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2010-06-12 15:06:32  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源

  Unit 2

  1. locate (vt.)

  (1) 找到……的位置

  I cannot locate the shop. 我找不到這家商店。

  (2) 設(shè)置;住(在)

  The new building will be located in the center of town. 這座大樓將建在市中心。

  location (n.) 地點(diǎn);位置

  2. tower over (vi.) = tower above高聳;超過

  Skyscrapers tower over the city. 摩天大樓高聳在這座城市中。

  He towered above his contemporaries. 他超出同輩人之上。

  3. store

  (v.) 貯藏,貯備,存儲

  store up a saying in one’s heart 把一個格言記在心里

  conserve one’s strength and store up one’s energy 養(yǎng)精蓄銳

  The shed will store 30 tons of coal. 這個棚子能夠容納30噸煤。

  (n.) 商店,店鋪,貯藏,貯備

  in store 存儲著;準(zhǔn)備著

  a store of food 許多事物 a store of knowledge 豐富的知識

  4. belongings (n.) 所有物;財產(chǎn)

  She lost all her belongings in the fire. 她在那場火災(zāi)中失去了所有的財產(chǎn)。

  belong (vi.) 合適;對……合適或有用

  belong to: (1) 屬于;為……的財產(chǎn) (2) 為……的一員

  5. instruction (n.) [C]

  (1) 命令;指示;教授

  The boss gave me so many instructions at one time that I got muddled up.


  (2) (常用pl)說明

  Read the instructions on the pocket. 看一下袋子上的說明。

  instruct (vt.) 教;教授

  instructive (adj.) 有教育意義的,有啟發(fā)的,有益的

  an instructive film 科學(xué)普及片 instructive books 有教育意義的書籍

  6. expectation (n.) [C] 期待,期望

  against all expectation(s) 出乎意料 beyond expectation 料想不到

  live up to one’s expectations 不辜負(fù)某人的期望

  She ate a light lunch in expectation of a good dinner. 她午飯吃得很少,期待晚飯時飽餐一頓。

  expect (vt.) (1) 預(yù)料;預(yù)期 (2) 期待;期望

  The shop expects to make a small profit this year. 這家店鋪期望今年能賺點(diǎn)錢。

  I expect David home at 7 o’clock. 我期望大衛(wèi)7點(diǎn)鐘在家。

  7. approach

  (v.) 走近,靠近

  We approached the museum. 我們走近博物館。


  (1) 走近,靠近

  the approach of summer 夏天將至

  (2) 途徑;通路

  All approaches were blocked. 所有道路都堵塞了。

  (3) 方法,步驟

  present a new approach 提出一個新的方法

  8. scene (n.) [C]

  (1) (戲劇) 一場,一景;(電影、廣播等) 一場

  (2) (戲劇) 場景,布景

  This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three scenes.


  (3) 景色,風(fēng)景

  The scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.


  (4) 現(xiàn)場,出事地點(diǎn)

  a crowd at the scene of the accident 在出事地點(diǎn)的人群

  (5) 情景,場面

  What a quiet but lively scene. Lambs frisked about in the pastures. 小羊在牧場上跳來跳去,這是一幅多么恬靜而又生氣勃勃的景象啊。

  9. a bird’s eye view 鳥瞰

  10. extend (v.)

  (1) 延長,繼續(xù)

  The headmaster extended our holiday by four days.


  (2) 伸出,伸展(身體的一部分)

  He extended his arms in front of him as if he were praying to God.


  (3) 給予;施

  extend a warm welcome to him 向他表示熱烈歡迎

  The bank has promised to extend your company credit.


  11. direction (n.)

  (1) 命令;指示;指令

  under my direction 由我指揮

  (2) 前進(jìn)的方向;方位

  In which direction are you going, north or south?


  (3) (pl) 用法說明

  Full directions inside. 內(nèi)附詳細(xì)說明書。

  12. spot (n.) [C]

  (1) 斑點(diǎn);污點(diǎn);圓點(diǎn)

  In this disease spots appear on the legs. 得了這種病,腿上會出現(xiàn)斑點(diǎn)。

  (2) 地點(diǎn);場所

  This is a nice spot for a house. 這里是建房的好地方。

  (3) on the spot 馬上,立刻;當(dāng)場;在現(xiàn)場;當(dāng)機(jī)立斷

  The question put me on the spot. 這個問題使我得做出反應(yīng)了。

  13. instant


  (1) 緊迫的,刻不容緩的

  a patient in instant need of first aid 一個急需搶救的病人

  (2) 立即的,直接的

  He felt instant relief after taking a dose of medicine.


  (3) (食品)已配好的;速溶的

  instant coffee 速溶咖啡

  (n.) (某一)時刻,瞬息;霎時

  He paused for an instant. 他停了一會兒。

  I sent you the news the instant (that) I heard it. 我一聽到此消息,便通知你了。

  14. unique (adj.)

  (1) 的,的

  unique to… 只有……才有的

  (2) 獨(dú)特的,少見的

  That building is unique because all the others like it were destroyed.


  15. advertise (v.) 做廣告

  (1) advertise sth. 為某事做廣告,登廣告

  I advertised (my house) in the Daily News. 我在《每日新聞》上(為我的房子)登了廣告。

  (2) advertise for sb./ sth. (做廣告以)征求(某人、某物)

  We’ve advertised for someone to look after the garden.


  advertisement (n.) 廣告

  advertising (n.) 廣告業(yè)

  16. campaign

  (n.) [C] 戰(zhàn)役,運(yùn)動

  presidential election/ publicity/ safety campaign 總統(tǒng)競選/ 廣告/ 安全活動

  (vi.) 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)(參加、推行)一場運(yùn)動

  campaign for/ against 為/ 反對……而開展運(yùn)動

  17. appreciate (v.)

  (1) 鑒賞,欣賞,賞識

  appreciate good wine 品嘗美酒

  His abilities were not appreciated in his job. 他的才干在他的工作中得不到賞識。

  (2) 完全了解,明白

  I appreciate that this is not an easy decision for you to make.


  (3) 感激

  I’d appreciate it if you would turn the radio down. 請你把收音機(jī)的音量調(diào)低些。

  appreciation (n.) 欣賞,鑒賞,賞識;鑒定,判斷,評定;(土地、財產(chǎn)的)增值

  appreciative (adj.) 鑒賞的;有欣賞力的;感激的

  appreciator (n.) 鑒賞者;鑒定者;賞識者

  18. have sth. to do with 與……有關(guān)

  His job has something to do with oil. 他的工作同石油有關(guān)。

  19. remote (adj.)

  (1) 遙遠(yuǎn)的

  the remote stars/ future 遙遠(yuǎn)的群星/ 未來 the remote control 遙控器

  (2) 孤寂的;偏僻的

  Mails come to this remote village only once a week.


  (3) 關(guān)系遠(yuǎn)的,不近的

  The connection between those two ideas is very remote.


  20. similarly (adv.)

  (1) 差不多,相似的

  They were similarly dressed. 他們的穿著差不多。

  (2) 同樣地,相同地

  Men must wear a jacket and tie; similarly, women must wear a skirt or dress, not trousers. 男子必須穿夾克并打領(lǐng)帶;同樣地,女子必須穿裙子或連衣裙,不能穿褲子。

  similar (adj.) 相同的;相仿的;類似的;相似的

  similarity (n.) [C] 類似方面;相似物;類似點(diǎn) [U] 相同性;相仿性;類似性
