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預(yù)約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學(xué)員個(gè)性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報(bào)名↓



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2016-10-02 17:30:04  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理

  1. by all accounts 據(jù)說,據(jù)報(bào)道,根據(jù)各方面所說。如:
  He is a great football player, from all accounts. 據(jù)說他是個(gè)很不了起的足球運(yùn)動員。
  I’ve never been there but it is, by all accounts, a lovely place. 我從未去過那地方,但聽說那地方很好。
  2. on account of 因?yàn),由于。如?/div>
  He couldn’t come on account of his illness. 他因病不能前來。
  On account of holiday our store will be closed tomorrow. 由于明天是假日,我們商店停止?fàn)I業(yè)。
  3. on all accounts 總之,無論如何。如:
  On all accounts you must go. 總之,你一定得去。
  It is best to stay here on every account. 總之,留在這兒是較好的。
  4. on no accounts 絕不,無論如何都不。如:
  My name must on no accounts be mentioned to anyone. 我的名字是絕不能向任何人提起的。
  I will never do such a thing on any account. 無論如何我決不做這樣的事。
  On no accounts must this switch be touched. 這個(gè)開關(guān)是絕不能觸摸的。
  5. on one’s account 為了某人的緣故。如:
  Don’t put off the meeting on my account. 不要為了我而把會議推遲。
  I didn’t tell her the news on her husband. 由于她丈夫的關(guān)系,我沒有把這消息告訴她。
  6. take sth into account 考慮,注意。如:
  You should take the expenses into account. 你應(yīng)該把費(fèi)用考慮進(jìn)去。
  When judging his performance, don’t take his age into account. 評定他的表現(xiàn)時(shí),不可能會考慮他的年齡。
  有時(shí) sth 較長,也可放在后面。如:
  We must take into account the boy’s long illness. 我們必須考慮到這個(gè)孩子已經(jīng)病了很久。
  有時(shí)也可說成 take account of sth。如:
  You must take account of this fact. / You must take this fact into account. 你必須考慮到這個(gè)事實(shí)。


  1. by all accounts 據(jù)說,據(jù)報(bào)道,根據(jù)各方面所說。如:

  He is a great football player, from all accounts. 據(jù)說他是個(gè)很不了起的足球運(yùn)動員。

  I’ve never been there but it is, by all accounts, a lovely place. 我從未去過那地方,但聽說那地方很好。

  2. on account of 因?yàn)椋捎。如?/strong>

  He couldn’t come on account of his illness. 他因病不能前來。

  On account of holiday our store will be closed tomorrow. 由于明天是假日,我們商店停止?fàn)I業(yè)。

  3. on all accounts 總之,無論如何。如:

  On all accounts you must go. 總之,你一定得去。

  It is best to stay here on every account. 總之,留在這兒是較好的。

  4. on no accounts 絕不,無論如何都不。如:

  My name must on no accounts be mentioned to anyone. 我的名字是絕不能向任何人提起的。

  I will never do such a thing on any account. 無論如何我決不做這樣的事。


  On no accounts must this switch be touched. 這個(gè)開關(guān)是絕不能觸摸的。

  5. on one’s account 為了某人的緣故。如:

  Don’t put off the meeting on my account. 不要為了我而把會議推遲。

  I didn’t tell her the news on her husband. 由于她丈夫的關(guān)系,我沒有把這消息告訴她。

  6. take sth into account 考慮,注意。如:

  You should take the expenses into account. 你應(yīng)該把費(fèi)用考慮進(jìn)去。

  When judging his performance, don’t take his age into account. 評定他的表現(xiàn)時(shí),不可能會考慮他的年齡。

  有時(shí) sth 較長,也可放在后面。如:

  We must take into account the boy’s long illness. 我們必須考慮到這個(gè)孩子已經(jīng)病了很久。

  有時(shí)也可說成 take account of sth。如:

  You must take account of this fact. / You must take this fact into account. 你必須考慮到這個(gè)事實(shí)。

