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2021-05-22 11:32:47  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理


北京市房山區(qū)2021中考二模答案,助力備考小伙伴提升英語成績!同學(xué)們對英語的復(fù)習(xí)也少不了多做一些模擬練習(xí)題,下面,小編為大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">北京市房山區(qū)2021中考二模答案,助力備考小伙伴提升英語成績!希望可以給同學(xué)們帶來幫助!加油吧,小伙伴!





  1. get on/off(the bus) 上/下車

  get up 起床

  get ready for 為...作準(zhǔn)備

  get oneself dressed 自己穿衣服

  get well (better) 身體好

  get in 進(jìn)入,收集

  get sb.sth.=get sth.for sb. 為某人買某物

  get on well with sb/sth. 與某人相處很好,...進(jìn)展順利

  2. have an accident 出事故

  have a good time =enjoy oneself 玩得很高興

  have a cold wet day 天氣又冷又濕

  have a cough 咳嗽

  have a drink(of)... 喝一杯...

  have a talk 聽報(bào)告

  have lunch 吃午飯

  have...for lunch 午飯吃...

  have a meeting 開會(huì)

  have no idea 不知道

  have a rest 休息一下

  3. make a mistake 犯錯(cuò)誤

  mistake A for B 把A錯(cuò)認(rèn)為B

  take sth. by mistake 錯(cuò)拿某物

  4. make friends with 與...交朋友

  make faces 做鬼臉

  make a fire 生火

  make an excuse 找籍口

  make a...sound 發(fā)...音

  make tea 沏茶

  make room for... 為...找出空間

  make it 如期赴約

  make a team 組成一個(gè)隊(duì)

  eg.Let's make it half past one. 注意:時(shí)間前不用介詞at

  5. turn sth. on/off 打開/關(guān)掉...

  turn sth. up/down 把...音量開大/小

  注意:當(dāng)sth 是代詞時(shí),常放中間

  6. try sth. on 試穿(衣、鞋、帽)

  注意:當(dāng) sth 為it或them, 常放中間try out 試驗(yàn)、嘗試

  try one's best to do sth. 盡力干某事=do one's best to do sth. 7. send sb. away 開除、解雇某人

  send for sb. 派人去請某人

  send up 發(fā)射

  8. hear from sb 收到...的來信

  hear of 聽說

  9. hurry off 匆匆離去,趕快去

  hurry up 趕快

  10. get to +名詞 get +副詞(不用to)


  arrive in/at +大/小地點(diǎn) (后接副詞,不用at/in)

  eg. get to Shanghai、reach Shanghai 、arrive in Shanghai到達(dá)上海

  eg. reach home、get home、arrive home 到家

  11. teach sb. English 教某人英語

  teach oneself=learn sth.by oneself 自學(xué)

  12.到...末為止 by the end of +過去時(shí)間 (用于過去完成時(shí))

  by the end of +將來時(shí)間 (用于一般將來時(shí))

  at the end of+地點(diǎn) 在...盡頭 in the end= at last 最后,終于

  13. hundreds of 成百上千

  thousands of 成千上萬的

  millions of 成百萬的

  14. be pleased to do sth 很高興地干某事

  be pleased with sth. 為某事而高興

  15. be used for 被用來

  be used as 被當(dāng)作

  be used by 被...所使用

  16. so far 到目前為止, 用于現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)

  17. on a Tuesday morning 一個(gè)星期二的早上

  on the morning of June 15th.1998 在1998年6月15日早上

  18. keep sb.doing sth. 讓某人一直干某事

  keep doing sth. 繼續(xù)做某事

  keep on doing sth. 持續(xù)不斷地做某事

  19. much too+形容詞/副詞原級 實(shí)在太...

  too much+不可數(shù)名詞 相當(dāng)多的... eg. It's _______ expensive. I can't buy it.

  There's ___________ rain this year.

  20. thanks to...由于,多虧

  thanks to one's help=because of one's help 由于某人的幫忙

  thanks for one's help 謝謝某人的幫助

  21. be far away from+a place/sb 遠(yuǎn)離某地

  22. wear out 穿壞、穿舊、用盡 常用于被動(dòng)語態(tài)。其P.P為worn

  sell out 售完 賣完

  23. two-month holiday=two months' holiday 二個(gè)月的假期

  24. fall asleep 入睡(進(jìn)入狀態(tài))

  get to sleep 入睡(還沒睡著)

  25. stop sb.from doing sth. 阻止某人干某事

  eg. She stopped the child from listening.

  stop doing sth. 停止干某事,不再干某事

  stop to do sth. 停止下來干另一件事。

  26. hardly any +n. 幾乎沒有...

  27. quite a/an+形容詞+名詞 一個(gè)相當(dāng)...eg. Two months is quite a long time.

  a very +形容詞+名詞eg. English is a very useful language.

  28. be afraid of+名詞 害怕...

  be afraid to+動(dòng)詞 擔(dān)心、害怕...

  be afraid that+從句 恐怕...

  29. so+形容詞 so strong so beautiful


  such beautiful pictures such nice smell

  such + a/an+形容詞+名詞(單數(shù))

  such an interesting story

  30. feel like doing 想干某事

  31. be made/grown/produced


  歸類: 機(jī)器一類→make(制造)

  鹽.糖.絲綢→produce (經(jīng)機(jī)器加工生產(chǎn)) 農(nóng)作物、水果→grow (人工種出來的)

  32. finish doing sth. 做完某事

  be busy doing sth. 忙于干某事

  go on doing sth. 繼續(xù)干某事

  be always doing 老是干某事

  33. hope to do sth. 希望干某事 ...

  hope that...希望某人干某事,不可用

  hope sb.to do sth.

  34. in surprise 驚奇地(作狀語)

  be surprised at sb. 對某人的舉動(dòng)感到詫異

  be surprised to do sth. 對做某事感到驚訝

  35. no space(room) to stand in 沒有站的地方、空間

  36. be angry with sb. 生某人的氣

  agree with sb. 同意某人的觀點(diǎn)

  with one's help 在某人的幫助下


  1.They arrived ___ London___ a cold winter night.

  A.at, in B.in, on C.at, on D.in, at

  2.It's rather cold today.You'd better ___ more clothes before you go out.

  A.put on B.wear C.to put on D.to wear

  3.You must be very tired. Why not ___ a rest?

  A.stop taking B.stop to take C.to stop taking D.to stop to take

  4.___, I've caught up with my classmates in my English studies.

  A.Under his help B.With his help C.Under the help of him D.With the help of him

  5.Mother told me ____ in the sun. A.not read B.don't read C.read not D.not to read

  6.Watching TV ___ is bad for your eyes. A.much too B.many too C.too much D.too many

  7.Those foreign visitors ___ our city the day before yesterday.

  A.arrived B.reached C.reached to D.got in

  8.She asked me to help her ___ her Chinese. A.at B.with C.for D.on

  9.Look ___ the words in the dictionary when you don't know ___ they mean.

  A.up, what B.up, that C.for, that D.for, what

  10.One after another, three of them ___.

  A.fell asleep B.got to asleep C.went to asleep D.were sleeping


  1.你想不想喝杯桔子汁? Do you ______ ______drinking a glass of orange?


  We have never ______ ______ Xiao Yang since he _______ school for the last time.


  People started to build the Great Green Wall ___ ___ it could stop the wind from ___ the earth away.


  Wei Hua ________ you ______ his brother,didn't she?







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