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2016-06-23 21:22:21  來(lái)源:愛(ài)智康






  先進(jìn)節(jié) 單項(xiàng)填空(共30小題;每小題1分,助力能力30分)


  1. _____ time went on, our teacher’s words proved true.

  A. With    B. As   C. When  D.While

  2. Harry Potter VII _____ well all over the world.

  A. is sold    B. sells    C. sell    D. are sold

  3. You ______ worry aobut me. It's nothing serious..

  A. mustn’t    B. can’t    C. won’t    D. needn’t

  4. Her latest album, The Element of Freedom, _____ last week and Keys has proved yet

  again that she simply does her own thing.

  A. came out    B. came over    C. came in    D. came up

  5. The Xinhua News Agency has picked its “hot words” for 2010, _____ on news stories

  in China over the past year.

  A. to base    B. basing    C. base    D. based

  6. — Please don't make a noise.

  — _______. I’ll be as quite as a mouse.

  A. Yes, I will    B. Yes, I won’t   C. No, I won’t    D. No, I will

  7. Looking up, I saw her eyes _____ on me in curiosity.

  A. fixed    B. to fix    C. fixing    D. having fixed

  8. He shut the window with _____ force _____ the glass broke.

  A. so; that    B. such; that    C. so; as    D. such; as

  9. As a soldier, you ______ to do as the officer tells you..

  A. ought    B. shall    C. should    D. will

  10. It is not _____ that you are so upset recently; you are suffering from so much


  A. surprised    B. surprise    C. surprisingly    D. surprising

  11. You have no idea how she finished the race _____ her foot wounded so badly.

  A. for    B. when    C. with    D. while

  12. —Mary, why didn’t you come yesterday?

  —I _____, but I had an unexpected visitor.

  A. had   B. did C. would     D. was going to

  13. With nothing on, the Emperor walked in the parade, thinking he _____ the most

  beautiful clothes in the world.

  A. was dressed himself  B. dressed C. was dressed in  D. was dressed

  14. —Why didn’t you know it was raining outside?

  —Oh, I was _____ in thought at that time.

  A. confident    B. strict    C. interested    D. deep

  15. His mother was so angry at all _____ he was doing _____ she shouted at him.

  A. what; that    B. which; that    C. that; that    D. that; so

  16. This cake is very sweet. You ______ a lot of sugar in it..

  A. must have put   B. could have put

  C.might pu     D. should put

  17. This is one of the best novels _____ ever been written by her.

  A. that has    B. which has    C. that have    D. which have

  18. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ___, refusing them when they turn to him.

  A. if never    B. if ever    C. if not    D. if any

  19. —Have you known Mr. Wang for a long time?

  —Yes, since he _____ to our school.

  A. has come    B. comes    C. had come    D. came

  20. Only those _____ knew well could be allowed into the hall.

  A. he    B. who    C. whom    D. which

  21. These days, some people choose jobs for other reasons _____ money.

  A. besides    B. with    C. except    D. for

  22. More and more old people go to the universities for the aged in order to avoid _____

  from the outside world.

  A. cutting off     B. being cut off

  C. to cut off     D. to be cut off

  23. — Guess what! I got A for my term paper.

  — Great! You ______ read widely and put a lot of work into it.

  A. must   B. shoud  C. must have   D.should have

  24. After you arrive, your host will usually _____ you a drink. Don’t just say: “I’ll

  have a Coke.” Ask them what they have available, and then make your choice.

  A. offer    B. provide    C. supply    D. furnish

  25. He gave away his money to help those children who _____ school at an early age because of poverty.

  A. start    B. keep    C. prevent    D. quit

  26. —Have you ever been to New York?

  —Do you mean the one which is _____ skyscrapers?

  A. known as    B. known to    C. famous for    D. famous as

  27. The new state-run test will _____ a written test of reading, listening comprehension

  and writing, plus an interview to test speaking skills.

  A. consist of    B. make up    C. make up of    D. be made of

  28. — Can I pay the bill by check?

  — Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment ______ be made in cash.

  A. will  B. shall C. need D. can

  29. Winter vacation is approaching. The oversea students are leaving _____ their


  A. to    B. off    C. for    D. /

  30. How was it that we were able to _____ untold hardships, overcome the most difficult

  and dangerous conditions and bring the revolution to victory?

  A. survive on    B. survive from    C. survive    D. surviving

  第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1分,助力能力20分)



  My friend Heather mentioned that she had never seen an Angel. Then I remembered the  31 I had with my sister Sandra earlier this week.

  This will be Sandra’s first Christmas without her husband. This summer he died in her arms. On Thursday, she was in the store  32 for an ideal card for her two sons and daughter. Time passed by quickly as she  33 the many choices. She wanted a card that sent something special to each of them,  34 she knew they would have a(n)  35 place in their heart this holiday season.

  Finally! She found the one that expressed the  36 feeling. The words expressed the feelings that she wished to share. However, a sharp pain pierced(穿透) her heart when she realized that the card was  37 “mom and dad.” She stood there,  38 it close for a long time, unable to move from the  39 . Tears began to run down her cheeks.

  “Is there something I can do for you?” a  40 voice asked. She  41 to face a stranger, a woman, who was looking at her with  42 and concern. “Uh…oh...OH!” Sandra responded, “I can’t give this card to my children because…because my husband died and this is the  43 card.”
