預約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學員個性化學習需求 馬上報名↓
A 1-6 serious , illness , organize , friendship , pay , community ,
B 1-6 express , in need , lonely , in order to , offered , raised my spirits
A1 2-8 fail to stop , agree to let , tried to solve , wish to have , know.... to get ,
remember to send , wanted to take
A2 1-8 to park , leave , to read , to join , to pass , to buy , clean , to carry
A3 2 b We use chopsticks to pick up food
3 d We use a dictionary to look up new words
4 c We use cotton to make cloth
5 a We use a knife to cut things
6 f We use paint to make pictrues
B 2-9 wanted to do , played... to bring , taught... to dance , help raise
loves to dance , started to sing , hopes to become , want to continue
A 1-8 Home,5000 , 3000 , 56 , member , 21 , 19 , 4(請忽略)
B 1-8 sick people , save their lives , safe , short time , test , the hospital , someone in need , find
C 1 Because the Spring Bud Project helped her go toschool when she was a little girl
2 She teaches 100 students
3 She teaches them to read and write
4 She teaches them how to raise animals and make clothes
5 Because in this way , they will get a job more easily in the future
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