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2017中考英語閱讀理解訓(xùn)練:watching TV

2017-03-03 13:53:50  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理

  2017中考英語閱讀理解訓(xùn)練:watching TV

  Most children like watching TV.It’s very interesting.By(1) watching TV they can see and

  learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world.Of course,they can also learn over the radio.But they can learn better and more easily with TV.Why?Because they can hear and watch at the same time.But they can?t see anything over the radio.

  TV helps to open children’s eyes.TV helps to open their minds(2),too.They learn newer and

  better ways of doing things.They may find the world is now smaller than before.

  Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening.They are always busy with

  their lessons.But a few children watch TV every night.They go to bed very late.They can’t have a good rest.How about you,my young friends?

  Notes:(1)by/baI/prep.通過 (2)minds/maIndz/n.智力

  1.A few children go to bed late because they .

  A.are busy with their lessons B.do their homework

  C.watch TV D.listen to the radio

  2.Children can’t see anything .

  A.in the radio B.on the radio

  C.on TV D.by watching TV

  3.TV helps to open children’s .

  A.eyes and minds B.minds

  C.eyes or minds D.eyes

  4. children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening.

  A.A lot B.Much C. A lot of D.A little

  5.Children can study better and more easily with TV because .

  A.they like to watch TV B.they can hear at the same time

  C.they can watch at the same time

  D.they can listen to and see something at the same time

  參考答案:1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D
