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預(yù)約高中1對(duì)1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學(xué)員個(gè)性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報(bào)名↓



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2020-05-19 15:27:52  來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理





  When Dunstan Cass left the cottage, Silas Marner was only a hundred meters away. He was

  walking home from the village, where he had 36 to buy what he needed 37 his next day’s work. His legs were tired, but he felt almost happy. He was looking forward to 38 , when he would bring out his gold.Tonight he had an extra reason to hurry home. He was going to eat hot meat, which was 39 for him. And it would 40 him nothing, because someone had given him a piece of meat as a present. He left it 41 over the fire. The door key was needed to hold it safe in place, but Cass was not at all 42 about leaving his gold in the cottage with the door

  43 . He could not imagine that a thief would 44 his way through the mist, rain and darkness to the little cottage by the quarry ( 采石場(chǎng) ).

  When he reached his cottage and opened the door, he did not notice 45 anything was different. He 46 is wet coat, and pushed the meat 47 he fire. 48 he was warm again, he began to think about his gold . It seemed a long time to wait until after super, when he usually brought out coins to look at. 49 he decided to bring out his gold immediately, while the meat was still cooking.

  But when he 50 he floorboards near the loom, and saw the 51 hole, he did not understand 52 . His heart beat violently as his trembling hands felt all round the hole. There was 53 !he put his hands to his head and tried to think . Had he put his gold in a different place, and forgotten about it? He 54 every corner of this small cottage, until he could not pretend to himself any more. He had to accept the truth----his gold had been 55 !

  36.A.arrived B.been C.left D.gone

  37.A.to B.in C.for D.with

  38.A.holiday B.old C.supper-time D.meat

  39.A.ordinary B.unusual C.normal D.common

  40.A.pay B.spend C.take D.cost

  41.A.boiling B.cooking C.smoking D.making

  42.A.interesting B.worried C.interested D.worrying

  43.A.unlocked B.uncovered C.discovered D.locked

  44.A.go B.lead C.find D.lose

  45.A.whether B.that C.because D.as

  46.A.turned off B.threw into C.threw off D.got off

  47.A.away from B.farther on C.on to D.closer to

  48.A.As soon as B.As well as C.No sooner D.As long as

  49.A.But B.As C.So D.For

  50.A.took down B.took after C.took over D.took up

  51.A.dark B.empty C.small D.deep

  52.A.at last B.at once C.at most D.at least

  53.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything

  54.A.search B.search for C.looked into D.found

  55.A.gone B.missed C.lost D.stolen

  36.B had been to, 表示經(jīng)歷,本句意思是“剛剛?cè)ツ谴遒I東西,已去了,現(xiàn)在回家了。”

  37.C “need sth. for”中for表示“為了”。大意是“他買的是第二天要用的東西。”

  38.C 從下文“It seemed a long time…after supper, when he…..” 可推出答案

  39.B 從前一句 he had an extra reason to hurry home 可知這餐 meat 是unusual (不平常的),不是經(jīng)?梢猿缘摹rdinary平凡的,normal正常的, common 普通的,共同的。

  40.D it 在這是代詞,指代前句的meat, “something cost somebody (money)”為句型。

  41. B “leave something doing …”,意思是“讓某物 …”;cook意思是“烹調(diào)”,第二段較后一句也有提示,而boil指用水煮。

  42.B 此題的關(guān)鍵詞是“but”,表轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系, 因此可知他一點(diǎn)都不擔(dān)心,盡管門(mén)沒(méi)上鎖。

  43.A 同上。

  44.C 固定短語(yǔ)。find one's way找到路; go one's ways.出發(fā); lose one's way迷路.

  45.B 這是一個(gè)賓語(yǔ)從句,從句的連接詞that不作成分,只起連接作用。

  46.C 此題考查動(dòng)詞詞組的意義區(qū)別。throw off表示“匆忙穿、脫、戴(衣物)”,get off表示“下車,出發(fā)”,turn off意思是“關(guān)掉 …”。

  47. D 從第二段“he decided to bring out his gold immediately, while the meat was still cooking.”可知肉還在燒。

  48.A 此題考查詞組意義的區(qū)別。“as soon as”表示“一 …,就 …”,表現(xiàn)出他很心急;as well as意思是“以及 …”;no sooner表示“剛剛 …,就 …”;as long as意思是“只要 …就 …”。

  49.C 表示因果關(guān)系:因?yàn)樗炔患,所以要早點(diǎn)把金子拿出來(lái)看。

  50.D 詞組“take up the floorboards”意思是“拿起地板”。

  51.B 本句意思是:他看到的是一個(gè)空空的洞。

  52.B 表示此刻的心理反應(yīng):他馬上不知所措。

  53.C (令他吃驚的是)洞里什么都沒(méi)了!

  54.A 考查單詞、詞組意義的區(qū)別:search for表示動(dòng)作“尋找(東西)”,found表示“找到”。句子意思是:在房子的每個(gè)角落里搜索尋找。

  55.D 此處強(qiáng)調(diào)金子是被盜了,不是不見(jiàn)了。








以上就是小編特意為大家整理的高考英語(yǔ)完形填空題型詳解,北京高三考生復(fù)習(xí)必做的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,同學(xué)們一模診斷結(jié)束了,同學(xué)們的政治成績(jī)提高了嗎,同學(xué)們?cè)趯W(xué)習(xí)的過(guò)程中如有疑問(wèn)或者想要獲取更多資料,歡迎撥打?qū)W而思愛(ài)智康免費(fèi)電話: 更有專業(yè)的老師為大家解答相關(guān)問(wèn)題!




