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英語it句型歸納,It 的13個(gè)常用句型及其運(yùn)用

2021-07-14 11:29:58  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理



— — 學(xué)而思初中課程在線預(yù)約 — —


免費(fèi)學(xué)習(xí)診斷 精品5人班 個(gè)性化團(tuán)課


it 雖然并不顯眼, 但只要運(yùn)用得當(dāng), 也能在書面表達(dá)中發(fā)揮出巨大的作用, 給人以高大上的感覺。本文在歸納其常用的句式結(jié)構(gòu)的基礎(chǔ)上著眼于在書面表達(dá)中如何恰當(dāng)?shù)剡\(yùn)用it 的相關(guān)句型, 以達(dá)到優(yōu)化句子, 增加文章亮點(diǎn)。


一、 it 句型的歸納:


( 一 ) it 作形式主語的 6 個(gè)句型


句型 1. It is + adj. (=of n.) + for sb. to do sth. / that... 某人做某事是……的。


Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? 你明天開始工作方便嗎 ?


It is vital /of great significance for students to take regular exercise. = It is vital /of great significance that students should take regular exercise. 定期進(jìn)行鍛煉這對學(xué)生來說太重要了。


句型 2. It is a shame / pity that... 很遺憾……


(1) It is a shame that some students should scribble and litter randomly on the campus. 一些學(xué)生竟然在校園中亂涂亂畫, 亂扔垃圾, 這真是太不應(yīng)該了。


(2) It is a pity that I cannot go to see the movie on Saturday evening. 很遺憾, 周六晚上我沒辦法陪您去看電影了。

說明: that 引導(dǎo)的從句為主語從句, 從句中謂語動詞的語氣分兩種情況: ① 表述的內(nèi)容是事實(shí), 用陳述語氣 , 如例句 (2) ; ②若內(nèi)容表明說話人的一種語氣 / 情感則使用虛擬語氣 , 如例句 (1)


句型 3.It is no use good doing sth. 做某事是沒有用的。

It is no use learning without thinking. 沒有思考的學(xué)習(xí)并沒有什么作用。

It ’ s no good my talking to him. 我同他談沒有用。


句型 4. It is + p.p. + that... 據(jù) ( 說 / 信 ) / 有人 ( 建議 ) ……

It is said that he has been admitted into a key university. 據(jù)說他已被一所重點(diǎn)大學(xué)錄取。


It is suggested that students should keep a balanced diet, taking more vegetables but less meat. 建議學(xué)生應(yīng)該保持均衡飲食, 多吃菜, 少吃肉。


說明: 注意 that 從句的語氣:① 當(dāng)該句型中的過去分詞為 said / reported / believed / known 等時(shí), that 從句使用陳述語氣;② 當(dāng)該句型中的過去分詞為 suggested/ordered/demanded/ commanded/required 等表示建議 / 命令 / 請求等時(shí), 從句謂語用 should 加動詞原形。


句 型 5. It + seems /appears/ happens /doesn ’ t matter /that... 好象 / 碰巧 / 重要 / ……


It seems to me that she ’ s right. 在我看來, 她做得對。


It appears that you have made a mistake. 似乎你弄錯(cuò)了。


It happened that I have something important to attend to that afternoon. 碰巧那天下午我有要事要處理。


It didn ’ t matter that our best player was injured-- we still won. 我們最優(yōu)秀的隊(duì)員受傷也沒有關(guān)系, 依然贏了。


句型 6. It takes sb. time / money / energy to do sth. 某人花時(shí)間或精力做某事。


It took me a long time to get the work finished. 我花了很長時(shí)間才將工作做完。


It takes a lot of energy to make things from new materials. 用新材料來做這些東西要消耗大量的能源。


( 二 ) it 作形式賓語的 4 個(gè)句型


句型 7. think / consider / find / feel / make + it + adj. + to do/clause


I think it best that you should stay here. 我認(rèn)為你留在這里最好。


Don ’ t you consider it wrong to cheat in examinations? 難道你不認(rèn)為在考試中作弊錯(cuò)了嗎?


They judged it better to start at once. 他們認(rèn)為馬上動身好一些。


She found it hard to answer the question. 她覺得回答這個(gè)問題很困難。


They kept it quiet that she broken the window. 她打破窗戶的事他們沒說出去。


I really feel it ashamed that some students should scribble and litter randomly on the campus. 一些學(xué)生竟然在校園中亂涂亂畫, 亂扔垃圾, 我真是為此感到丟人。


We should try every means to make it clear to students that smoking is harmful to themselves but also others around. 我們必須千方百計(jì)讓學(xué)生知道, 吸煙對不僅對他們自己本身不利,也危及旁人。


句型 8. think / consider / find / feel / make + it + n. + to do sth.


I think it a pity to waste time like that. 我認(rèn)為那樣浪費(fèi)時(shí)間真是太可惜了。


I consider it the greatest privilege to have been permitted to study your method of working. 我認(rèn)為被允許研究你的工作方法是最難得的事。


I find it a great trouble to get up at 6 a.m. 我覺得早上六點(diǎn)起床是件麻煩事。


I really feel it a great honour to deliver a speech themed with beautiful campus and colorful life here. 能在此就美麗校園, 多彩生活這一主題發(fā)表演講, 我深感榮幸。


He made it a rule to read English aloud for half an hour every morning. 他規(guī)定每天早上讀半小時(shí)英語。


