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2017-08-15 14:46:43  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理

  初中英語主謂一致訓(xùn)練!在英語中,句子中的謂語動(dòng)詞在人稱和單、復(fù)數(shù)形式上必須和主語保持一致,這就是我們通常說的“主謂一致”。一般情況下,主謂之間的一致關(guān)系由以下三個(gè)原則的支配: 語法一致原則、 意義一致原則和就近原則。下面為大家分享初中英語主謂一致訓(xùn)練!



  1.There _____ a pen and some books on the desk. (is / are )

  2.There ____ any milk in the bottle.

  A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

  3. There ____ a pair of shoes on the floor. The shoes ____ mine.

  A. are; is B. is; is C. is; are D. are; are

  4. There ____ a lot of good news in today’s newspaper.

  A. is B. are C. was D. were

  5.Neither you nor Li Hua __________ been to Shanghai before. (have / has )

  6. Not only you but also he ____ late for yesterday's class meeting.( was / were )

  7. Either the teacher or his students ____ going to stay here.(is / are )

  8. Neither you nor Li Hua ----___ been to Shanghai before. (have / has )

  9. Here _____ some books and paper for you. (is / are )

  10 Neither you nor I _____ wrong . (am / is / are )

  11. Either he or you ____ to tell the truth. (have / has )

  12. Not only the basketball players but also the coach ___ very nervous.(was / were )

  13. Not only the parents but also James ____ London. They will come back in a month.

  A. has been to B. have been to C. has gone to D. have gone to

  14 . Neither you nor Lin Hua ____ to the great Wall before.

  A. have been B. has gone C. has been D. have been

  15.My family ______ big. (is / are )

  16.My family _____ all friendly. (is / are )

  17.His family _____ watching TV in the sitting room. ( is / are )

  18. Class Two ____ having their lessons when there was a knock at the door.

  A. is B. are C. was D. were

  19. My family _____ a very big one,with ten people in it. (is / are )

  20. My family all _____ watching TV.(like / likes )

  21. Sheep ___ white and milk ____ white, too.

  A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is

  22. People here _____ very friendly. ( is / are )

  23. The police ____ having a meeting.( is / are )

  24. The police _____soon.

  A. is coming B. are coming C. has come D. have come

  25. People in the village _____ living better now. ( is / are )

  26. This pair of shoes __ dirty.( is / are )

  27. There ____ two glasses of water on the table. ( is / are )

  28. my shirt ___ white and trousers ____ black.

  A. are; are B. are; is C. is; is D. is; are

  29. Several pairs of new shoes _____ been sent to the old men. (have / has )

  30. This pair of shoes _____.

  A. is her B. is hers C. are hers D. are her

  31. Tom's new trousers ______ (be) blue.

  32. The pair of glasses ______ you well. ( fit / fits )

  33. No news _____ good news. ( is / are )

  34. Maths _____ very popular in our class. ( is / are )

  35. Physics _____ a difficult subject for me. ( is / are )

  36. Maths _____ many students. (interests / interest )

  37. The news ___ surprising. ( is / are )

  38. Maths ____ one of the ____ subjects in middle school.

  A. are; important B. is; most important

  C. is; more important D. are; much important

  39. Both you and I ____ students. ( is / are )

  40. Reading and writing ______ very important. ( is / are )

  41. A speaker and writer ___ coming tomorrow.( is / are )

  42. A speaker and a writer ___ coming tomorrow.( is / are )

  43. The poet and writer ______ leaving for Beijing. ( is / are )

  44. The poet and the writer _____ leaving for Beijing. ( is / are )

  45 . The teacher and writer ____ from America.

