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2020-03-20 20:28:03  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理




  1. award sb. for… 某人因……而得獎(jiǎng)

  = sb. be awarded for…The school awarded Mary a prize for her good work. 學(xué)校因瑪麗出色的工作而給她頒獎(jiǎng)。

  2. admire sb. for sth. 因?yàn)槟呈聝簹J佩(或羨慕)某人Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor. 人人都?xì)J佩他那絕妙的幽默感。

  3. be meant to do sth. 被認(rèn)為應(yīng)做某事

  (尤指根據(jù)職責(zé)或命令、吩咐等做某事)We are meant to write our names at the top of the paper. 我們應(yīng)該把名字寫在試題的上方。

  4. take place 發(fā)生

  (無被動(dòng)形式,常指經(jīng)過安排的事情)The interview is well planned and it is to take place on time. 采訪計(jì)劃周密,會(huì)按時(shí)進(jìn)行的。

  5. in memory of… 為了紀(jì)念……

  We sang the song in memory of the dead. 我們唱歌以紀(jì)念故去的人們。

  6. dress up 穿上盛裝;喬裝打扮

  She likes to dress up for a party. 她喜歡打扮得漂漂亮亮的去參加晚會(huì)。



  dressed in… 穿著……的衣服

  7. The bride was dressed in white. 新娘穿一身白色的禮服。


  look forward to +


  doing sth.


  We look forward to the return of spring. 我們期待著春天的到來。

  I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. 我在盼望你的盡快來信。

  9. have fun with sb. 與某人一起嬉戲,找樂子

  Having nothing to do, they had fun with the cat. 他們無事可干,耍貓取樂。

  10. have fun 玩得開心

  The kids are having fun. 孩子們正玩得開心呢。

  11. in/ for fun 開玩笑地,非認(rèn)真地

  He is learning French for/ in fun. 他學(xué)法語只是好玩。

  12. make a fool of oneself 出丑,出洋相

  He’s always afraid of making a fool of himself. 他總是怕出洋相。

  13. make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人Are you trying to make a fool of me? 你想愚弄我嗎?

  14. ask permission of sb. 請(qǐng)求某人的許可

  Ask permission of your father. 請(qǐng)求你父親的允許吧。

  15. without permission 未經(jīng)許可

  We can’t take photos here without permission. 未經(jīng)許可,我們不能在此照相。

  as if/ though +

  were/ did…(與現(xiàn)在相反)

  would do…(與過去相反)

  had done…(與將來相反)



  He acts as though he didn’t know anything about it. 他表現(xiàn)得好像他對(duì)這件事一點(diǎn)兒也不知道似的。

  She talks about it again and again as though she would never end. 她反復(fù)談?wù)撃羌,好像永遠(yuǎn)談不完的樣子。

  He behaved as if nothing had happened. 他裝作若無其事的樣子。

  17. apologize to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉

  = make an apology to sb. for sth.

  You should apologize to your teacher for coming late. 你應(yīng)該為你的遲到向你的老師道歉。

  The captain made an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by the bad weather. 船長(zhǎng)因?yàn)樵愀獾奶鞖舛鴮?dǎo)致的延誤向乘客們道歉。

  18. It is obvious that… 顯然……

  It is obvious that he is a brave man. 很明顯他是一個(gè)很勇敢的人。

  forgive +

  sb. sth. ①

  sb. for (doing) sth. ②


 、 原諒某人某事

 、 原諒某人(做)某事We willingly forgive him his faults. 我們?cè)敢鈱捤∷倪^錯(cuò)。

  Please forgive me for interrupting you. 請(qǐng)?jiān)徫掖虿怼?/p>

  20. keep one’s word 守信用,履行承諾

  You can’t take her promise seriously: she never keeps her word. 她答應(yīng)的事不必當(dāng)真,她從來說話不算數(shù)。

  21. turn up



  We invited her to dinner but she didn’t even bother to turn up. 我們請(qǐng)她吃飯她都不露面。I can’t hear the radio very well; could you turn it up a bit? 收音機(jī)我聽不太清楚,你把聲音開大點(diǎn)行嗎?

  22. break one’s word 失信,食言

  Never trust a man who breaks his word easily. 不要相信一個(gè)常常食言的人。

  23. hold one’s breath (因激動(dòng)、害怕等)屏住呼吸How long can you hold your breath under the water? 在水下,你能屏息多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?