句型 9. take it for granted that... 認(rèn)為……是理所當(dāng)然的事。


Don ’ t take it for granted that your parents should support


you all through your life. 別將父母始終對你給予支持視作理所當(dāng)然的事。


句型 10. I would appreciate it if you could do sth. 如果你能做某事, 我將不勝感激


I would appreciate it if you could do us a favour. 如果您能幫我們一把, 我將不勝感激。


( 三 ) 含 it 的 3 個(gè)特殊句型


句型 11. It is the + 序數(shù)詞 + time that sb. have / has done sth. 某人第幾次做某事。


It is the first time that he has come to China. 這是他第一次到中國。


注: 若是 it was, 則 that 從句的謂語動詞用 had done 。


It was the first time that Lottie had ever been out so late. 洛蒂這么晚還在外面, 這還是第一次。


句型 12.It is high time to do sth./that...  是做某事的時(shí)候了。


It is high time that we should show great concern to environmental protection. 是關(guān)心環(huán)境保護(hù)的問題的時(shí)候了。


注: that 從句的謂語用過去式或 should do , should 不可省略


I think it is high time that Kate made up her mind. = I think it is high time for Kate to make up her mind. 我認(rèn)為是凱特作決定的時(shí)候了。


句型 13. It is + 被強(qiáng)調(diào)部分 +that + 句子的其余部分


It is human activities that have caused global warming. 正是人類的活動導(dǎo)致全球變暖。




二、it 句型的運(yùn)用:


當(dāng)我們梳理完所有 it 的常見句型后, 接下來看看在書面表達(dá)中有哪些語境可以恰當(dāng)?shù)剡\(yùn)用 it 的相關(guān)句型吧。


推薦句型:I would appreciate it if... 如果…… , 我將不勝感激。




1. 咨詢信:請求給予答復(fù)


(2016 衡水調(diào)研 ) 如果你能更詳細(xì)地告訴我需特別注意的事項(xiàng), 我將不勝感激。


I would appreciate it if you could inform me of more details that I specially need to pay attention to.


2. 求助信:請求給予幫助


(2016 全國 I 卷 ) 如果你能幫我檢查一遍所附申請書和個(gè)人簡歷并作必要的修改, 我將不勝感激。


I would appreciate it if you could take some time to go through my application letter and resume attached and make some necessary changes.


3. 申請信:請求給予機(jī)會


(2012 全國課標(biāo)卷 ) 如果我能被獲準(zhǔn)成為夏令營的一員,我將不勝感激。


I would appreciate it if I could be accepted as a member of your summer camp.


4. 投訴信:請求給予處理


如果你能盡快處理這個(gè)問題, 我將不勝感激。


I would appreciate it if you could deal with the problem as soon as possible.


5. 求助 / 求職信結(jié)尾


如果你能在你方便時(shí)盡早給我回復(fù), 我將不勝感激。


I would appreciate it if you could give me a reply at your earliest convenience.


推薦句型:it 做 (形式) 主語 / 賓語的相關(guān)句型




1. 高興及其原因


(2014 四川卷 ) 感到高興, 因?yàn)橛X得 (高考) 并沒有想象中那么難。


I feel really happy because it seemed to me that it is not so difficult as I expected.


I feel really happy to find it not so difficult as I expected.


2. 招聘信


(2010 遼寧卷 ) 要求顧問每周工作 4 小時(shí)。


It is required that the advisor work 4 hours per week.


The advisor is expected to work 4 hours per week.


3. 提建議


(2009 全國遼寧卷 ) 提示:帶帽子、 手套。


It would be better for you to bring a hat and a pair of gloves with you.


It is suggested that you bring a hat and a pair of gloves with you.


4. 活動報(bào)道 / 日記中的評論


同學(xué)們都感到參加這樣的活動 (義賣) 非常有意義, 也為能幫助到需要幫助的人而感到非常開心。


All students feel it meaningful to participate in this kind of activity and delighted to do something for those in need.


5. 發(fā)言稿或演講稿:開頭客套語




It is my great honour to deliver a speech here, saying something about/concerning the English Week Activities.


注:若要明確演講的主題, 可用:It is my great honour to deliver a speech themed with / with the theme of ...here.


6. 強(qiáng)調(diào)做某事的迫切性




It is high time that effective measure should be taken to strengthen people ’ s awareness of environmental protection.


推薦句型:it is convenient for sb. (to do sth.)




1. 邀請信


(2010 全國新課標(biāo)卷 ) 如果您方便, 我衷心希望你能接受我們的邀請。


We sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation if it is convenient for you.


2. 委婉商量


(2013 全國 Ⅰ 卷 ) 詢問他是否方便接機(jī)。


I wonder if it is convenient for you to pick up my uncle at the airport and take him to the hotel.


3. 道歉信:約時(shí)間


(2016 全國 Ⅲ 卷 ) (與 Bob ) 另約時(shí)間去書店。


①I wonder whether it is convenient for you to go on Saturday morning.


②If it is convenient for you, let ’ s go on Saturday morning.


4. 咨詢信




I am writing to see if it is convenient / possible for you to provide me with more information concerning...


5. 介紹學(xué)校設(shè)施


教室、 實(shí)驗(yàn)室、 活動室都配有先進(jìn)的設(shè)備, 我們很容易獲取各種信息。


With advanced facilities equipped in our classrooms, labs and function rooms, it is convenient for us to have access to all kinds of information.


推薦句型:it 的特殊句型




1. 投訴信




It is your irresponsible attitude towards your customer that makes me angry.


2. 感謝信




It is your constant encouragement and patient instructions that make me improve a lot.


3. 求助信


(2016 全國 Ⅰ 卷 ) 這是我第一次寫申請信和個(gè)人簡歷, 因此我對此類文體的語言和格式不是很有把握。


It is the first time that I have written an application and resume, so I am not quite sure of the language and the format I have used.




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