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預(yù)約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學員個性化學習需求 馬上報名↓



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2016-05-05 17:30:14  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理


  1.“Never for a second,”the boy says,“________that my father would come to my rescue.”(2013·江蘇,27)

  A.I doubted B.do I doubt

  C.I have doubted D.did I doubt

  答案 D

  解析 句意為:這個男孩說:“我從不懷疑我父親會來救我。”當否定副詞或具有否定含義的短語置于句首時,句子常用部分倒裝。故本題要用部分倒裝。再根據(jù)would come to...可知,是在講過去發(fā)生的事,故用過去時。

  2.It was only after he had read the papers ________ Mr.Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.(2013·大綱全國,30)

  A.when B.that

  C.which D.what

  答案 B

  解析 3.Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent ________ properly in this hospital.(2013·大綱全國,32)

  A.can be the patients treated

  B.can the patients be treated

  C.the patients can be treated

  D.treated can be the patients

  答案 B

  解析 4.________small,the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries.(2013·天津,5)

  A.As B.If

  C.Although D.Once

  答案 C

  解析 考查省略句中的連詞選擇。句意為:盡管很小,但是這個公司已經(jīng)在30多個國家有1 000名左右的客戶。as意為“因為”;if意為“如果”;although意為“盡管”;once意為“一旦”。

  5.At no time________the rules of the game.It was unfair to punish them.(2013·遼寧,26)

  A.they actually broke

  B.do they actually break

  C.did they actually break

  D.they had actually broken

  答案 C

  6.The university estimates that living expenses for international students________around $8,450 a year,which________a burden for some of them.(2013·湖南,33)

  A.are;is B.are;are

  C.is;are D.is;is

  答案 A

  解析 考查主謂一致。句意為:這所大學估計,留孩子的生活費用每年大約8 450美元左右,這對一些孩子來說是一個負擔。先進空的主語為living expenses指“生活費用”,謂語動詞用復數(shù)形式;“which________a burden for some of them”是一個非限制性定語從句,which指代前面一句話,所以此處謂語動詞用單數(shù)。

  7.Not once________to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.


  A.occurred it B.it did occur

  C.it occurred D.did it occur

  答案 D

  解析 考查倒裝的用法。句意為:邁克爾成為班里的先進名這樣的情況一次也沒有發(fā)生過。否定詞not置于句首,句子要用部分倒裝。

  8.Read this story,________you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.(2013·四川,4)

  A.or B.and

  C.but D.so

  答案 B

  解析 9.It was with the help of the local guide ________ the mountain climber was rescued.(2013·重慶,27)

  A.who B.that

  C.when D.how

  答案 B

  解析 考查強調(diào)句型。句意為:是在當?shù)叵驅(qū)У膸椭,登山者才被營救出來。強調(diào)句型的結(jié)構(gòu)是:It is/was+被強調(diào)部分+that...,故答案為B項。

  10.Film has a much shorter history,especially when________such art forms as music and painting.(2012·新課標全國,32)

  A.having compared to

  B.comparing to

  C.compare to

  D.compared to

  答案 D

  解析 句子的主語是film,它和compare之間是被動關(guān)系,所以要用被動形式。因此只能選D項。“when compared to...”相當于when引導的狀語從句的省略,補全后為:when it is compared to...。句意為:電影的歷史短得多,尤其是它與諸如音樂、繪畫等藝術(shù)形式相比較時。

  11.Not until he retired from teaching three years ago ________having a holiday abroad.


  A.he had considered

  B.had he considered

  C.he considered

  D.did he consider

  答案 D

  解析 句首是“Not until”,表達否定意義的連詞短語位于句首時要用部分倒裝,因此可以排除A、C兩項。再分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,本空所在是主句部分,結(jié)合從句時態(tài)可知主句用一般過去時態(tài)。句意為:直到在三年前從教學上退休后他才考慮到國外度假。

  12.Only after Mary read her composition the second time________the spelling mistake.


  A.did she notice B.she noticed

  C.does she notice D.she has noticed

  答案 A

  解析 句意為:只有當瑪麗再次讀她的作文之后她才注意到這個拼寫錯誤。“only+狀語/狀語從句”位于句首時,主句須用倒裝語序。after引導的是時間狀語從句,接在only之后,位于句首,所以主句要用倒裝,可排除B、D兩項。而且根據(jù)語境知read和notice都是過去發(fā)生的動作,所以答案為A項。

  13.The basketball coach,as well as his team,________ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance. (2012·陜西,12)

  A.were B.was

  C.is D.are

  答案 B

  解析 考查動詞時態(tài)和主謂一致。as well as連接兩個名詞或代詞作主語時,謂語動詞的數(shù)由先進個名詞或代詞決定。本題中主語中心詞是the basketball coach,是單數(shù);根據(jù)shortly after the match可以推斷出題干時態(tài)是一般過去時,故選B。

  14.All the photographs in this book,________ stated otherwise,date from the 1950s.(2012·陜西,25)

  A.unless B.until

  C.once D.if

  答案 A

  解析 考查狀語從句。句意為:除非被特別標明,這本書中所有的圖片都可以追溯到20世紀50年代。所填詞表條件,從句用了省略句,unless意為“除非,如果不”,故選A。

  15.It was not until I came here ________I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.(2012·湖南,30)

  A.who B.that

  C.where D.before

  答案 B

  16.All the scientific evidence ________ that increasing use of chemicals in farming ________ damaging our health.(2012·湖南,35)

  A.show;are B.shows;are

  C.show;is D.shows;is

  答案 D

  解析 17.Never before________seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.(2012·江西,32)

  A.had she B.she had

  C.has she D.she has

  答案 C

  解析 句意為:她從來都沒有看到過任何人打網(wǎng)球和Robert一樣好的。表示否定的副詞never等放在句首,句子要用部分倒裝結(jié)構(gòu),且本句時態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時。故選C項。

  18.—Was it by cutting down staff ________ she saved the firm?

  —No,it was by improving work efficiency.(2012·上海,37)

  A.when B.what

  C.how D.that

  答案 D

  解析 19.This is not my story,nor ________ the whole story.My story plays out differently.(2012·四川,5)

  A.is there B.there is

  C.is it D.it is

  答案 C

  解析 考查倒裝句。nor位于句首引起部分倒裝,排除B、D兩項;再根據(jù)句意“這并不是(關(guān)于)我的故事,它也不是故事的全部。我的故事的結(jié)局不同。”用代詞it指代前面的“this story”。故選C。

  20.It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine.________,we’d better take it to the garage immediately.(2011·江蘇,33)

  A.Otherwise B.If not

  C.But for that D.If so

  答案 D

  解析 句意為:聽起來好像汽車的發(fā)動機出了故障。如果這樣的話,我們較好馬上把它開到維修廠(修理一下)。otherwise否則,要不然;if not如果不是這樣的話;but for that要不是那樣。以上三項均不符合句意。if so如果這樣的話,符合句意。if so相當于if something is wrong with the car’s engine。