  24. out of breath 上氣不接下氣

  Having just taken a long walk, he is out of breath. 剛剛進(jìn)行了長(zhǎng)距離的散步,他氣喘吁吁的。

  25. take a deep breath 深呼吸

  = breathe deeplyIf you feel nervous, please take a deep breath. 如果你感到緊張,請(qǐng)深呼吸。

  26. set off

  1)動(dòng)身,出發(fā) (+ for…)

  = set out (for…)



  We set off at dawn. 我們黎明時(shí)動(dòng)身了。

  My father will set off for Shanghai tomorrow morning. 明天早晨我爸爸將動(dòng)身前往上海。

  Boys like setting off fireworks. 男孩喜歡燃放煙花。

  That joke set off laughter. 那個(gè)笑話引起哄堂大笑。

  27. remind +

  sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事

  sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事

  sb. that…提醒某人……

  Please remind him of the appointment with me. 請(qǐng)?zhí)嵝阉麆e忘了和我約會(huì)。

  Please remind me to call him back. 請(qǐng)?zhí)嵝盐医o他回個(gè)電話。

  Remind her that it is dangerous to go out alone at night in this city. 提醒她在這個(gè)城市里夜間一個(gè)人外出是很危險(xiǎn)的。




  2. 有些情態(tài)動(dòng)詞有過去式的變化:

  e.g. will → would , can → could , may→ might , dare → dared


  情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+ not +動(dòng)詞原形can not: can't , must not: mustn't , need not : needn't

  三、情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的用法及相互區(qū)別, 是診斷的內(nèi)容之一

  1. can , be able to be able to 表示經(jīng)過努力后, 能夠做到; be able to 有多種形式的變化。


  1). 表示體力或腦力方面的能力;

  2). 表示允許、可能性。

  could 是can的過去式, 表示過去有能力及過去存在的可能性 ; 用于疑問句表示委婉地提出問題。

  2.may 表示詢問或說明一件事可不可做; 表示某事有可能發(fā)生。might是may的過去式; 用在疑問中比may委婉、客氣。

  1) -May I take this book out of the reading-room?

  -No, you mustn't. ( Yes, you may.)

  2) -Might I make a suggestion? -Yes, you may.

  3. must

  1). 表示必須要做的事: 必須

  2) 表示很有把握的推斷: 一定, 準(zhǔn)是。have (has)to : have (has)got to 必須, 不得不。過去式: had to

  3) -Must I get to the station before three o'clock?

  -Yes, you must. ( No, you needn't. )

  4) I'm afraid you will have to wait a while.

  5) She must be in the classroom now.

  6) Mary ____ be in Paris, I saw her in town only a few minutes ago. (NMET 94)

  A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. can't D. may not

  4. shall

  1) 在疑問句中, 用于先進(jìn)、三人稱表示說話人征求對(duì)方的意見或向?qū)Ψ秸?qǐng)求。

  2) 用于二、三人稱,表示說話人給對(duì)方的 命令、警告、允諾等概念。

  1) - Shall I place an order with you now? -No, you needn’t.

  -Shall he turn down the radio a bit? -

  Yes, please.(No, please don't.)

  2) You shall have the English book as soon as I finish it.

  3) Everything that he owns shall be taken away from him.

  4) Your brother seldom comes to see you, ____?

  A. does he B. doesn't he C. will he D. isn't he

  5) It's a fine day. Let's go fishing, ____?

  A. won't we B. will we

  C. don't we D. shall we

  5. should 應(yīng)該 ; 應(yīng)當(dāng)

  1) You should listen to the doctor's advice.

  2) You should study the article carefully.

  6. will, would

  1) 在疑問句中用于第二人稱,表示說話人向?qū)Ψ教岢稣?qǐng)求或詢問。用would語氣更加婉轉(zhuǎn)。

  2) will 表示現(xiàn)在的習(xí)慣性動(dòng)作或狀態(tài); would 表示過去的習(xí)慣性動(dòng)作或狀態(tài)。

  3) will 用于各種人稱, 表示 意志、意愿、決心、允諾; would 表示過去時(shí)間的 意志、意愿、......。

  (1) Don't smoke in the meeting room, ___ you?

  A. do youB. will you C. can you D. could you

  -Will you come with me? -Yes, I will.(I am sorry , I can't.)

  (2) -Would you tell us something about yourself? -Yes, I will.

