

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

預(yù)約高中1對(duì)1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學(xué)員個(gè)性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報(bào)名↓



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當(dāng)前位置:北京學(xué)而思1對(duì)1 > 初中教育 > 初中英語(yǔ) > 正文


2019-06-01 11:19:45  來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理








一. 根據(jù)句意寫(xiě)出下列單詞,單詞的先進(jìn)個(gè)字母已給出.(每題1分,共5分)


1. Chinese is different from English in many w_______ .


2. Grandma fell i________ yesterday , we took her to a hospital .


3. I saw an old man f________ off his bike just now .


4. E_________ is ready . Let’s begin .


5. Look ! The dog is playing w________ the cat .


二. 選擇單詞的正確形式填空.(每題1分,共5分)


1. Have you _______ fish ?


Yes , I have fed it already .(feed , fed)


2. The Greens’ family are busy _________ for their visit .(prepare , preparing)


3. The new apartment is _________ than the old one .(larger , large)


4. On _________ way to school , Jim saw the man fall off his bike .(his , he)


5. My father likes _______ very much .(fishing , fish)


三. 下列劃線部分的詞語(yǔ),中英文互譯:(共10分)




1. Joe粉刷過(guò)門(mén)了,他們看起來(lái)很明亮.


Joe has painted the doors , so they _________ very ___________ .


2. 今天輪到你值日了.It’s your turn to be _________ __________ today .


3. 湯母和邁克兩個(gè)人都在學(xué)習(xí)._________ Tom _______ Mike are studying .


4. 昨天他給我們上了一節(jié)有趣的歷史課.


He ________ ________ an interesting history lesson yesterday .


5. 他們正在生火.They ________ _________ a fire now .




1. Just then , he saw a car hit an old woman . ________________________ .


2. I’m going to be late for the meeting , I’ll leave right away . _______________ .


3. The old man thanked me again and again . _____________________ .


4. She often goes sightseeing in her spare time . _____________________ .


5. The streets near the apartment are cleaner and quieter than before . __________________ .


四. 根據(jù)中文提示,完成下列句型.(每空0.5分,共5分)


1. 直到昨天下午5點(diǎn),我們才離開(kāi)公園.


We _________ _________ the park ________ five o’clock yesterday afternoon .


2. 我們已把教室打掃干凈.教室到處都很干凈、整齊.


We _________ already _________ the classroom . It’s clean and tidy everywhere .


3. Mr. Smith經(jīng)常外出娛樂(lè).


Mr. Smith often _________ _________ for fun in the morning .


4. 上周在他們到達(dá)北京之后,給我打個(gè)電話.


After they ________ ________ Beijing last week , they made a phone call to me .


五. 單項(xiàng)選擇:(每空1分,共15分)


( )1. —When were you born , Lily ?


-I was born ________ June 17 , 1987 .


A. in B. on C. at D. to


( )2. Do you enjoy _________ at the party last Saturday ?


A. oneself B. themselves C. ourselves D. yourselves


( )3. My father likes _________ stories in his free time .


A. reading B. watching C. seeing D. looking


( )4. ________ of them went to the zoo , _________ went to the park .


A. Some , others B. Some , the others C. Some , some D. All , others


( )5. ________ I finish middle school , I’ll go to a vocational school .


A. Before B. When C. After D. Because


( )6. I like the green coat , ________ my mother likes the red one better .


A. and B. but C. so D. or


( )7. We saw many people wait for the bus ___________ .


A. at the bus stop B. in the way C. on the way D. by the way


( )8. We _________ in this school for about two years .


A. study B. studied C. will study D. have studied


( )9. My apartment is not _________ .


A. big very much B. enough a big C. a big enough D. big enough


( )10. She met her uncle _________ her way _________ school .


A. at , / B. on , / C. at , to D. on , to


( )11. Last Saturday , we visited _________ house in the country .


A. the Green B. the Greens’ C. Greens D. the Greens


( )12. Mr. Smith ________ an hour on this work .


A. spent B. took C. used D. paid


( )13. The visitors _________ here two hours ago .


A. arrived in B. got to C. arrived D. arrived at


( )14. _______ do you want to be when you grow up ?


A. What B. How C. Who D. When


( )15. We can do more English listening and speaking in a ___________ .


A. computer room B. physics lab C. language lab D. reading room


六. 方框選詞填空.(每題1分,共5分)


both… and , wish , makes , became , call


1. We like _______ English _______ math .


2. After my father left college , he _________ a doctor of Chinese medicine .


3. What do you _________ to do after high school ?


4. Mr. Green always _________ his lesson interesting .


5. What do you _________ a school like this in your country ?


七. 補(bǔ)全對(duì)話:(0.5×10=5)


A : You moved 1 a new apartment last week , didn’t you ?


B : Yes .


A : What is your apartment 2 ?


B : It’s better 3 the old one .


The streets near the new apartment 4 quieter .


It’s not 5 form my work place . I don’t 6 to spend a lot of time on the way .


A : Which apartment do you like 7 , the new one or the old one ?


B : I like the new one , 8 my mother likes the old one .


A : Why ?


B : Because she lived in the 9 apartment for ten years . In the 10 , she knew a lot of neighbours . But now she feels very lonely .(孤單)


八. 根據(jù)中文提示,寫(xiě)出下列英文句子:(每句1分,共5分)


1. 他喜歡新房勝過(guò)舊房.


the , the , one , he , likes , new , old , better , than , house




2. 我們一周五天去上學(xué).


to , five days , go , school , we , a week ,




3. 他們上了同一所中學(xué).


went , the , they , school , to , same , middle ,




4. 我們都嘗試靠自己學(xué)習(xí)新東西.


all , ourselves , by , things , we , try , learn , to , new ,




5. 機(jī)房對(duì)我們學(xué)習(xí)幫助很大.


the , in studies , computer , room , helps , lot , a , our , us




九. 寫(xiě)作.(每題1分,共5分)


Xiao Dong是個(gè)好男孩.他在105中學(xué)習(xí),一天在他回家的路上,看見(jiàn)了一位老太太摔倒在地.他做了什么呢?


1. good , boy ,




2. study , in the No. 105 Middle School ,




3. see , an old woman , fall , the ground ,




4. take , her , home




5. he , not , go , home , until , six o’clock ,












