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2009-02-26 14:33:45  來(lái)源:新東方 文章作者:匿名

  “雷”是時(shí)下很流行的網(wǎng)絡(luò)用語(yǔ),常常指非常令人驚訝和意外的語(yǔ)言、事情。其實(shí),在高考當(dāng)中為了迷惑高考孩子增加功課難度系數(shù),出題者可謂煞費(fèi)苦心,同樣也精心編制了令我們看完答案后感到很意外的“雷人型”試題。對(duì)于大量做題形成慣性思維的孩子,這種“雷人型”試題往往殺傷力很大,筆者就此類(lèi) “雷人型”試題進(jìn)行總結(jié)剖析。


  1. Mr. Wang made up his mind to devote all he could ____ his oral English before going abroad.

  A. improve B. to improve C. improving D. to improving

  2. Everything he ____ away from him before he returned to his hometown.

  A. took B. had been taken C. had had been taken D. had taken

  3. Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he ____ English.

  A. could learning B. learned C. to learn D. could learn

  4. You can never imagine what great difficulty I have _____ your house.

  A. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding

  5. The person we spoke to ____ no answer at first.

  A.making B.makes C.make D.made

  6. The person we referred to(提及)____ us a report tomorrow.

  A.giving B.will give C.gave D.give

  7. The days we have been looking forward to ____ soon.

  A.coming B.will come C.came D.have come

  8. The person we talked about ____ our school last week.

  A.visiting B.will visit C.visited D.has visited

  9. The man whose songs we are fond of ____ in our city next week.

  A.singing B.to sing C.will sing D.sang

  10. Not only ____ the jewelry she ____ been sold for her son's gambling debts but also her house.

  A.is;has B.has;had C.has;has D./;has

  11. ______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. (NMET96)

  A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose

  12.The research is so designed that once ____ nothing can be done to change it. (NMET2002)

  A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun

  13. ---What do you think made the woman so upset?

  --- _____ weight.(1997上海試題)

  A. As she put on B. Put on C. Putting on D. Because of putting on

  14. Time should be made good use of ____ our lessons well.

  A. learning B. learned C. to learn D. having learned

  15. Can _____ be in the desk _____ you have put my letter?

  A. it;which B.I;Where C. you;in which D. it;that

  16. Never _____ time come back again.

  A. has lost B. will lose C. will lost D. lose

  17.--- ____ was it ____ they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?

  --- Totally by chance.

  A. What, that B. How, that C. When, how D. Where, that

  18. I have nothing to confess. ____ you want me to say?

  A. What is it that B. What it is what C. How is it that D. How it is that

  19. Is this factory _____ you visited the other day?

  A. the one B. that C. where D. when

  20. Was it _____ she heard with her ears _____ really made her frightened?

  A. what;that B. it;that C. that;which D. what;/

  21. _____ what the six blind men said sounded!

  A. How foolishly B. How foolish C. What foolishly D. What foolish

  22. It was _____ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home.

  A. repair B. repairing C. to repair D. in repair

  23. Is this hotel _____ you said we were to stay in your letter?

  A. that B. where C. the one D. in which

  24. Please tell me the way you thought of ___ the garden.

  A. take care of B. to take care of

  C. taking care of D. how to take care of

