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2020-10-24 17:17:19  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理



  北京高考英語聽說診斷訓(xùn)練模擬,小伙伴們速來圍觀!關(guān)于英語診斷時(shí)間快要來臨了小伙伴們是不是還在有所擔(dān)心呢?小編整理了有關(guān)于診斷的練題目,希望可以幫助到大家,加油。趕快來了解下。下面小編就給大家?guī)?span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">北京高考英語聽說診斷訓(xùn)練模擬,小伙伴們速來圍觀!希望對大家有所幫助哦!






  一、聽力理解(共15 小題,先進(jìn)節(jié)每小題1 分,第二節(jié)、第三節(jié)每小題2 分,助力能力25 分)

  先進(jìn)節(jié):聽小對話,從A、B、C 三個選項(xiàng)中選出正確的選項(xiàng),回答問題。

  1.Where has Anna been?

  A. America.

  B. Africa.

  C. Europe.北京中考英語聽說診斷模擬試

  2.Who is the oldest of the three?

  A. John. B. Jim. C. Joan.

  3.What time will the film start?

  A. At 7:30.

  B. At 7:00.

  C. At 6:30.

  4.How long does the journey last?

  A. Two hours.

  B. Three hours.

  C. Five hours.

  5.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Husband and wife.

  B. Father and daughter.

  C. Teacher and student.北京中考英語聽說診斷模擬試

  第二節(jié):聽長對話,從A、B、C 三個選項(xiàng)中選出正確的選項(xiàng),回答問題。聽下面一段較長對話,回答6~7 兩個問題。

  6.What does the man decide to buy?

  A. The red skirt.

  B. The red T-shirt.

  C. The yellow T-shirt.

  7.How much will he pay for it?

  A. 15 dollars.

  B. 20 dollars.

  C. 25 dollars.

  聽下面一段較長對話,回答8~10 三個問題。

  8.What’s Jerry doing at home?北京中考英語聽說診斷模擬試

  A. Reading a book.

  B. Preparing an article.

  C. Watching a film.

  9.When will Jerry have to finish his homework?

  A. On Monday.

  B. On Tuesday.

  C. On Wednesday.

  10.What does Jerry decide to write about at last?

  A. A book.

  B. A movie.

  C. A play.

  第三節(jié):聽獨(dú)白,從A、B、C 三個選項(xiàng)中選出正確的選項(xiàng),回答問題。北京中考英語聽說診斷模擬試

  11.What was the speaker doing when he heard the noise?

  A. He was reading a book.

  B. He was watching TV.

  C. He was sleeping.

  12.What was the thief doing when the speaker saw him?

  A.He was eating in the kitchen.

  B.He was climbing out of the window.

  C.He was going upstairs.北京中考英語聽說診斷模擬試

  13.What did the thief look like?

  A.He was of medium height.

  B.He had blond hair.

  C.He was wearing blue jeans.

  14.What did the thief steal?

  A.He didn’t steal anything.

  B.He took all the food in the fridge.

  C.He stole the refrigerator.

  15.What did the speaker think about the thief?

  A.He wasn’t clever enough to be a thief.

  B.He was probably just hungry.北京中考英語聽說診斷模擬試

  C.He was probably a bad guy.






  1-5: C B A C B

  6-10: C A B A B

  11-15:C B A B B




  M: Hi, Anna. Long time no see. Where have you been?

  W: I’ve been to England, France and Germany. I came back last Sunday.


  M: How old are you, Joan?

  W: I’m fourteen. John is one year younger than me and Jim is one year older than me.


  M: What time is it now?

  W: It’s seven o’clock. The film will start in half an hour. Let’s hurry up.


  M: How long have we been on the train?

  W: Two hours. And we need to spend another three hours on the journey.


  M: Mother’s Day is coming. What are you going to do for your mother?

  W: I’m planning to make a card by myself and cook breakfast for her. What about you, Dad? M: I’ve no idea.


  聽下面一段對話,回答第6-7 小題。

  W: Can I help you?

  M: Children’s Day is coming soon. I’m looking for a T-shirt for my daughter. W: T-shirts for girls are over here.

  M: Let me have a look at the red T-shirt. How much is it?

  W: It is 20 dollars. The yellow one is on sale today. It’s 5 dollars cheaper. M: OK. I’ll take the yellow one.

  聽下面一段對話,回答第8-10 小題。

  W:Hi, Jerry. What’s up?

  M:Hi, Jane. What a busy Sunday! I’m thinking about the article for my homework .

  W:When will you have to finish it?

  M:Tomorrow morning. The title is “My favorite book”, but I can’t decide what to write about. W:Well, what’s your favorite book then?

  M:It’s hard to say. I really don’t know.北京中考英語聽說診斷模擬試

  W:I see. I think you can write about something else, such as a movie, or a play. M:I think so. I’ll write about my favorite movie instead. Thanks, Jane.

  W:You’re welcome.

  第三節(jié):聽下面一段獨(dú)白,從題中所給的A、B、C 三個選項(xiàng)中選擇較好答案,完成信息記錄表。獨(dú)白讀兩遍。

  I had a really awful experience last night. I will tell you what happened. Yesterday night, I was sleeping in my room when suddenly I heard a loud noise in the kitchen. I wasn’t scared at first. I thought it was my pet cat coming inside the window. So I got up and went downstairs very quietly. Then I saw a man climbing out of the window. I was too shocked to shout for help. And I couldn’t move at all. I didn’t see his face quite well. But in the moonlight, I noticed that he had dark hair and he was neither too tall nor too short. He was wearing a blue shirt. After he left, I looked around. Strangely, he didn’t steal anything precious or expensive. He just took all the food in the refrigerator. So I guess he wasn’t a bad guy.



以上就是小編特意為大家整理的北京高考英語聽說診斷訓(xùn)練模擬,小伙伴們速來圍觀的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,同學(xué)們在學(xué)習(xí)的過程中如有疑問或者想要獲取更多資料,歡迎撥打?qū)W而思愛智康免費(fèi)電話: 更有專業(yè)的老師為大家解答相關(guān)問題!







