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2019-04-14 15:31:11  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理

2019年北京初一英語相關(guān)診斷題!在學(xué)習(xí)了新的英語知識(shí)后,同學(xué)們一定要拿出來使用,就算是幾個(gè)簡單的英語單詞,同學(xué)們也可以將它們組成句子,用來和身邊的同學(xué)交流,用的多了,自己自然而然就會(huì)對它熟悉起來,下面小編為大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">2019年北京初一英語相關(guān)診斷題。









Cheryl made the two-hour trip again and again to be with her mother and they spent the long afternoons talking about the past.   


Sometimes, if the medicine made her mother sleep, Cheryl would just sit for hours quietly by her mother’s bed.   


Each time she kissed her mother before leaving the hospital, her mother would say, “I’m sorry. You drove so far and sat for so long, but I didn’t even wake up to talk with you.”   


Cheryl would tell her not to worry; it didn’t matter. But her mother still felt sorry at each goodbye. One day Cheryl found a way to make her mother happy.   


“Mom, do you remember when I was on the high school basketball team?” Cheryl said. “You would drive so far and sit for so long, but I never even left the chair to play. You waited for me after every game. Each time I felt sorry for wasting your time. Do you remember what you would say to me?”   


“I would say I didn’t come to see you play; I came to see you.”   


“Well, now I can say the same words to you. I didn’t come to see you talk; I came to see you.”   


Her mother understood and smiled as she fell back to sleep again.   




( )41. Cheryl and her mother talked about()when they were together in hospital.   


A. the illness B. the medicine C. the past D. the doctors   


( )42. The medicine made Cheryl’s mother().   


A. weak B. better C. sleep D. worse   


( )43. Each time Cheryl left the hospital, her mother would().   


A. feel happy B. feel sorry C. fall asleep D. go out   


( )44. When Cheryl(), her mother only waited for her.   


A. played basketball B. learned to drive   


C. watched a basketball game D. walked home   


( )45. The best title for the passage is ().   


A. To see you B. A two-hour trip   C. The long afternoon D. Do you remember


In a video, Rawlings shows his ability to speak well and quickly in eleven languages. They are English, Greek, Dutch, Afrikaans, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, French, Hebrew, and Catalan.   


How did he learn so many languages? Rawlings said his mother, who is half Greek, spoke to him in English, Greek and some French when he was growing up.   


“We often visited my mum’s family in Greece,” he said. “When I was young, I always wanted to speak different languages. My dad worked in Japan for four years. I was always frustrated because I couldn’t talk to other kids when I went there.”   


When he was 14 he went to Holland with his family but couldn’t understand others or say anything. So he taught himself Dutch with CDs and books. When he went to Holland again, he could speak to people in Dutch.   


As for learning methods, he says that he prefers to learn from the context (上下文). He can remember what he sees or hears—song lyrics, for example—more easily than words in a list.   


At the moment he is in Russia, practicing his Russian as part of his Oxford University course in Russian and German. After that he plans to learn Arabic (阿拉伯語) because he thinks it’s beautiful and he’s always wanted to learn it.   


But his favorite language will always be Greek, “I’ve spoken it since childhood. It has a special meaning for me.”   




( )46. Rawlings can speak the following languages EXCEPT().   


A. Greek B. Chinese C. Spanish D. French   


( )47. When Rawlings was growing up, his mother talked with him in()language(s).   


A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4   


( )48. When Rawlings was young, his father worked in()for 4 years.   


A. Japan B. England C. America D. Holland   


( )49. Rawlings thinks the best way of learning words is by ()。   


A. singing songs B. talking with others   


C. memorizing them in a list D. learning from the context   


( )50. We learn that()according to the passage.   


A. Russian is Rawlings’ favorite   B. Arabic is special for Rawlings   


C. Rawlings planned to work in Africa   D. Rawlings likes learning languages




41-45 CCBCA   46-50 BCADD












