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高一人教版英語下冊知識點總結! 北京高中生別錯過!

2020-03-19 21:26:48  來源:網絡整理


高一人教版英語下冊知識點總結! 北京高中生別錯過!合理的總結,合理的歸納,對于診斷成績會有很大的幫助,因此同學們一定要加油對知識點及時總結復習,下面一起來看看高一人教版英語下冊知識點總結!

  1.add up (把兩個或以上的數(shù)或量)加起來 add up to 共計(指加起來總和是)

  add … to 把…… 加到……中 add to=increase 增加,增添

  2. without + n./ v-ing There is no smoke without fire.

  He went out without speaking He slipped into the room without being notice.

  by + doing 借助于, 靠

  3. upset adj.心煩意亂,不舒服的,不適的 disturbed /sick

  vt.vi 使不安,使心煩,打亂,打翻 (upset-upset- upsetting)

  nervous (rather afraid) :在事情發(fā)展過程中有一種害怕的感覺 à 緊張

  anxious(worried): 由于害怕某種事情會發(fā)生而感到焦急

  upset(rather unhappy):由于某事的發(fā)生而感到心煩意亂

  4. ignore vt. 不理睬,忽視,對……裝作不知+sb/sth

  5. calm down vt. Vi. 平靜下來,使平靜

  6. concern vt 涉及n. 關心,關注,(利害)關系

  be concerned about/for 關心,掛念

  7. reason 理由,動機(explain why it happens or what causes it happen)決定做某事或

  采取某一行動的理由,由此而得出結論或解釋, 具有主觀性。(conclusion) + for

  cause 原因 (引起某事的后果或起因,usually a bad event ) 具有客觀性 (effect ) + of

  8. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.

  =While you were walking the dog……

  當When, while, before, after, once, if, unless, even if等引導的狀語從句的主語與句子的主語一致時,可將從句的主語和be動詞省去.

  While living in England, he picked up some English.

  While asked about her family, she began to cry.

  9. share vt.分享,分擔 share…in sth (with sb.) share (in) sth among / between sb.

  10.…, like your deepest feelings (feeling) and thoughts. like= such as

  a feeling of… have a feeling that… .

  show much feeling for…(對…的感情,同情,體諒 u.n.)

  11.go through vt. ①experience ,經歷,遭受 ②look at carefully,

  ③finish sth. or complete sth., use up ④ 穿過,通過

  12. hide ( hides -- hiding --- hid --- hidden)

  hide away + 地點狀語 hide away + 賓語 躲藏,隱藏

  hide +賓語 + away

  13. set down= write down = put down

  14. a series of = a set of一連串的,一系列,一套

  Two series of new stamps have come out.

  15. crazy adj. be/grow crazy about/of sth.

  be crazy to do sth.

  16. stay awake (remain / keep)

  17. on purpose 故意

  for (the) purpose of 為的是; 為了....起見; 為了...的目的

  with the purpose of 以(有)......的目的.

  18. in order to + do 為了…起見;以便 in order that + 從句

  In order to catch the early bus, she got up early.

  She got up early so as to/ in order to catch the early bus.

  in order not to so as not to

  19. dare 情態(tài)mod.v dare do(多用于否定句,疑問句,條件狀語從句)

  dared do (過去時)

  dare not do = daren’t do

  eg. I daren’t speak to him. No one dared ask him.

  實義vt. dare(s) (to) do

  don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t dare( to) do

  eg. he will dare any danger. He didn’t dare( to )go.

  20. happen to do sth. 碰巧做…..

  21.It is /was the first time(second time…) that … have/had done(時態(tài)用完成時)


  22. face to face adv. face-to-face adj.

  23. put away把…關起來,收拾,把…放在一邊

  24. according to + n./代詞

  25. outdoors --- indoors adv. n. outdoor---- indoor adj.

  26. get along (well) with sb. = get on with 與…相處,進展

  27. fall in love with (表示動作)

  be in love with (表示狀態(tài))

  28. have got to = have to

  29. habit 習慣 have / be in the habit of 有…..的習慣

  get into / form the habit of 養(yǎng)成…..的習慣

  30. Your friend can’t go until he/she finishes claening the bicycle.


  b. It is not until he/she finishes claening the bicycle that your friend can go.

  c. Not until he/she finishes claening the bicycle can your friend go.

  31.There is /was a time when….. 有段時間怎么了….









以上就是小編特意為大家整理的高一人教版英語下冊知識點總結!北京高中生別錯過!的相關內容,同學們在學習的過程中如有疑問或者想要獲取更多資料,歡迎撥打學而思愛智康免費電話: 更有專業(yè)的老師為大家解答相關問題!





