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2019-01-12 20:55:24  來源:網絡整理

  高中期末診斷-高二英語期末之主語從句!長風破浪會有時,直掛云帆濟滄海。時光飛逝,高中悄無聲息的度過了一半。大家一定要努力!相信總有一天,能乘長風破萬里浪; 高高掛起云帆,在滄海中勇往直前!大家加油!下面是高中期末診斷-高二英語期末之主語從句希望對同學們有幫助!


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  1. 定義:用作主語的從句叫做主語從句。

  2. 構成:關聯詞+簡單句

  3. 引導主語從句的關聯詞有三類:

  (1) 從屬連詞that。 如:That they were in truth sisters was clear from the facial resemblance between them.


  (2) 從屬連詞whether。如:

  Whether he’ll come here isn’t clear. 他是否會來這里還不清楚。

  (3) 連接代詞who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever

  連接副詞 where, when, how, why。如:

  What she did is not yet known. 她干了什么尚不清楚。

  How this happened is not clear to anyone. 這事怎樣發(fā)生的,誰也不清楚。

  Whoever comes is welcome. 不論誰來都歡迎。

  Wherever you are is my home ---- my only home. 你所在的任何地方就是我的家----我先進的家。


  1. 主語從句能用it作形式上的主語。常以it作形式主語的句型有:

  A. It+be+形容詞(obvious, true, natural, surprising, good, wonderful, funny, possible, likely, certain, probable, etc.)+that從句。如:

  It is certain that she will do well in her exam. 毫無疑問她診斷成績會很好。

  It is probable that he told her everything. 很可能他把一切都告訴她了。

  B. It+be+名詞詞組(no wonder, an honour, a good thing, a pity, no surprise, etc.)+that從句。如:

  It’s a pity that we can’t go. 很遺憾我們不能去。

  It’s no surprise that our team should have won the game. 我們沒贏這場比賽真意外。

  C. It+be+過去分詞(said, reported, thought, expected, decided, announced, arranged, etc.)+that從句。如:

  It is said that Mr. Green has arrived in Beijing. 據說格林先生已經到了北京。

  It is reported that China has sent another man-made earth satellite into orbit.


  D. It+seem, happen等不及物動詞及短語+that從句。如:

  It seems that Alice is not coming to the party at all. Alice似乎不來參加晚會。

  It happened that I was out that day. 碰巧我那天外出了。

  E. It+doesn’t matter (makes no difference, etc.)+連接代詞或連接副詞引起的主語從句。如:

  It doesn’t matter whether she will come or not. 她是否來這無關緊要。

  It makes no difference where we shall have the meeting. 我們在哪里開會毫無區(qū)別。

  F. 當that引導的主語從句出現在疑問句中時,要以it作形式主語,而把主語從句后置


  1. 定義:用作主語的從句叫做主語從句。

  2. 構成:關聯詞+簡單句

  3.引導主語從句的關聯詞有三類: (1) 從屬連詞that。 如:That they were in truth sisters was clear from the facial resemblance between them. 很明顯,她們確是親姐妹,她們的臉型很相似。 (2) 從屬連詞whether。如: Whether he’ll come here isn’t clear. 他是否會來這里還不清楚。 (3) 連接代詞who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever 連接副詞 where, when, how, why。如: What she did is not yet known. 她干了什么尚不清楚。 How this happened is not clear to anyone. 這事怎樣發(fā)生的,誰也不清楚。 Whoever comes is welcome. 不論誰來都歡迎。 Wherever you are is my home ---- my only home. 你所在的任何地方就是我的家----我先進的家。

  解釋: 1. 主語從句能用it作形式上的主語。常以it作形式主語的句型有:

  A. It+be+形容詞(obvious, true, natural, surprising, good, wonderful, funny, possible, likely, certain, probable, etc.)+that從句。如: It is certain that she will do well in her exam. 毫無疑問她診斷成績會很好。 It is probable that he told her everything. 很可能他把一切都告訴她了。

