little girl and help in the home.

  One of the great holidays in Japan is the Emperor's(天皇)birthday.Instead of school there are picnics,games,sports and speeches(演講), as we have on our fourth of July in America.


  1.How many holidays and great days are told of in the story? .

  A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four

  2.When a boy begins to wear a shirt like the one his father wears, .

  A.he isn't a boy

  B.he needn't go to school

  C.he must be a boy of strong character(性格)like his father

  D.he has no trouble

  3.Which birthday of a girl is a big day in her family? .

  A.The sixth B.The seventh

  C.The eighth D.The seventeenth

  4.Japanese children don't go to school on .

  A.their fifth birthdays

  B.their seventh birthdays

  C.their fifth and seventh birthdays

  D.their Emperor's birthday

  5.From the story we can know the writer is from .

  A.China B.America

  C.England D.Japan

  參考答案:1—5 CCBDB
