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預(yù)約高中1對(duì)1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學(xué)員個(gè)性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報(bào)名↓



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2016-11-08 09:57:22  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理





  ( ) 1. A. newspaper B. Internet C. mobile phone

  ( ) 2. A. know B. window C. show

  ( ) 3. A. excited B. e-friends C. e-mails

  ( ) 4. A. spell B. call C. close

  ( ) 5. A. let B. meet C. wet

  ( ) 6. A. yesterday B. holiday C. weekend

  ( ) 7. A. start B. turn C. bottle

  ( ) 8. A. sky B. cloudy C. honey


  三、聽錄音,根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容判斷句子的正( T )誤( F )。 (10分)

  ( ) 1. Yang Ling called Su Hai yesterday.

  ( ) 2. Su Hai visited the Palace Museum yesterday.

  ( ) 3. Yang Ling went to a park with her friends at the weekend.

  ( ) 4. There was a fashion show in the park.

  ( ) 5. Su Hai wanted to give Yang Ling some beautiful clothes yesterday.



  1. 遇見一頭獅子 _________________ 2. 一個(gè)下雨天___________________

  3. 喝牛奶________________________ 4. 看電子書_____________________

  5. 國(guó)慶節(jié)________________________ 6. all over the world _______________

  7. a clever monkey_________________ 8. tell me a story __________________

  9.go well________________________ 10. What happened? ________________

  五、單項(xiàng)選擇。( 10分)

  ( ) 1. ---What did you take with you, Liu Tao?

  ---I __________some bread and water.

  A. take B. taked C. took

  ( ) 2. --- Listen to me carefully, Tom. Don’t _____ the window.

  ---I’m sorry, Mr Green.

  A. looks out B. look out of C. looked out of

  ( ) 3. What an _________story!

  A. wonderful B. funny C. interesting

  ( ) 4. ---You look _________. What’s the matter?

  ---I lost my new pen.

  A. sad B. happy C. excited

  ( ) 5. ---Why were you so hungry?

  ---_________I didn’t have breakfast.

  A. But B. Because C. So

  ( ) 6. ---Where’s the Great Wall?

  ---It’s in ___________.

  A. Shanghai B. Beijing C. Guangzhou

  ( ) 7. ---Look! Is he __________ man?

  ---Yes. He is wearing a kilt.

  A. a Chinese B. a Scottish C. an American

  ( ) 8. There ______ a lot of people in the park yesterday afternoon.

  A. are B. was C. were

  ( ) 9. I like this season(季節(jié) ). The is blue and the are white.

  A. sky; clouds B. sky; cloudy C. cloud; sky

  ( ) 10. 下面有一組單詞的劃線部分發(fā)音相同。Which one is right?

  A. near summer B. hard party C. flower farm


  I II

  ( ) 1. How was your holiday? A. I saw ten pears.

  ( ) 2. How many pears did you see? B. Yes, I can.

  ( ) 3. Where’s the bee? C. I went to Miss Li’s office.

  ( ) 4. Where did you go? D. It was great fun.

  ( ) 5. Can you write a letter in English? E. It’s in the bottle.

  七、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。( 5分)

  1.---What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

  ---I _________ ( eat) some noodles.

  2.My mother likes shopping. She often ________ ( do )shopping on the Internet.

  3.Two years ago, she could not ____ (say) a word.

  4.The weather became __________( sun). We climbed up the hills.

  5.---What’s Lily doing in her bedroom?

  ---She_________ ( write) an e-mail to her e-friend.

  八、按要求改寫句子。( 10分)

  1. I watched TV last night. (改成否定句)

  I ________ _______TV last night.

  2. I bought a school bag for you yesterday. (改為一般疑問句)

  __________ you __________ a school bag for me ?

  3. I saw many interesting animals in the park. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)

  What you __ ______in the park?

  4. We play football every morning. (用yesterday morning替換every morning)

  We football ___________ morning.

  5. they the showed clothes king his new (連詞成句)( 2分)



  ( ) What did you buy?

  ( ) What did you do yesterday?

  ( ) Yes, they fit well.

  ( 2 ) I did shopping on the Internet.

  ( ) Look! Do they fit?

  ( ) I bought a pair of jeans.

  十、看圖完成對(duì)話,每空一詞。( 10分)

  1. A: How _________ the weather last Sunday?

  B: It was _________.

  A: Where did you go?

  B: I ________ to the park with my brother.

  A: What did you do in the park?

  B: We _________ a picnic.

  A: _________ you have a good time?

  B: Yes. But we ________ tired.

  2. A: What did you do _________ your friends

  on Children’s Day?

  B: We had a fashion __________.

  A: What did you __________?

  B: I wore a __________ dress.

  十一、閱讀短文兩篇,并根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成相應(yīng)訓(xùn)練。( 10分)


  It was Saturday on 2nd October. It was sunny and windy. I went to my uncle’s home with my friends. My uncle lives on a farm near Nanjing. It is a beautiful and big farm. But it was small five years ago. We went there by bike. We got there at eight o’clock in the morning. My uncle showed us a lot of photos about his farm at first. There were many cows, chickens, ducks, and fruit trees on the farm. We picked a lot of pears, apples and oranges. We ate a lot. They were so nice. We were so happy on the farm. We didn’t want to go home.


  ( )1. My uncle has a nice farm now.

  ( )2. I went to the farm with my family on 2nd October.

  ( )3. The farm was small five years ago.

  ( )4. There were no animals on my uncle’s farm.

  ( )5. We ate a lot of fruit on the farm.


  Long, long ago, there was a king. Solomon was his name. He was very clever.

  In his country, there were two women. They lived in the same house and each had a child.

  One night, one of the children died(死). The dead(死的) child’s mother took the other woman’s child and put him in her own(自己的) bed.

  The next morning, they had a quarrel(爭(zhēng)吵).

  “No, this is my child!”

  “The dead is yours!”

  Each one wanted the living child. So they went to see King Solomon.

  “Bring me a knife, cut the child into two and five each woman one half.”

  said the King.

  “Oh. Your Majesty! Give her my child. Please don’t kill(殺死) my child!”

  Then King Solomon pointed to the woman who was crying and said, “Give

  the child to her. She is the mother.”


  ( ) 1. Solomon was a _________________.

  A. teacher B. policeman C. king

  ( ) 2. The two women lived in the same ____________.

  A. forest B. house C. mountain

  ( ) 3. Each woman wanted the __________child.

  A. dead B. living C. clever

  ( ) 4. Here, cut the child into two and five means _______________.

  A. 把這個(gè)孩子切成兩半

  B. 這孩子兩歲半

  C. 這孩子七斤

  ( ) 5. King Solomon was ________________.

  A. foolish B. clever C. hungry



  Two years ago, ________________________________________________