  B. It+be+名詞詞組(no wonder, an honour, a good thing, a pity, no surprise, etc.)+that從句。如: It’s a pity that we can’t go. 很遺憾我們不能去。 It’s no surprise that our team should have won the game. 我們沒贏這場比賽真意外。

  C. It+be+過去分詞(said, reported, thought, expected, decided, announced, arranged, etc.)+that從句。如: It is said that Mr. Green has arrived in Beijing. 據說格林先生已經到了北京。 It is reported that China has sent another man-made earth satellite into orbit. 據報道中國又成功地發(fā)射了一顆人造地球衛(wèi)星。

  D. It+seem, happen等不及物動詞及短語+that從句。如: It seems that Alice is not coming to the party at all. Alice似乎不來參加晚會。 It happened that I was out that day. 碰巧我那天外出了。

  E. It+doesn’t matter (makes no difference, etc.)+連接代詞或連接副詞引起的主語從句。如: It doesn’t matter whether she will come or not. 她是否來這無關緊要。 It makes no difference where we shall have the meeting. 我們在哪里開會毫無區(qū)別。

  F. 當that引導的主語從句出現在疑問句中時,要以it作形式主語,而把主語從句后置。如: Is it true that the scientist will give us a lecture next week? 下周那位科學家將給我們作報告是真的嗎? Does it matter much that they will not come tomorrow? 他們明天不來很要緊嗎?

  G. 當主語從句出現在感嘆句中時,要以it作形式主語,而把主語從句后置。如: How strange it is that the children are so quiet! 孩子們這么安靜真奇怪! 2.注意連接代詞whoever, whatever, whichever等引導主語從句的含義 Whoever comes will be welcome. (whoever=the person who) 來的人將受到歡迎。 Whatever he did was right. (whatever=the thing that) 他所做的事情是正確的。 Whichever of you comes in will receive a prize. (whichever=anyone of you who) 你們當中不論哪個進來將會得到獎。


  一. 主語從句


  1. It 作形式主語和it引導強調句的比較

  It 作形式主語代替主語從句,主要是為了平衡句子結構,主語從句的連接詞沒有變化。而it引導的強調句則是對句子某一部分進行強調,無論強調的是什么成分,都可用連詞that。被強調部分指人時也可用who/whom。例如:

  a) It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film. 你不去看那場電影真可惜。

  b) It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not. 我對你成功與否不感興趣。

  c) It is in the morning that the murder took place. 謀殺案是在早上發(fā)生的。(強調句型)

  d) It is John that broke the window. 是John打碎的窗戶。(強調句型)

  2. 用it 作形式主語的結構

  (1) It is + 名詞 + 從句

  It is a fact that … 事實是…

  It is an honor that …非常榮幸

  It is common knowledge that …是常識

  (2) It is + 形容詞 + 從句

  It is natural that… 很自然…

  It is strange that… 奇怪的是…

  (3) It is + 不及物動詞 + 從句

  It seems that… 似乎…

  It happened that… 碰巧…

  It appears that… 似乎…

  (4) It + 過去分詞 + 從句

  It is reported that… 據報道…

  It has been proved that… 已證實…

  It is said that… 據說…

  3. 主語從句不可位于句首的五種情況:

  (1)if 引導的主語從句不可居于復合句句首。

  (2)It is said /reported…結構中的主語從句不可優(yōu)先。例如:

  正確表達:It is said that President Jiang will visit our school next week.

  錯誤表達:That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said.

  (3)It happens/occurs…結構中的主語從句不可優(yōu)先。例如:

  正確表達:It occurred to him that he failed in the examination.

  錯誤表達:That he failed in the examination occurred to him.

  (4)It doesn’t matter how/whether …結構中的主語從句不可優(yōu)先。例如:

  正確表達:It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not.

  錯誤表達:Whether he is wrong or not doesn’t matter.


  正確表達:Is it likely that it will rain in the evening?

  錯誤表達:Is that will rain in the evening likely?

  4. what 與that 在引導主語從句時的區(qū)別

  what 引導主語從句時在句時在從句中充當句子成分,如主語.賓語.表語,而that 則不然。例如:

  a) What you said yesterday is right.

  b) That she is still alive is a consolation











