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2017-05-26 17:48:03  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理



  1.—Have you read the book Harry Potter?

  —Sure.Eric is also __D__ it and we become friends because of that.

  A.proud of B.afraid of

  C.serious about D.interested in

  2.—What did Max just say to you?

  —He asked me __A__.

  A.if I would like to go skating

  B.when did I buy this CD

  C.where I will spend the weekend

  D.that I had a good time

  3.If you behave __C__,others will think you are ________.

  A.polite,polite B.polite,politely

  C.politely,polite D.politely,politely

  4.—Are you afraid of __B__ at home,Linda?

  —No,I've grown up.

  A.alone B.being alone

  C.lonely D.being lonely

  5.I don't think it is good for young people to __A__ too much time ________ online.

  A.spend,chatting B.take,chatting

  C.spend,to chat D.cost,to chat

  6.I've been old enough to take care of myself.I'll no longer __D__ my father.

  A.keep on B.hold on

  C.put on D.depend on

  7.I can't tell when the house was built __A__,but it must be very old.

  A.exactly B.differently

  C.quickly D.simply

  8.__B__ they're a little expensive,________ I'll take them.

  A.Even though,but B.Even though,/

  C.If,but D.Because,/

  9.—How was the weather there today?

  —Sunny,but cloudy __D__.

  A.in time B.on time

  C.all the time D.from time to time

  10.Jack saw them __B__ football when he passed by the playground yesterday.

  A.played B.playing C.to play D.play


  A jobless man wanted to apply (求職) for the position of “office boy” at Microsoft.The staff manager interviewed him and then gave him a __11__:clean the floor.The man passed it:he cleaned the floor very well.

  “You are hired(雇傭),”the manager told the man.“Give me your email address,and I'll send you the form to __12__.I shall also send you the __13__ you should report for the work.”

  The man replied,“I don't have a __14__,or email!”

  “I am sorry,” said the manager.“If you don't have email,that means you do not exist(存在).And we cannot __15__ persons who do not exist.”

  The man was very __16__.He didn't know what to do.He only had 10 dollars with him.Once that was __17__,he wouldn't have any money to buy even food.He went to the supermarket and bought a box of tomatoes with his 10 dollars.He went from door to door and __18__ the tomatoes in small bags.He doubled his money.

  He __19__ this three times,and returned home with 60 dollars.He realized that he could continue to live this way.He started to go earlier every day,and returned later.He doubled or made even three times his money every day.Soon,he __20__ a cart,then a truck.In a very short time,he had his many delivery(遞送)trucks.

  Five years later,the man became one of the most biggest __21__ sellers in the country.He started to plan his family's future.He called an insurance(保險)broker,a man who sells insurance.At the end of the __22__,the broker asked him for his email address.The man replied,“I don't have en email.”

  Hearing that,the broker felt very __23__.“You don't have email,and yet have succeeded in becoming so __24__.Can you imagine what you could have been if you had email?” he said aloud,The man thought for a while,and replied,“an office __25__ at Microsoft!”

  If you just lost your job or just failed an interview,don't worry,think of the positive(積極的)...Good days are on the way and something better will happen to you.

  11.A.job B.hand C.chance D.test

  12.A.checked out B.put up

  C.fill in D.write down

  13.A.name B.date C.address D.ticket

  14.A.computer B.screen C.website D.letter

  15.A.believe B.pay C.accept D.refuse

  16.A.pleased B.excited

  C.embarrassed D.disappointed

  17.A.exchanged B.spent

  C.wasted D.lost

  18.A.divided B.showed C.kept D.sold

  19.A.repeated B.reminded C.tried D.counted

  20.A.borrowed B.repaired C.received D.bought

  21.A.truck B.insurance C.food D.door

  22.A.introduction B.conversation

  C.business D.story

  23.A.worried B.satisfied C.upset D.surprised

  24.A.clever B.healthy C.rich D.confident

  25.A.boy B.secretary C.cleaner D.head


  Five years ago,my mother gave birth to a brother for me when I was 8.I have learned a lot from getting along with him.