  A. are B. were C. is D. come

  46. The doctor and writer _____ (have/has ) been here for two years.

  47. Tom and I ________ (be) going to see a film this evening.

  48. The old _____ going to be looked after well. ( is / are )

  49. The poor ______ not able to buy this car. ( is / are )

  50. The beautiful _____ not always the useful. ( is / are )

  51 The rich ______ not always happy.

  A. are B. is C. has D. have

  52. The old ____ taken good care of in China.

  A. are B. is C. was D. have

  53. His mother with him ____ out for a walk every day. (goes / go )

  54. The boy with the two dogs ______ when the earthquake rocked the city.

  A. were sleeping B. is sleeping

  C. was sleeping D. are asleep

  55. Everyone but Lucy and Lily______the idea. (like / likes )

  56. Mr Green together with his children _____ to the park every Sunday. (goes / go )

  57. Everyone except Tom and John______there when the meeting began.

  A. are B. is C. were D. was

  58. Two thirds of the bread ______ eaten. ( was / were )

  59. Half of the apples _____ red. ( is / are )

  60. Most of the water here ______ clean. ( is / are )

  61. Three quarters of the teachers ____ (be )women teachers.

  62. Most of his money ______ spent on books. ( is / are )

  63. Most of the students ____(be ) taking an active part in sports.

  64. Three quarters of the information ____ in English. ( is / are )

  65. ours (=Our Party) ______ a great party. ( is / are )

  66. Your shoes are black, mine _____ brown. ( is / are )

  67. The number of the students in our class _____ 50. ( is / are )

  68. A number of students ___ learning Japanese now. ( is / are )

  69. A number of the stories _______ not true. ( is / are )

  70. A large number of students in our class _____ girls.

  A. are B. was C. is D. be

  71. Behind the house ______ some trees. ( is / are )

  72. In the boat _________ (be) three young men.

  73. On the river ______some boats. ( is / are )

  74. Look, here come some _______.

  A. dog B. horse C. deer D. cow

  75. Between the two buildings ____ a school.

  A. lie B. lies C. lying D. have

  76.___ watching too much TV good or bad for your health? ( be )

  77. Smoking ______ not a good habit. ( is / are )

  78. To live happily ______ a lot of things.( needs / need )

  79. What I said ______ true. ( is / are )

  80. Doing morning exercises ____ (be) good for your health.

  81. What I want to say ______ just “ Take care!”. ( is / are )


  82. What we need now _______ confidence. ( is / are )

  83. To save lives____the duty of the doctor. ( is / are )

  84. Six miles ____ (be )too far for an old man to walk.

  85. Two months _____ quite a long time. ( is / are )

  86. Five thousand dollars ______ too much. ( is / are )

  87. Ten kilometers _____too long for me to run. ( is / are )

  88. More than a month ____ since the foreign friends came here.

  A. has passed B. have passed

  C. has past D. have past

  89. Many people say 10,000 _______ a lot of money.

  A. dollar is B. dollars are

  C. dollars is D. dollar are

  90. Who _____ League Members ?( is / are )

  91. I have read all the books. Some____me feel interesting.

  A. is B. are C. make D. makes

  92. The food was bought two days ago. Some of it ____ gone bad.

  A. has B. have C. is D. are

  93. We have 45 students. Some __ not interested in maths. ( is / are )

  94. Where ____my glasses? ( is / are )

  95. One of the students _____(was / were ) late for school.

  96. Everything _____ (go) well with me.

  97. Each of you _______ cleverer than me. ( is / are )

  98. Neither student ____ passed the exam. (have / has )

  99. Either of the books _____ boring. ( is / are )

  100. “I”______ (be) the ninth letter.

  Key:1.is 2.B 3.C 4.A. 5.has 6.was 7.are 8.has 9.are 10.am 11.have 12.was 13.C 14.C 15.is 16.are

  17.are 18.D. 19.is 20.like 21.D 22.are 23.are 24.B 25.are 26.is 27.are 28.D 29.have 30.B

  31.are 32.fits 33.is 34.is 35.is 36.intresets 37.is 38.B 39.are 40.are 41.is 42.are 43.is 44.are 45.C

  46.has 47.are 48.are 49.are 50.are 51.A 52. A 53.goes 54.C 55.likes 56.goes 57.D.58.was 59.are

  60.is 61.are 62.is 63.are 64.is 65.is 66.are 67.is 68.are 69.are 70.A 71.are 72.are 73.are 74.C

  75.B 76.Is 77.is 78.needs 79.is 80.is 81.is 82.is 83.is 84.is 85.is 86.is 87.is 88.A 89.C 90.are

  91.C 92.A 93.are 94.are 95.was 96.goes 97.is 98.has 99.is 100.is




