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2018-09-15 18:21:13  來源:網(wǎng)站整理

初三英語入學診斷考什么!很多家長有一個誤解,覺得學英語就是死記硬背。這種認知是有相當偏差的。會直接導致了孩子的英文學習事倍功半。痛苦不堪,甚至完全喪失了興趣,成為惡性循環(huán)。如果孩子的英文成績一直無法提高,一定是孩子的學習方法或?qū)W習習慣出了問題,必須及時糾正。下面小編為大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">初三英語入學診斷考什么。


一、 聽短對話,回答問題(共5小題, 計5分)

  1. How does Jenny usually go to school?

  A. By bus B. By bike C. On foot

  2. What are they talking about?

  A. Books B. Flashcards C. Computers

  3. What made Han Mei so frustrated?

  A. A storybook B. A math problem C. An English movie

  4. How does Ann study English?

  A. By studying in a group B. By studying in the library C. By listening to the train   

5. Who helped the girl?

  A. A doctor B. A policeman C. A soldier

  二、 聽長對話,回答問題(共6小題,計12分)

  聽下面一段對話, 回答第6至8三個小題,F(xiàn)在, 你有15秒鐘的時間閱讀這三個小題。

  6. How did Judy do in this math test?

  A. She did well in B. She did badly in it C. We don’t know

  7. Who is the man in the dialogue?

  A. Judy’s father B. Judy’s uncle C. Judy’s teacher

  8. What will Judy probably do next?

  A. Stop learning math B. Practice math more C. Ask others for advice

  聽下面一段對話, 回答第9至第11三個小題。 現(xiàn)在, 你有15秒鐘的時間閱讀這三個小題。

  9. How many pieces of advice does Lisa give Ron?

  A. Two B. Three C. Four

  10. What does Ron often do to others?

  A. Say bad words behind them B. Go to parties with them C. Give them some help

  11. Which of the following is True about the talk?

三、 聽獨白,回答問題(共4小題,計8分)   

生詞提示:acid [ˈæsɪd]酸 react[riˈækt] with 同…產(chǎn)生化學反應 copper [ˈkɔpə] oxide[ˈɔksaid] 氧化銅   

12. What subject is the experiment about?   

A. Math B. Physics C. Chemistry   

13. What don’t we need to do the experiment?   

A. Salt B. Old coins C. Sugar   

14. How many steps do we need to do the experiment?   

A. 3 B. 4 C. 2   

15. What happens to the coins when we wash them with running water?   

A. They become shiny B. They turn blue C. They turn red   


四、選擇填空:(共15小題, 計15分)   

16. The word “race” is pronounced as .   

A. / reis / B. /reiz / C. /rez / D. /ræs /   

17. There are bookshops on side of the street. of them are open.   

A. both, All B. every, None C. either, Some D. other, Most   

18. I don’t know if his uncle .   

I think he if it doesn’t rain.   

A. will come, comes B. will come, will come C. comes, comes D. comes, will come   

19. Most students complain that have trouble so much homework in such a short time.   

A. finish B. finishing C. finished D. finishes   

20. “You study this term than last term,” Miss Zhang said .   

A. much carefully, kindly B. more carefully, very kind   

C. more careful, kind enough D. much more carefully, kindly   

21. Do you mind my taking this place?   

. It’s for my son.   

A. Better not B. Yes, of course not C. Yes, please D. Not at all   

22. The temperature won’t be down there are big storms.








