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2016-06-28 17:58:52  來源:愛智康












  ( ) 1. A. park B. party C. card

  ( ) 2. A. peach B. beach C. teacher

  ( ) 3. A. ship B. shoes C. shorts

  ( ) 4. A. cool B. good C. moon

  ( ) 5. A. five B. kite C. fine

  ( ) 6. A. study B. star C. story

  ( ) 7. A. shirt B. first C. skirt

  ( ) 8. A. Is there a zoo? B. Is this a zoo? C. Is it a zoo?

  ( ) 9. A. B. C.

  ( ) 10. A. B. C.


  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  ( ) 1. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is.

  ( ) 2. A. We are going to the supermarket. B. I go to the restaurant.

  ( ) 3. A. Thank you. B. Sorry, you may not.

  ( ) 4. A. It’s Gogo’s. B. They’re Jenny’s.

  ( ) 5. A. He wants to be a writer. B. She wants to be a firefighter.

  ( ) 6. A. I’m reading a book. B. Read a book.

  ( ) 7. A. No, I want to surf the Internet. B. Yes, I do.

  ( ) 8. A. Yes, this is. B. Yes, it is.

  ( )9. A. I’m from the U.K. B. I’m in the U.K.

  ( )10. A. They are seventeen. B. There are seventeen.


  1. May I go to the on Saturday ? Sure.

  2. I’m going to the _________.I want some money.

  3. The blue ______is Lisa’s.

  4. Is there a ________ in your school?

  5. I want to be a __________.



  A. borrow a book B.sweater C. play cards D. go to the school E. bedroom

  F. fire fighter G. birthday H.make a snowman I. playground J. listen to music


  A B C D E

  ( ) 1. The bus isn’t going to the beach.

  ( )2. My father is a doctor.

  ( ) 3. The boy is making models.

  ( )4. There is an art room in our school. I like art.

  ( ) 5. I like reading a story . What about you?


  A. money B. listen C. doctor D. bank E. cook

  F. music room G.. hospital H. kitchen

  1. We can some food in the .

  2. Mrs Green gets some from the .

  3. My brother is a . He works in a .

  4. The girls can to the songs in the .


  ( )I want to make his body.

  Do you want to make his head?


  ( )I am bored.

  What do you want to do?

  ( ) I want to make his arms.

  Do you want to make his ears?

  ( ) Oh,Gogo.

  ( )Let’s make a snowman.

  ( ) No, I don’t. I want to make his wings.

  His wings?



  1. Look! There is a in our new home. (第1小題)

  2. —Can I ______ ____ _ ice cream cone, please?

  —Yes. Here are. (第2小題)

  3. —Look! Whose is this? —Oh, it’s my sister’s. (第3小題)

  4. Our _______ is very big. (第4小題)

  5. What’s your hobby? My hobby is a bike. (第5小題)


  Hello, My name is Peter. I’m a student. My school is very big. There is a gym, a playground ,a music room and a library in my school. Jack is my classmate(同學(xué)),he likes music. Look, he is singing in the music room. His hobby is listening to music. My hobby is playing cards. I want to be an office worker. But Jack wants to be a writer. We often(常常) go shopping in the shopping mall on weekend. This holiday I am going to Australia with my mother and father. I want to make snowmen in Australia. Jack is going to Beijing. He wants to go to the Great Wall. We will have a good time..


  ( )1.There isn’t a music room in Peter’s school.

  ( )2.Jack is Peter’s brother.

  ( )3.Peter likes playing cards.

  ( )4.Jack wants to be an office worker.

  ( )5.Jack is going to Beijing this holiday.

  ( )6.Peter can make snowmen in Australia.

  (二) 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,完成下列句子。(7分)

  1.Jack is singing in the _______ ________.

  2.They go shopping in the _______ _________.

  3.Jack wants to be a __________.

  4.This holiday Jack wants to go to the________ _______in Beijing.



  1.park 2.beach 3.shoes 4.moon 5.five 6.study 7. first

  8. Is this a zoo? 9.watch TV 10. call my friend


  1. My hobby is ice skating. Do you like it?

  2. Today is Mother’s Day. My father invites us to dinner at the restaurant.

  3. My dream job is to be a police officer.

  4. The movie “Where’s dad going?” is on this Sunday. Let’s go to the movie theater.

  5. In this computer room, the students can surf the Internet.


  1. This shirt is for you. Happy birthday to you.

  2. ---What do you want to buy? --- I want to buy a pair of shoes.

  3. Today is our shopping day. Let’s go to the shopping mall.

  4. Look! The boys are so happy. They are playing outside.

  5. ---It’s hot. Let’s swim in the swimming pool. --- OK!


  1. Is there a dining room in your new home?

  2. Where are you going?

  3. May I have a banana?

  4. Whose white shorts are these?

  5. What does the boy want to be?

  6. What are you doing?

  7. Do you want to surf the Internet?

  8. Is this Peter’s coat?

  9. Where are you from?

  10. How many classrooms are there in your school?


  1.May I go to the park on Saturday ? Sure.

  2. I’m going to the __bank_______. I want some money.

  3. The blue ___shirt___is Lisa’s.

  4. Is there a hall___ in your school?

  5.I want to be a __teacher________.



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