

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

預約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學員個性化學習需求 馬上報名↓



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當前位置:北京學而思1對1 > 小學教育 > 小學英語試題 > 正文


2018-12-16 18:42:34  來源:無憂考網(wǎng)





  I聽力部分 40%

  一、 選出你所聽到的單詞(8%)

  1.( ) A. both B. boats C. boots

  2.( ) A. mail B. nail C. fail

  3.( ) A. false B. fifth C. fourth

  4.( ) A. toothache B. tooth C. toothless

  5.( ) A. behind the house B. beside the house C. between the house

  6.( ) A. 7:55 B. 8:05 C. 8:55

  7.( ) A. on May 15th B. on March 15th C. on May 5th

  8.( ) A. present B. pleasant C. pleasure

  二、 選出你所聽到的句子(5%)

  1.( ) A. Are you going to North Country Park by bus?

  B. Are they going to North Country Park by bus?

  C. Are they going to North Country Park by bike?

  2.( ) A. Fires can be in forests, in schools, and at homes.

  B. Fires can start in schools, in forests and at home.

  C. Fires can begin in forest, in schools and at home.

  3.( ) A. Sometimes the windmill moves slowly.

  B. Sometimes the wind moves slowly.

  C. Sometimes the windmill moves quickly.

  4.( ) A. The Yangtze River is very , very long.

  B. The Huangpu River is in Shanghai.

  C. The Huangpu River is part of the Yangtze River.

  5.( ) A. Our classroom is on the fifth floor.

  B. Our classroom is on the fifteenth floor.

  C. Our classroom is on the fourteenth floor.

  三、 聽小對話,選出正確的應答句(10%)

  1.( ) A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By underground.

  2.( ) A. On March 11th. B. On March 12th. C. On March 14th.

  3.( ) A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.

  4.( ) A. Strongly. B. Heavily. C. Slowly.

  5.( ) A. She’s doing her homework. B. She’s doing a puzzle.

  C. She’s playing computer games.

  四、 聽短文判斷,正確的用“T”表示,錯誤的用“F”表示(10%)

  1.( ) Yaz lives in a house.www .Xk b1.coM

  2.( ) Yaz doesn’t like raw meat. He hates it.

  3.( ) Yaz throws a piece of meat into the fire.

  4.( ) The cooked meat tastes nice.

  5.( ) Yaz and his family cook their meat on a stove.

  五、 聽錄音,在空格中填上你所聽到的單詞。(7%)

  Kitty and her grandma is in the _____________. They are____________ some coffee. First, Grandma ___________ some water. __________ she puts some coffee powder(粉)in the cup. Then they __________ the hot water into the cup. ___________, Kitty puts some sugar and milk into the cup, too. __________ it. How nice! They are drinking coffee in the living room now.


  II 筆試部分 60%

  一、 正確書寫,注意大小寫和標點符號3%

  hows your new home peter its very nice


  1.( ) first worker 2.( ) sick sign

  3.( ) trip drip 4.( ) pour sour

  5.( ) cough rough 6.( ) medicine second

  三、選擇 10%

  1.( ) It is _______ today. I need an umbrella.

  A. windy B. cloudy C. rainy

  2.( ) There are some ______ in the box.

  A. match B. matchs C. matches

  3.( ) There is ________ water in the bottle.

  A. a lot of B. much C. both A and B

  4.( ) ___________. How do I get to the zoo, please?

  A. Hello B. Sorry C. Excuse me

  5.( ) ______ do you go to Beijing by plane? Twice a year.

  A. How long B. How C. How often

  6.( ) Look _________ the window. It’s raining heavily.

  A. at B. out of C. to

  7.( ) We are going to have a picnic _______ Saturday morning.

  A. in B. on C. at

  8.( ) Today is your birthday. There are five puppets here. You can have ______ the toys. Thanks.

  A. both B. all C. one

  9.( ) The weather is nice today. The sun shines, and the wind blows___________

  A. gently B. gentle C. strongly

  10.( ) The Double Ninth Festival is a festival ______ old people.

