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少兒英文小故事:new house

2016-12-03 10:52:22  來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理

  少兒英文小故事:new house

  HOST: Nick` s at Theo` s new house. Theo` s unpacking boxes. And Nick` s helping Theo.

  NICK: Hey, Theo, where` s the clock?

  THEO: Uh…it` s in that box…over there. Put the clock on the night table, next to the bed, please.

  NICK: These are iice pictures. Who are they?

  THEO: He` s my uncle. And she` s my aunt. They` re in the living room in my old house.

  NICK: And who` s that?

  THEO: He` s my cousin. His name` s Javier. He lives in Miami. He` s in the dining room in his house.

  THEO: And these are my best friends in Miami. They` re in the kitchen in my old house. I really miss my friends in Miami.

  HOST: Wow! Theo` s bedroom id big. And there are lots of cool things in it! He has a lamp and shelves…and he has a computer, too!

  NICK: You have lots of cool things. Now, you just need a TV!What? Where is it? Wow! You have a TV for your room!

  THEO: Uh…no…not really.

  NICK: Theo, I know you miss your friends in Miami. But…remember…you have two new friends here…Kate and me!

  THEO: Let` s go call Kate.

  NICK: Okay! Where` s the phone?

  THEO: It` s in the kitchen. Come on! Let` s go !

  HOST: Here` s my family. That` s my mother and father and brothers. And here` s a picture of my friends Angie and Tom. That` s all for this week! See you next time in Backpack! Goodbye!
