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當前位置:北京學而思1對1 > 小學教育 > 小學英語試題 > 正文


2019-05-24 17:11:22  來源:無憂考網



  想要了解【小學英語試題】的相關資料,請點擊加入【愛智康小學交流福利群】愛智康小學交流福利群 ,并直接向管理員“小康康”索。壑强敌W交流福利群會不定期免費發(fā)放學習資料,小學政策等相關消息,請持續(xù)關注!





  一、 選出你所聽到的單詞,將其序號寫在括號里 (10分)

  ( ) 1. A she B he

  ( ) 2. A place B please

  ( ) 3. A buy B my

  ( ) 4. A kitchen B chicken

  ( ) 5. A day B date

  二 根據(jù)你聽到的問題或句子選擇答案,將序號填入括號內。(10分)

  ( ) 1 A She is a teacher. B She is reading.C She is fine.

  ( ) 2 A I like. B No, thanks.C Yes, I do.

  ( ) 3 A She is a nurse. B She is young.C She works in a hospital.

  ( ) 4 A I usually go to school by bike.B I usually go to bed at nine.C I usually go home by bus.

  ( ) 5 A How do you do ? B Thank you.C Good morning.


  一、 請將下列單詞分類。(10分)

  1 科目類: 2 星期類:

  3 蔬菜類: 4 食物類:

  5 家具類:

  A math B Monday C chair D tomato

  E cheese F Friday G shelf H P.E

  I egg J bean


  A What B How much C When D How many E Where

  1 day is it today?

  2 is the mirror?

  3 rice do you want?

  4 doctors are there in the hospital?

  5 will your mother come here?


  (今天利利到姑姑家,感到餓了……) (Lili—L Aunt—A)

  L: I am hungry. Please give me something to eat.

  A: ________1__________

  L: I like chicken very much.

  A: ________2___________

  L: Can you buy some for me?

  A: __________3__________

  L: About half a kilo.

  A: ________4__________

  L: Thank you ! I’m waiting for you.

  A But there’s no chicken here.

  B How much chicken do you need?

  C What’s your favourite food?

  D Ok. Just wait a minute.


  1 I can see with my _______.

  2 _______is that? That’s Jim’s father.

  3 Miss Li is our Chinese_________.

  4 Clean the __________,please.

  5 What’s this? It’s ________ eraser.

  ( who blackboard eyes teacher an )


  ( )1 當你向別人介紹自己時,說

  A This is Peter. B I’m Peter. C Nice to meet you.

  ( ) 2 當你想知道別人認識多少單詞時,問

  A How much English words do you know?

  B How many English word do you know?

  C How many English words do you know?

  ( ) 3 當你告訴別人“我有一輛白色自行車”時,說

  A I like a white bike. B I have a white bike.

  C There is a white bike in my house.

  ( ) 4 你想知道現(xiàn)在幾點時,問

  A What’s this? B What is it like?

  C What time is it?

  ( ) 5 你想知道對方在干什么時,問

  A What are you doing? B What will you do?

  C What would you like?

  ( ) 6 當你想知道別人是否喜歡這個新足球時,問

  A Do you like playing football?

  B I like the new football.

  C Do you like the new football?

  ( ) 7 當你撿到一本詞典,尋找失主,問

  A Who’s that? B Whose dictionary is it?

  C This dictionary is mine.

  ( ) 8 當你打電話時想知道對方是誰時,問

  A Who’s he? B Who are you?

  C Who’s that?

  ( ) 9 當你告訴別人“我喜歡制作模型輪船“時,說

  A I like making a model ship.

  B I like a model ship.

  C I like a model ship.

  ( ) 10 當你想對別人說圣誕節(jié)祝福的話時,說

  A Happy Christmas! B Merry Christmas!

  C Many thanks.


  ( )1 I usually go to school_______ bike.

  A by B with C on

  ( ) 2 There _____ some milk in the bottle.

  A are B is C am

  ( ) 3 There is _____ old woman at the gate.

  A a B an C the

  ( ) 4 Whose jacket is this?

  Maybe it’s _____.

  A Lily B Lily’s C Of Lily

  ( ) 5 This is Kate. She is ________ America.

  A beside B on C from

  ( ) 6 Have you got a dictionary? ______________.

  A Yes, I do. B No, I haven’t.

  C No, I don’t.

  ( ) 7 What are you doing here? I’m waiting _____ Bob.

  A in B for C at

  ( ) 8 Her aunt _____ the room.

  A am cleaning B cleaning C is cleaning

  ( ) 9 Where _____ Jane and Mary going?

  A are B is C am

  ( ) 10 What’s that in your hand?

  It’s _______ egg.

  A a B an C the

  ( ) 11 Tom isn’t ______ home.

  A in B to C at

  ( ) 12 How old ________ Li Yan ?

  A am B is C are

  七、閱讀短文 (10分)

  Mary is an American school girl. She is ten years old. Now she and her parents(父母) are in Shanghai. Her parents teach English in our school. They are very kind. Mary is a good pupil. She is good at math. She is clever. Now she can speak a little Chinese.


  ( ) 1 Mary is from America.

  ( ) 2.Her father is a Chinese teacher.

  ( ) 3 Mary is in Shanghai now.

  ( ) 4 She isn’t good at math.

  ( ) 5 Mary can speak a lot of Chinese.


  參考答案 筆試部分

  一、1.科目類 A math P.E 2.星期類 Monday Friday

  3.蔬菜類 tomato egg 4.食物類 cheese bean

  5.家具類 chair shelf



  四、eyes Who teacher blackboard an










