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2017-05-10 13:59:52  來(lái)源:上海愛(ài)智康



— — 學(xué)而思初中課程在線預(yù)約 — —


免費(fèi)學(xué)習(xí)診斷 精品5人班 99元體驗(yàn)課



  A. 根據(jù)你聽(tīng)到的內(nèi)容,選出相應(yīng)的圖片,并在答題紙上填涂相應(yīng)的字母代號(hào),每個(gè)句子念兩遍。

1. Vivian made a delicious cheese cake for her dad.

  2. George is cycling with his best friend Tony.

  3. Will Shanghai Disneyland Park open to the public at the end of this year?

  4. It’s wonderful to go camping in the National Park, isn’t it?

  5. Joe hurt his foot seriously so he has to stay in bed now.

  6. In order to reduce pollution, more and more people prefer to use electric cars.

  B. 根據(jù)你聽(tīng)到的對(duì)話和問(wèn)題,選出較恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢? 并在答題紙上填涂相應(yīng)的字母代號(hào),對(duì)話和問(wèn)題都念兩遍。

7. W: Look! It’s a picture of a rabbit, my new pet.

  M: Wow, cute! I know what dogs and cats need but how do you look after your rabbit?

  W: I give it vegetables and water. I clean it and keep it warm, too.

  Q: What pet does the girl have?

  8. W: Too bad it’s our last day in France. There is still a lot to see.

  M: I know. But I’m sure we can see more in Britain and Germany next week.

  Q: Where are the two speakers now?

  9. M: Linda, we’ll have a party at 7:30 tomorrow. Would you like to come?

  W: I’d love to. But I won’t be able to join you until 8 o’clock.

  Q: When can Linda probably attend the party?

  10. W: Sam, any plans for the summer holiday? What about visiting Aunt Judy with me?

  M: Well, Kitty, I’ll be a volunteer at Shanghai History Museum.

  Q: Who will be a volunteer during the summer holiday?

  11. W: Are you OK, Charlie?

  M: No, not really. The freezing weather makes me feel down.

  W: Oh, I see. Would you like to go out for a walk?

  M: In the snow? Oh, come on!

  Q: What season might it be?

  12. M: Alice! Alice! Wake up! Don’t cry!

  W: Oh! What a terrible dream! A huge dog was running after me in the dark street but I couldn’t move!

  M: Don’t worry. It was just a dream. Go back to sleep.

  Q: Why did Alice cry?

  13. W: Here are several flats. Do you prefer two bedrooms or just one bedroom?

  M: Well, it doesn’t matter. I just want one close to my office.

  W: How about this one. Look at the pictures. It’s well decorated and not far from your office.

  Q: What is the man probably doing?

  14. M: I usually learn English by reading novels.

  W: Watching American movies is also a good way. It helps to know how foreigners communicate with each other.

  Q: What are the two speakers probably talking about?

  C. 判斷下列句子是否符合你聽(tīng)到的對(duì)話內(nèi)容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示,并在答題紙上填涂相應(yīng)的字母代號(hào),對(duì)話念兩遍。

W: Hello, what can I do for you?

  M: I’d like to look at some mobile phones.

  W: Sure, follow me, please. I’ll show you our latest models.

  M: Thank you very much.

  W: Are you buying a phone for yourself or someone else?

  M: Just for myself.

  W: I see. These models are all very popular at the moment.

  M: I really like this white one. Can you show me how it works?

  W: Yes, of course. Turn it on here.

  M: Great, thanks. Ok. Has this phone got a music player and a camera?

  W: Yes, it has.

  M: How much is it?

  W: 3,800 Yuan.

  M: Wow! I am afraid I’ll have to check with my mum. I don’t think she’ll let me spend that much.

  W: Well, with this model, you can watch videos, play games and send E-mails.

  M: Hum. I don’t think I’ll need all that. Shall I find some cheaper models?

  W: Yes, please.

  M: Could you show me something more basic?

  W: That’s no problem .I’ll just put this back in the box. Now, what about this one?

  M: Oh, I like this one.

  W: Yeah, so do I. It has everything you need. And it’s a lot cheaper. Look! I’ve got one, too.

  M: Ok, I’ll take it.

  D. 聽(tīng)短文,完成下列內(nèi)容,短文念兩遍。

Do you have a problem Are you worried about a friend Call us for help.

  (The telephone is ringing.)

  Hello, my name is Maria. I’m having some problems with my best friend, Lucy. She’s completely changed since her birthday. Her mum gave her a mobile phone. We used to have fun together, shopping and meeting friends. Now she spends all her time sending messages on her phone, and she doesn’t work hard. She hasn’t been out with us for weeks, and she is not interested in doing anything. And she’s had problems in school, because she checks for messages in class. What should I do?

  (The telephone is ringing again.)

  Hi, I’m Damon. I’m worried about my brother, Victor. He eats a lot of junk food. He’s already eaten three hamburgers and two packs of French fries today. And it’s only 11 o’clock in the morning, and he has drunken three cans of Cola. Last night, he told our mum he wasn’t hungry, but he went to the shop and bought chocolate. He always loses his temper easily. I tried to talk to him about it, but he got angry with me. In fact, he hasn’t spoken to me at all this week. My parents haven’t noticed yet. Should I say something to them?


  愛(ài)智康初中輔導(dǎo)頻道為大家提供了2015上海中考英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力下載(附原文),大家可以拿去好好看看了!欲了解更多關(guān)于中考英語(yǔ)查漏補(bǔ)缺輔導(dǎo)課程,歡迎撥打免費(fèi)電話:4000-121-121!或者直接加入QQ群:143281843 上海中孩子交流群 老師們?yōu)槟诰答疑!還有更多學(xué)習(xí)資料等你下載!

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