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2016年11月19日KET FOR SCHOOLS寫作考試試題

2016-10-11 16:22:19  來源:愛智康

  2016年11月19日KET FOR SCHOOLS寫作診斷試題!現(xiàn)在人們提起了對(duì)英語的重視,開始參加各個(gè)等級(jí)的英語診斷,KET FOR SCHOOLS是比較常見的診斷,為了幫助大家順利參加這項(xiàng)診斷,下面小編為大家分享2016年11月19日KET FOR SCHOOLS寫作診斷試題!希望對(duì)大家有所幫助!



2016年11月19日KET FOR SCHOOLS【診斷時(shí)間|報(bào)名方式|診斷試題|成績(jī)查詢】


  2016年11月19日KET FOR SCHOOLS寫作診斷試題



2016年11月19日KET FOR SCHOOLS寫作診斷試題暫時(shí)沒有出來,請(qǐng)大家持續(xù)關(guān)注愛智康劍橋少兒英語欄目,我們會(huì)在先進(jìn)時(shí)間更新!


  2016年11月19日KET FOR SCHOOLS寫作診斷樣題


  This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

  A new restaurant has jut opened in my town and it’s wonderful. Have you got a favorite restaurant? Tell me about the food and what you like about the restaurant.

  Now write a letter to your friend about a restaurant.

  Sample answer of question 8:

  I was on the beach when my mobile phone rang. I looked at the mobile screen but the number was unknown. I decided to answer anyway. "Hello!" I said. "Hello, Mr Tandulkar, this is the manager of the "Brooke" restaurant. I wanted you to know that the reservation of your table is confirmed at nine o'clock, this evening." "What?" I asked. "I don't have any reservation, and I didn't call you for booking any table for this evening!" "I'm sorry Mr Tandulkar but I have a reservation at your name, a woman called this morning and she booked a table for two". I was curious to meet that unknown woman, so I went to the restaurant at nine o'clock dressed on my best suit. The manager brought me to the mysterious woman and I was anxious to meet her! I looked at her and I was stunned! It was my sister! What a surprise. She wanted to celebrate her birthday! We had a very nice evening but at last I've paid the bill!

  Examiner comments

  This is a very good attempt with confident and ambitious use of direct speech, e.g. "What?" I asked. "I don't have any reservation…'. There is a more than adequate range within a well organized story, with beginning, middle and end. There are some minor errors which are non-impeding, e.g. 'at last I've paid the bill,' dressed on my best suit' and no effort is required from the reader.


  本文大膽自信地嘗試了直接引語,e.g. "What?" I asked. "I don't have any reservation…'文章因此而生動(dòng)有趣。故事有開頭、發(fā)展和結(jié)尾,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊。雖然有些小錯(cuò),但不影響閱讀,可以得助力能力。


  2016年11月19日KET FOR SCHOOLS寫作診斷試題!為大家介紹好了,如果大家還有什么問題的話,請(qǐng)直接撥打免費(fèi)咨詢電話:4000-121-121!有專業(yè)的老師為您解答!