  A. to B. for C. with

  四、用所給詞的適當形式填空 10%

  1. What _____ Jane’s mother ____(do) at 6:00 p.m? She _____(wash) the dishes.

  2. December is the _________(twelve) month of the year.

  3. Are the biscuits ___________(same) or different?

  4. Ben, __________ (not play) with matches.

  5. Where are the _________(potato)? In the basket.

  6. Look. The men are ________(swim) in the river.

  7. I have a toothache today. I should________(brush) my teeth every day.

  8. The children are flying their kites __________(happy).


  1.Lanlan goes to school on foot.(按劃線部分提問)


  2.Grandma is making some tea.(改為一般疑問句并作肯定回答)


  3. I like the big bedroom. (用which改寫句子)


  4. You should wear warm clothes. (改為否定句)


  5. I take the medicine three times a day.(按劃線部分提問)


  6. This bird is in the cage. That bird is in the cage ,too.(兩句合成一句)¬


  六、完成對話 7%

  A: How do I get to Shanghai Museum, please?

  B: Walk ______ Yanan Road. Turn left at the first _______. Then you can see it.

  A&C: ________. Thank you very much.

  A: How beautiful!

  C: Let’s look at the ______ of the museum.

  A: What do you _______ to see?

  C: I want to go to the fourth _______. There are many pictures.

  A: I want to see the furniture.

  C: OK. We can go to the third floor first. Then we go to the fourth floor.

  A: Let’s _______.

  七、 閱讀理解 15% (一) In the shop

  One day, Lucy goes to a clothes shop. There are many clothes in it. Lucy can see some shorts, some blouses, and so on. Lucy wants to buy a dress. Because the old one is too small for her. She is looking at the dresses. She likes the blue one because it has pockets. It’s pretty. But it’s too dear(貴的). It’s ninety yuan. Lucy only has fifty yuan. She finds a pink dress. It doesn’t have pockets. But it’s lovely. It’s forty-five yuan. Lucy takes the pink one. When she puts on the dress, everyone says,‘It looks great on you!’


  1.( ) Lucy wants to buy a blouse.

  2.( ) Lucy can’t afford (承擔) the blue dress.

  3.( ) The pink dress is not dear.

  4.( ) The pink dress fits.(合適)

  5.( ) At last, Lucy left ten yuan.

  (二)Have lunch

  Mr White works on a farm. He and his wife grow a lot of plants and they have some cows. Every day they work hard from morning to night. One day, Mr White says to his wife“Let’s go to Portsmouth next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.” His wife is very happy when she hears this, because they always eat a lot, and she doesn’t like cooking three times a day. They go to Portsmouth by bus and walk for about an hour(小時). At twelve o’clock, they want to have lunch. In front of one restaurant, they see a notice. It says, “Lunch 12:30 to 2:30, 1.5 pounds.” “Well, that’s good,” Mr White says, “This is the place for us.”


  ( )1. Mr and Mrs White are _____________.

  A. farms B. farmers C. doctors

  ( )2. They ________ to Portsmouth.

  A. take a car B. ride their bicycles C. take a bus

  ( )3. Mrs White doesn’t like _______________.

  A. eating in the restaurant B. cooking C. that restaurant

  ( )4. They want to _____________ in Portsmouth.

  A. have lunch B. go to the cinema C. Both A and B.

  ( )5. Mr and Mrs White can eat for ___________hours.

  A. 2 B. 3 C. 1.5

  (三)Seeing the doctor

  A dentist begins his work. Suddenly a man runs into the dentist’s. His hand is red and he could only say ‘Quick! Quick!’ The dentist thinks the man must have a toothache. Then the dentist gives him some medicine to make him sleep. He looks in the man’s mouth and pulls out all the bad teeth. As soon as the wakes up, he says in a low voice, ‘Quick! Quick!’ ‘That’s all right now.’ the dentist tells him. ‘You don’t understand.’ says the man, ‘Your house is on fire.!’


  1.Who runs into the dentist’s?________________________________________

  2.Does the man have a toothache?_____________________________________

  3.What does the man want to tell the dentist?____________________________

  4.Does the dentist pull the bad teeth out?_______________________________

  5.Is the dentist clever?______________________________________________

  八、寫作 5%

  以“Near my home”為題,圍繞所見所聞及活動的內(nèi)容等,介紹一下自己家附近的場所景物等,不少于5句話三種句型。