  After he was born,I almost became a babysitter.I had to amuse him after school.I would make faces and sing to him when he was crying.Sometimes I even carried him everywhere in our yard to refresh him while my parents were busy.What I liked to do best was to feed him when looking after him.How cute he was as he tasted his favorite food!My parents often praised me happily.As an elder brother,you've made contributions to looking after your younger brother.

  I have got happiness from sharing.When I was young,I was the only child in my family.I could get what I wanted from my parents and get my parents' whole love.I was a “Little Emperor”.

  But now,as long as I get something good,I will share it with him.I remembered the year when he was three,he was fond of Rubik cubes(魔方).I bought one for him with my lucky money as a birthday present.When he got the toy,he was so happy that he laughed,hugged me and said,

  “Brother,I love you!”

  Thanks for spending these years together with my family.It has taught me what responsibility means,what unselfishness means and what friendship means.Not only should I look after myself,but also I should pay attention to my family and my friends.

  26.The underlined word “amuse” in the second paragraph means __B__.

  A.開他玩笑 B.令他開心

  C.令他生氣 D.令他討厭

  27.When looking after his younger brother,the writer did the following EXCEPT __D__

  A.carrying him everywhere

  B.making faces and singing to him

  C.feeding him

  D.telling stories to him

  28.How old was the writer when he bought the birthday present for his younger brother?__C__

  A.3. B.8. C.11. D.13.

  29.Before his younger brother was born,the writer.__B__

  A.was a babysitter in his family

  B.was a “Little Emperor” in his family

  C.cooked for his family

  D.bought a Rubik cube for himself

  30.If you have a brother or a sister in your family,you might learn to be __A__ from the passage.

  A.responsible B.selfish

  C.lonely D.puzzled


  English has some apologetic terms(表示歉意的用語).It seems that they mean the same thing.They almost do.However,what's the difference between “Excuse me”,“I'm sorry”,“Pardon”,and “What?”


  Americans don't really use “pardon”.If you do,they will probably joke that you're trying to sound pretentious(炫耀的) or joke that you're British.

  I'm sorry

  We often use “I'm sorry” for past events.That's to say,it is generally used to apologize for something you have already done.For example,if you step on someone's foot on a crowded bus,you would say “I'm sorry” or “sorry”.

  Excuse me

  This is generally a term to ask permission(允許) for something.For example,you're walking through a crowded space and someone is in your way.You would say “excuse me” to ask him to move out of your way.


  Americans usually use it to ask someone to repeat himself.If you want to be politer,you could say,“I'm sorry,what was that?” or “Excuse me,what did you say?” or any other such thing.Most Americans will just say “What?” though.

  In our daily life,we can also use these terms by mixing them up.You could,for example,ask someone to move by saying “Sorry,would you mind moving?” It's an extra-polite way to make your request.


  31.Who say “pardon” more often,Americans or the British?


  32.Which term is used for future events according to the passage?


  33.When do Americans usually say “What?”


  34.Imagine a situation to say “I'm sorry”.


  35.What is the passage mainly about?



  初中生活中,你有些什么改變?你是怎樣改變的?請以“How I have changed”為題寫一篇英語小短文,描述你發(fā)生的變化。寫作內(nèi)容包括:興趣愛好、行為習(xí)慣、學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣等方面。



  One possible version:

  How I have changed

  How time flies!Three years has quickly passed,and I have changed a lot during these days.

  On one hand,I wasn't good at learning English at first.When my English teacher learned about that,she taught me how to memorize new words and to read as many passages as possible.Soon I made great progress and became interested in English.

  On the other hand,I was too weak to do my exercise,but with the help of the teachers and classmates,I do exercise whenever I am free,and now I can run very fast and I'm also good at playing basketball like other boys.

  Thanks to the middle school life,I have changed so much!Thanks to the teachers and classmates,I have learned so much!Never will I forget the valuable middle school life!