  (3) - It's my birthday tomorrow. Don't forget to come to my party.

  - _____ .

  A. I don't B. I won't C. I can't D. I haven'

  7. ought to 應(yīng)該; 應(yīng)當(dāng)

  1) You oughtn't to smoke too much.

  2) She ____ for what she has done.

  A. ought to praise B. ought be praised

  C. ought to have praised D. ought to be praise

  8. dare 1. dare to come 2. dare come

  1) He dare not tell the truth.

  2) He doesn't dare to come out at night.

  3) I don't know whether he ____ try.

  A. dare B. needs C. wants D. is allowed

  9. need

  1). 作為情態(tài)動(dòng)詞:必須

  2). 作為實(shí)義動(dòng)詞: 需要

  A.主語是人 need( to do something ; to be done by somebody)

  B. 主語是事物 need ( doing; to be done)

  1) -Do they need to take any books with them?

  -No, they don't need to.

  2) -Need we buy any new equipment? -No, we needn't.

  3) This farm tool needs repairing.

  This farm tool needs to be repaired.

  4) -Shall I tell John about it ?

  - No, you ___ . I've told him already.

  A. needn't B. wouldn't

  C. mustn't D. shouldn't

  5) It's a fine day. You ____ take a raincoat with you.

  A. can't B. mustn't

  C. needn't D. may not

  情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 + 不定式的完成式是高考的診斷要點(diǎn)

  1、must have done,“一定做過/一定已經(jīng)...”,表示對(duì)過去情況極大把握地推測(cè),僅用于肯定句

  2、may/might have done 也許做過某事(推測(cè));本來可以做某事卻沒做

  3、can't have done 為否定句或疑問句,對(duì)過去的推測(cè)“不可能,一定沒做過某事”

  could have done本來可以做某事卻沒做

  4. needn’t have done 表示”不必要做某事,但做了”,而needn’t do 則表示”不必做(也沒做)”

  5.、ought to /should have done 表示”本來應(yīng)當(dāng)做的卻沒做”

  oughtn’t / shouldn’t have done 本來不應(yīng)該做某事卻做了

  6、would/could/might/should + have done 用來表示與過去事實(shí)相反的虛擬語氣

  7、would rather have done 表示”當(dāng)時(shí)寧愿做了某事”,否定形式:would rather not have done e.g. If I had been free that day, I would have gone with you.

  8、would like/love to have done 表示” 本想做某事” 而實(shí)際上未做。


  名詞性從句 賓語從句



 、賂hat the college wiU take in more new students this year is true.今年這所大學(xué)將招收更多新生是真的。

  ②Whether he can finish his task on time is of great importance.他是否能按時(shí)完成任務(wù)非常重要。





  It is quite clear that the whole project is doomed to failure.

  注: 在句型 “It is important (necessary, strange, natural) that .... ” 中,that 后面的從句中的謂語動(dòng)詞用: should + 動(dòng)詞原形

  It’s necessary that we should have a walk now.


  It is our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.我們的希望是雙方能朝著和平的方向發(fā)展。

  注: 在It is demanded/suggested/ordered/required….that-clause句型中從句用(should )+動(dòng)詞原型

  It is demanded that we should work out a plan.


  It is announced that the plan has been successfully carried out.據(jù)宣布計(jì)劃已經(jīng)順利實(shí)施。

  注: 在 It is a pity/a shame/ no wonder that…..句型中從句也常用(should )+動(dòng)詞原型

  It’s a pity that you (should) miss a good chance


 、賅hat we can’t get seems better than what we already have.我們得不到的東西似乎比我們擁有的東西好。

 、趙ho the letter was from is still unknown.這封信是誰寄出的還不清楚。

 、踂hichever of you gets here first will get the prize.你們當(dāng)中先進(jìn)個(gè)到達(dá)這里的人將獲得獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)。


 、貶ow acupuncture reduces and relieves pain is unclear.針灸是如何減輕和解除疼痛的還不清楚。

 、趙hy dinosaurs suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery.恐龍為什么突然消失了還是個(gè)謎。

  ①I think(that)you should turn to the teacher for help.我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該向老師尋求幫助。

 、贗 don’t know if/whether he still lives here after so many years.我不知道這么多年后他是否還住在這兒。



  (1)與or not緊接連用時(shí)。如:

  Let me knoW whether or not you can come.請(qǐng)讓我知道你是否能來。


  We are interested in whether you will attend the meeting.我們對(duì)你是否參加會(huì)議感興趣。



 、賁he asked me whose handwriting was the best in the class.她問我班上誰的書法較好。

 、贗’11 just say whatever comes into my mind.我想到什么就說什么。

  ③Do you know when the ancient Olympic Games began?你知道古代的奧運(yùn)會(huì)是什么時(shí)間開始的嗎?

