

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

預約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學員個性化學習需求 馬上報名↓



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當前位置:北京學而思1對1 > 高中教育 > 高二期末 > 正文


2016-06-23 14:39:59  來源:愛智康








  1. When did the woman see Bob?

  A. At 3:00. B. At 4:00. C. At 6:00.

  2. What will the two speakers buy next?

  A. A jacket. B. A handbag. C. A watch.

  3. What do the two speakers hope to do?

  A. Stop cigarette production.

  B. Advise people not to smoke.

  C. Stop young people from smoking.

  4. What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Mother and son. B. Hostess and guest. C. Waitress and customer.

  5. Where is the young woman going?

  A. Library. B. Cinema C. Classroom


  6. What color is the coat the woman chooses?

  A. Red. B. Grey. C. Black.

  7. How much will the woman pay?

  A. $100. B. $90. C. $80.


  8. why is the man unhappy?

  A. Medicine is too difficult for him.

  B. His parents won’t support his dream.

  C. He doesn’t know what he really loves.

  9. What does the woman really want to be?

  A. A writer. B. An engineer. C. A singer.


  10. What are the two speakers going to do?

  A. Visit Mark together. B. Eat in a restaurant. C. Do the shopping.

  11. What time is it probably now?

  A. 5:50. B. 6:00. C. 6:30.

  12. What feature will probably help the man recognize the woman?

  A. She wears glasses.

  B. She is wearing a grey dress.

  C. She has long black hair.


  13. What does the speaker think of chemistry?

  A. Boring. B. Useful. C. Difficult.

  14. What is Laura doing in Germany?

  A. She is working in a lab.

  B. She is attending college.

  C. She is teaching in a college.

  15. Who is interested in insects?

  A. Jon. B. Laura. C. Ben

  第二節(jié) 單選(共15小題;每小題1分,助力能力15分)

  21. Though David talked about the origins of ______ universe, I didn’t think what he

  said made ______ sense.

  A. the; / B. the; a C. /; / D. /; a

  22. Neither I nor Amy ______ to attend the business conference if we are busy.

  A. was B. were C. is D. are

  23. It was ______ that caused her to serve dinner an hour later than usual.

  A. us being late B. our being late

  C. we were late D. because we were late

  24. The spokesman said that the poor safety standards were ______ for last Sunday’s


  A. blaming B. blamed C. to blame D. to be blamed

  25. The manager suggested the workers’ pay ______ by 10 percent.

  A. should increased B. would be increased

  C. increased D. be increased

  26. The old man tried to save more money ______ he could contribute some to the

  flood victims.

  A. so as to B. now that C. so that D. even though

  27. Steven didn’t follow the advice ______ by the villager and thus got lost in the


  A. put out B. put forward

  C. being put out D. being put forward

  28. New evidence might lead to the conclusion ______ the young woman is lying.

  A. whether B. if C. why D. that

  29. Having never met such a ______ situation, Mr. Green felt ______ and didn’t know

  what to do.

  A. confusing; confused B. confused; confusing

  C. confusing; confusing D. confused; confused

  30. Only after David was asked to pay more attention ______ repeating the same mistake.

  A. he avoided B. did he avoid

  C. had he avoided D. he had avoided

  31. The death of his devoted son was a painful experience, ______ he had never fully


  A. from which B. from whom C. with which D. with whom
