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2020-05-11 11:20:35  來源:網(wǎng)站整理


2020北京中考二輪復(fù)習(xí)英語時態(tài)和語態(tài)!英語這個科目從來不是一天兩天就能學(xué)好的,包括這次的復(fù)習(xí),也只能把以前學(xué)過的知識在鞏固一遍,沒有時間去發(fā)展什么新知識的,所以,你們只要想著,做好查缺補(bǔ)漏的任務(wù)就好,下面,小編為大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">2020北京中考二輪復(fù)習(xí)英語時態(tài)和語態(tài)。



 ( ) 1. Don’t make so much noise. We_______ to the music.

 A. listenedB.listen C. arelisteningD. have listened

( ) 2. I must return the camera to LiLei. I _______ it for two weeks.

    A.keep B.borrowedC. have kept D. have lent

( ) 3. –When will you tell him the good news? 

--Iwill tell him about it as soon as he _______ back. 

A.comes B.came C.will come D. iscoming

( ) 4. –Dad, please open the door, it_______. –OK,dear. I’m coming.

 A. locks B. locked C. is locked D. was locked

( ) 5. –Did you go to Jim’s birthdayparty? --No,I _______.

  A. amnot invited B.wasn’t invited 

 C. haven’t invited D. didn’t invite

( ) 6. A talk on Chinese history_______ in the school hall next week. 

A. begiven B. hasbeen given C.will be given D.will give

( ) 7. You may go fishing if yourwork _______

A. isdone B.will be doneC. has doneD. have done

( ) 8. –What do you think of thefootball match yesterday?-Well. It’s surprising. The strongest team of ourschool _______.

 A. was beaten B. wonC.scoredD. was failed

( ) 9. –Would your younger brother gofor a picnic this Sunday? --If Idon’t go, _______.

A. sodoes he B. sohe willC. neither will heD. neither does he

( ) 10. The trees must _______ threetimes a week.

 A. water B. is watering C. be watered D. waters

( ) 11. –Did you see Tom at theparty? -- No,he _______ by the time I got there.

     A.left B. wasleaving C. hadleft D. hasleft

( ) 12. –Why not go to see thedolphin show with me? --BecauseI ______ it.

    A. saw B. will see C. see D. have seen

( ) 13. –Do you like watching cookingprograms n TV? --No,I don’t, but my twin brother _______. He’s very fond of cooking.

A. does B. do C. is D. are

( ) 14. Catherin _______ the letterbefore her mother came into her bedroom.

A. haswritten B. waswritten  C. hadwritten D. iswriting

( ) 15. The old man is quite weakafter the accident, so he _______

A.must take care of B.must be take care ofC. must look afterD. must be looked after

( ) 16. The ticket is on the floor.Would you please _______ for me?

 A. pick it up   B. pick up it  C. pick up them   D. pick them up

( ) 17. He _______ living in the countryto the city.

 A. likes B. prefers C. enjoys D. loves

( ) 18. How long have you _______ thebook?

 A. bought B. lent C. had D. borrowed

( ) 19. –Do you know him well ? --Sure. We _______ friend since tenyears ago.

A.were B.have been C.have become D.have made

( ) 20. _______ me carefully, boysand girls. Can you _______ me?

A.Listen to; hear B.Hear; listen to C.Hear; hear D.Listen to; hear from

( ) 21. –These farmers have been totheUnited States. –Really? When ______ there?

A.will they go B. didthey go C. dothey goD. have they gone

( ) 22. I’m sorry I haven’t got anymoney. I _______ my handbag at home. 

A.have missed B.have left C.have put D.have forgotten

( ) 23. –Where is Miss Gao. Lily? --She _______ to the teachers’.

A. hasbeen B. hasgone C.went D.would go

( ) 24. When her father came backhome, Joan _______ with her friend.

A.talked B.talks C. istalking D. wastalking

( ) 25. –What’s that thing with threelegs?

 --It’s a cup. It ______ fordrinking in the old days.

 A. uses B. used C. is used D. was used

( ) 26. His uncle _______ in threedays.

 A. returns B. has returned C. returned       D.will return

( ) 27. –Hi, Lin Tao. I didn’t seeyou at the party.

 --Oh, I _______ ready for the mathsexam.

A. amgetting B. wasgettingC. got    D. have got

( ) 28. –Excuse me. What did you sayyou would like to do, Miss White?

     --Isaid I’d better go back to the office. I _______ something this afternoon.

A.would meet   B. meet C. am going to meet D. was meeting

( ) 29. What _______ the forest inour country in the last ten years.

A. hashappened do B. is happened to C. hashappened at D. ishappening

( ) 30. –What did Mr Jones do beforehe moved here?--He _______ a city bus for over twenty-fiveyears. A. isdriving B.drove C. hasdriven D.drives

( ) 31. –When _______ you _______your homework?--I had finished it before he _______ back.

 A. have; finished; cameB.have; finished; was comingC. did; finish; came  D. did; finish; was coming

( ) 32. Look! The boys _______happily in the river. 

A.swimB. swamC. will swim D. are swimming

( ) 33. Every spring, many trees_______ along the river.

A.were planted B. isplantedC. will be planted   D. are planted

( ) 34. The letter _______ in French.I can’t read it. 

A. iswriting B. iswritten C.wrote D.writes

( ) 35. If Mary _______ next Sunday,we will go boating together.

A.will come B.comes C.shall comeD. should come

(  ) 36. We expected that the English teacher ____ someadvice on how to write an English 


A. will giveB.gaveC. is going to giveD. would give

( ) 37. Five years ago nobody knewhim, although he _______ more than 100 songs.

 A. already wrote B. have already written C. hadalready written D. wasalready writing

( ) 38. So far I _______ any success.However, I’ll keep trying.

 A. don’t have B. didn’t haveC.haven’t had D.won’t have

( ) 39. It was the third time that I_______ in at his office.

 A. have dropped   B. had droppedC.dropped D. wasdropping

( ) 40. I often see Tom _______homework while I am watching TV every evening.

     A. do B. doing C. did D. to do

( ) 41. The flowers want _______.Look, the soil is so dry.

A.watering B.being wateredC. to waterD. waters

( ) 42. –Be careful! You might fallinto the water.

 --Thank you. I ______ I _______ so closeto the pool.

A.didn’t know; am standing B.don’t know; am standingC. didn’t know; was standing D. didn’t know; would stand

( ) 43. –Excuse me. Where is the sickboy sent here a moment ago?

 --He ______ by the doctor.

A. hasbeen examined B.will be examined 

C. isexamined D. isbeing examined 

( ) 44.—Have you got the airplanetickets?

--No. when I _______ to the office, all thetickets to Beijing______ out.

     A.get; have been sold B.got; had been sold

C.got; had sold D.got; were being sold

( ) 45. –Your name again? I _______quite catch it. –BartholomewLiveli.

  A.didn’t B.don’t C.couldn’t D.can’t

( ) 46. – Whom are you waiting for? 

 --Gary’s parents. But neither of them _______yet.

A.arrivedB. has arrived C. are arrivingD. is arriving

( ) 47. He _______ in bed all daylong because he had a headache.

 A. lie B. lay C. laid D. lied

( ) 48. Would you _______ your voicea little so that everyone can hear you? 

 A. rise B. put C. lift D. raise

( ) 49. More and more people began to_______ that good health means good wealth.

 A. learn B. understandC.consider D.realize



1—5CADCB      6—10 ADCDC      11—15 BDDCD

16—20 DAACB  21—25 BACAD   26—30 CCDBD

31—35 CDCDC  36—42 BBDCDBA 








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