

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

預(yù)約高中1對(duì)1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學(xué)員個(gè)性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報(bào)名↓



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2016-04-22 18:06:44  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理


  1.It is required by the rules that students ________ get grades not lower than 85 in any subject in order to get the scholarship.

  A.will B.may

  C.shall D.would

  答案 C

  解析 考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。句意為:根據(jù)規(guī)定,孩子如果想拿獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金,任一單科成績(jī)不得低于85分。shall用于第三人稱,在條約、規(guī)定、法令等文件中表示義務(wù)或規(guī)定,意為“應(yīng),必須”。

  2.I’m really very busy,otherwise I ________ certainly go there with you.

  A.can B.shall

  C.will D.would

  答案 D

  解析 考查虛擬語氣。結(jié)合前半句中的內(nèi)容以及后半句中的otherwise一詞可知后半句應(yīng)用虛擬語氣,所以用would。

  3.—God!My cell phone is missing.

  —You ________ have left it at home.I heard you telephone our daughter in the bathroom.

  A.shall B.must

  C.would D.could

  答案 B

  解析 考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。根據(jù)答語第二句的內(nèi)容可知第二個(gè)說話人認(rèn)為對(duì)方“一定”是把手機(jī)忘在家里了。

  4.Even students of average intelligence ________ become top students by improving their study habits.

  A.must B.can

  C.have to D.ought to答案 B

  解析 考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。句意為:即使智力一般的孩子也可以通過改進(jìn)學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣而成為優(yōu)等生。can在此處表示“能夠”。

  5.—Look,I’ve bought some bread,including your favorite flavor.

  —You ________ any because we still have plenty at home.

  A.should have bought

  B.could have bought

  C.needn’t have bought

  D.mustn’t have bought

  答案 C

  解析 答語句意為:你沒有必要買,因?yàn)榧依镞有很多。故應(yīng)用needn’t have done表示本不必做而實(shí)際上做了。could have done 表示過去本可以做某事卻沒做;should have done表示本應(yīng)該做而實(shí)際上未做;mustn’t表示禁止。

  6.It is beyond my understanding that many adults ________ be so crazy about Harry Potter series.

  A.will B.can

  C.may D.should

  答案 D

  解析 考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。句意為:很多成年人居然對(duì)哈利·波特系列這么上癮,對(duì)此我不能理解。這里用should表示“居然,竟然”。其他選項(xiàng)都沒有這個(gè)含義。

  7.It’s a pity that Andrew didn’t want to go to the conference.________ willing to go,we could have paid all his expenses.

  A.Had he been B.Being

  C.Was he D.He had been

  答案 A

  解析 考查虛擬語氣與倒裝。根據(jù)先進(jìn)句中的時(shí)態(tài)可知此處是對(duì)過去情況的虛擬,意思是“如果他愿意去,我們會(huì)支付他所有的費(fèi)用”。此處是省略了虛擬條件句中的if而引起的倒裝,其正常語序應(yīng)為“If he had been willing to go”。

  8.These days some young pe

  eople just ________ work hard because they have got used to the easy life provided by their parents.

  A.mustn’t B.won’t

  C.mightn’t D.shouldn’t

  答案 B

  解析 句意為:現(xiàn)在一些年輕人就是不愿意努力,因?yàn)樗麄円呀?jīng)習(xí)慣了父母提供的安逸生活。根據(jù)句意可知,此處表示意愿,應(yīng)用won’t。mustn’t禁止,不準(zhǔn);mightn’t可能不;shouldn’t不應(yīng)該。

  9.—I regret to say that I failed to rank first in the terminal exam.

  —Come on,nobody ________ win all the time.

  A.should B.must

  C.shall D.can

  答案 D

  解析 考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。句意為:——很遺憾我在期末診斷中沒有考先進(jìn)。——振作起來,沒有人能夠一直贏。can(表示有能力做或能夠發(fā)生)能,會(huì);should應(yīng)該,應(yīng)當(dāng);must必須;shall(表示決心、命令或指示)必須,應(yīng)當(dāng)。

  10.—May I take this book out of the reading room?

  —No,you ________.You read it in here.

  A.mightn’t B.won’t

  C.needn’t D.mustn’t

  答案 D

  解析 考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。根據(jù)答語的第二句話可知“不能把書拿出閱覽室”,表禁止,故選D項(xiàng)。

  11.Sorry,Cathy,I didn’t know that you were badly short of money then.But you ________ me for help.

  A.must have asked

  B.could have asked

  C.would have asked

  D.may have asked

  答案 B

  解析 考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。說話人為自己不知道Cathy當(dāng)時(shí)急需用錢而感到抱歉,認(rèn)為Cathy當(dāng)時(shí)本來可以向自己求助。could have done表示過去本來可以做某事,可實(shí)際上并沒有做。

  12.—I called you at 9 last night,but no one answered.

  —Sorry,I ________ sleeping.I went to bed very early.

  A.need have been B.would have been

  C.must have been D.should have been

  答案 C

  解析 根據(jù)答語中的“I went to bed very early”可知,此處為肯定推測(cè),用must,表示問話人打電話時(shí),答話人一定正在睡覺。must have done表示過去肯定做了某事。

  13.I’m as busy as a bee;________ you bother me with so many questions now?

