

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

預約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學員個性化學習需求 馬上報名↓



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當前位置:北京學而思1對1 > 智康1對1試題頻道 > 小學試題 > 小學升學考試題 > 正文


2009-09-03 10:53:02  來源:本站原創(chuàng) 文章作者:匿名


1.      He         (live) in Wuxi two years ago.

2.      The cat         (eat) a bird last night.

3.      We          (have) a party last Halloween.

4.      Nancy           (pick) up oranges on the farm last week.

5.      I        (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.

6.      They          (play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson.

7.      My mother           (cook) a nice food last Spring Festival.

8.      The girls           (dance) at the party last night.

9.      I         (watch) a cartoon on Saturday last week.

10.   We          (go) to zoo yesterday.

11.          you          (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?

12.  Gao Shan          (pull) up carrots last National Day holiday.

13.  What         she           (do) in the garden last morning?

She          (catch) a beautiful butterfly.

14.  They          (have) a big lunch last Spring Festival.

15.  Last summer holiday, I        (go) to a party. It          (be) fun.

16.  We all          (eat) delicious food last week.

17.         do        you go to the zoo last Children’s Day?

18.          you          (have) a good time last night?

19.  What          Nancy          (do) last Spring Festival?

20.  What holiday          (come) after Christmas?

21.             (who) CD Walkman is it?” I asked. But nobody        (answer).

22.  I           (watch) a dragon boat race just now.

23.  The students          (go) to the supermarket          (by) bus yesterday.

24.  I’ve          (get) a wallet from my grandma.

25.             you           (eat) a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival?

26.  Mrs Black        (go) to work by bus every day, bur Mr Black          (do).

27.  It             (be) my birthday yesterday, I          (have) a good time.

1.      She does her homework. (yesterdy改寫)

2.      I am watching a film now.(just now改寫)

3.      We did a model plane yesterday.(改否定句及一般疑問句,并作兩種回答)

4.      Helen tasted oranges on the farm last holiday.

5.      I had five subjects last term.

6.      My father read a storybook about animals yesterday evening.

7.      We picked lots of apples on the farm.

8.      He wanted to go camping.

9.      It was the fourth of September two days ago.

10.  I was at the camp.

11.  There were 30 apple trees1 on the farm2.


12.  He asked her to clean the bedroom.

13.  They went to the cinema on Sunday.