 、躀’ve been thinking about how we can make the newspaper more interesting.我一直在考慮如何使我們的報(bào)紙更用趣。



 、貶e asked me when we could set out the next day.他問我第二天什么時(shí)候可以出發(fā)。

 、贒id you find out where she lost her car?你查出她在哪里丟的車了嗎?



 、賁he says(that)she works from Monday to Friday.她說她周一至周五上班。(從句是一般現(xiàn)在時(shí))

 、趕he says(that)she will leave a message on his desk.她說她要在他桌子上留個(gè)便條。(從句是一般將來時(shí))

 、跾he says(that)she has never been to Mount Emei.她說她從來沒有去過峨眉山。(從句是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí))


 、貶e said there were no classes yesterday afternoon.他說昨天下午沒有課。(從句是一般過去時(shí))

 、贖e said that he was going to take care of the baby.他說他會(huì)去照看這個(gè)嬰兒。(從句是過去將來時(shí))

 、跦e said that they were having a meeting at that time.他說他們那時(shí)正在開會(huì)。(從句是過去進(jìn)行時(shí))


 、賂he teacher told us that nothing is difficult if we put our hearts into it.老師告訴我們世上無難事,只怕有心人。

 、贖e said that light travels much faster than sound.他說光比聲音傳播得快。 特別提示




 、買 think it necessary that we take plenty of boiled water every day.我認(rèn)為每天多喝開水是有必要的。

  ②I have made it a rule that I keep diaries.我每天寫日記成了慣例。

  (2)hate,like,take,owe,have,take for granted等表示“喜歡;痛恨;認(rèn)為”的動(dòng)詞或動(dòng)詞短語和see to表示“注意,留意”后有賓語補(bǔ)足語時(shí),需要用it作形式賓語而將賓語從句后置。如:

 、買 hate it when they talk with their mouth full of food.我討厭他們滿嘴食物說話。

  ②When you start the engine,you must see to it that the car is in neutral.啟動(dòng)發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)時(shí),一定要使汽車的離合器處于空檔位置。


 、賁he is always thinking of how she can do more for others.她總想著如何才能為別人做得更多。

  ②We are talking about whether we admit students into our club.我們正在討論是否讓孩子加入我們的俱樂部。


 、買 don’t think I know you.我想我并不認(rèn)識(shí)你。

 、贗 don’t believe he will come.我相信他不回來。

  (5) 在于表示命令、建議、要求等一類詞后面的賓語從句謂語用 should +動(dòng)詞原形(insist, order, command, suggest, advise, propose, require, request, demand, desire )

  We suggested that the meeting (should) be put off.

 、賂he reason for his absence is that he hasn’t been informed.他缺席的原因就是他沒接到通知。

 、赥he question remains whether they will be able to help us.問題還是他們能否幫我們。


  ①The problem is who will take charge of this shop.問題是誰將接管這家店鋪。

 、赥hat is when I realized the importance of journalism.那時(shí)我才意識(shí)到新聞工作的重要性。


  (1)as/as if/as though引導(dǎo)的表語從句常跟在特定動(dòng)詞后面,


  在事實(shí)相反,用過去式;與過去事實(shí)相反用過去完成式 (had done).如:

 、買t sounds as if someone was knocking at the door.聽上去好像有人在敲門。

 、贖e speaks/ spoke as if he had known about it

  (2)當(dāng)主句的主語是reason時(shí),表語從句一般由that引導(dǎo),這種用法常見于句型The reason why…is that…。如:The reason why he came late was that he got up late.他來得晚是因?yàn)槠鸫餐砹恕?/p>










以上就是小編特意為大家整理的高一人教版英語必修三知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)ppt!北京學(xué)子別錯(cuò)過!的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,同學(xué)們?cè)趯W(xué)習(xí)的過程中如有疑問或者想要獲取更多資料,歡迎撥打?qū)W而思愛智康免費(fèi)電話: 更有專業(yè)的老師為大家解答相關(guān)問題!