  A.may B.must

  C.can D.shall

  答案 B

  解析 考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。句意為:我忙得不可開交,為什么你現(xiàn)在偏要拿這么多的問題來打擾我呢?must有時(shí)可以表示一種不受歡迎的巧合,指某事發(fā)生得不早不遲,就在某個(gè)當(dāng)緊的時(shí)候,通常含有不快、不滿、心煩、惱火等感情色彩,意為“偏偏,偏要”。

  14.—Did you go to the fashion show last week?

  —I ________,but I was fully occupied the whole week.

  A.must go B.must have gone

  C.would go D.would have gone

  答案 D

  解析 考查虛擬語氣。根據(jù)答語中的“but I was fully occupied”可知,此處是對(duì)過去事實(shí)的虛擬,應(yīng)用would hav

  e done結(jié)構(gòu),表示“本來要做某事而實(shí)際上未做”,故選D項(xiàng)。

  15.It is important to know about the cultural differences that ________ cause problems.

  A.must B.dare

  C.may D.shall

  答案 C

  解析 考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。句意為:了解有可能會(huì)帶來麻煩的文化差異是重要的。此處may表示不確定的推測(cè),意思是“有可能”。

  16.—Could I have a word with you,mum?

  —Oh,dear,if you ________.

  A.can B.must

  C.may D.should

  答案 B

  解析 17.My mother is a great cook and we ________ never get enough of her cookies.

  A.may B.need

  C.should D.can

  答案 D

  解析 句意為:我媽媽是一個(gè)很了不起的廚師,我們吃不夠她做的餅干。can’t...enough為固定搭配,意為“無論……也不過分”。

  18.—I wonder where Peter is.He said he’d be here for lunch.

  —Don’t worry!He________be caught in the rush hour.

  A.will B.should

  C.can D.may

  答案 D

  解析 考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞表示推測(cè)。句意為:——我想知道Peter在哪里。他說要來這里吃午飯的。——別擔(dān)心!他可能遇到上下班高峰期了。may表示事實(shí)上的可能性,意為“可能,也許”。

  19.—Why,I didn’t get you on the phone.

  —We ________football on the playground when you phoned.

  A.must be playing

  B.must play

  C.must have played

  D.must have been playing

  答案 D

  解析 句意為:——嗨,我打電話沒找到你。——你打電話的時(shí)候我們肯定正在操場(chǎng)上踢足球。表示對(duì)過去所發(fā)生的事情的肯定推測(cè)用must have done的形式,再結(jié)合語境可知此處推測(cè)的是過去某個(gè)時(shí)間正在發(fā)生的事情,故用must have been doing,故答案為D項(xiàng)。

  20.—Why didn’t Henry come?

  —He ________ except he didn’t have time.

  A.would have come B.will come

  C.would come D.will be coming

  答案 A

  解析 句意為:——Henry為什么沒來?——他本來要來的,只是他沒有時(shí)間。except從句表達(dá)的是過去時(shí)陳述語氣,主句為與過去相反的虛擬語氣。

  21.He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball,otherwise he________a goal.

  A.had scored B.scored

  C.would score D.would have scored

  答案 D

  解析 這是otherwise 引出的含蓄虛擬語氣,再根據(jù)前面的hesitated 可進(jìn)一步知道這是與過去事實(shí)相反的虛擬語氣,由此可推知答案選D。

  22.It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I________in love,at the age of seven,with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.

  A.wouldn’t have fallen

  B.had not fallen

  C.should fall

  D.were to fall

  答案 B

  解析 句意為:要不是在七歲時(shí)就迷上了Melinda Cox 圖書館,我真不能想象我如今會(huì)在做什么。此題涉及錯(cuò)綜時(shí)間虛擬條件句,主句與現(xiàn)在事實(shí)相反,條件句與過去事實(shí)相反。

  23.—My uncle suggests I ________ abroad.

  —I would rather you ________ at home.

  A.go;stay B.went;stayed

  C.go;stayed D.went;stay

  答案 C

  解析 suggest作“建議”講,謂語動(dòng)詞用should do或do。would rather后跟的從句也用虛擬語氣,敘述與現(xiàn)在、將來事實(shí)相反時(shí),用過去時(shí);敘述與過去事實(shí)相反,用過去完成時(shí)。

  24.It’s useless envying others their success.It’s time you ________ hard.

  A.must work B.went to work

  C.work D.worked

  答案 D

  解析 此處考查固定句型中虛擬語氣的使用。It’s time that...中,從句中動(dòng)詞用過去時(shí)或should do。

  25.They ________ two free tickets to Canada.Otherwise,they’d never have been able to afford to go.

  A.had got B.got

  C.would have got D.get

  答案 B

  解析 otherwise相當(dāng)于一個(gè)虛擬條件,是對(duì)真實(shí)情況的相反的假設(shè),由此我們可以推斷出:題干中otherwise前面的內(nèi)容應(yīng)是真實(shí)的,故空白處應(yīng)該是陳述語氣;再結(jié)合句意可知,此處講的是過去的事情,因此用一般過去時(shí)。
