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2016-06-29 13:58:11  來源:愛智康











  Part 1 Listening(聽力部分) 40%

  I. Listen and choose (聽一聽,選出聽到的內(nèi)容,將字母代號(hào)寫在括號(hào)內(nèi)):10%

  ( ) 1. A. ball B. bell C. bear

  ( ) 2. A. boat B. coat C. goat

  ( ) 3. A. shape B. sharp C. shake

  ( ) 4. A. purse B. post C. poster

  ( ) 5. A. often B. office C. coffee

  ( ) 6. A. swimming goggles B. swimsuit C. sunglasses

  ( ) 7. A. a bowl of milk B. a box of milk C. a bottle of milk

  ( ) 8. A.10:15 B.9:45 C.9:15

  ( ) 9. A. There is some shells in the sand.

  B. There is something sharp in the sand.

  C. There are some sharp things in the sand.

  ( ) 10. A. Mother Duck feeds her babies with small worms.

  B. Mother Sheep feeds her babies with green grass.

  C. Mother Bird feeds her babies with small worms.

  II. Listen and choose (聽問句,選出正確的應(yīng)答句,將字母代號(hào)寫在括號(hào)內(nèi)):6%

  ( ) 1. A. He likes apples. B. She likes apples. C. No, she likes apples.

  ( ) 2. A. Yes, there are. B. Yes, they can. C. Yes, they are.

  ( ) 3. A.A piano. B.A drum. C.A triangle.

  ( ) 4. A. In October. B. In January. C. In May.

  ( ) 5. A. A film. B. In the cinema. C. See a film.

  ( ) 6. A. Yes, please. B. Sure, I’d love to. C. All right.

  III. Listen and choose (聽小對話和問題,選擇較好答案, 將字母代號(hào)寫在括號(hào)內(nèi)):6%

  ( ) 1. A. At 6:15. At 7:00. C. At 7:15.

  ( ) 2. A. Pink and green. B. Green and yellow. C. Red and blue.

  ( ) 3. A. Three. B. Five. C. Six.

  ( ) 4. A. Reading a book. B. Drinking juice. C. Playing with a dog.

  ( ) 5. A. Tony’s father. B. Tom. C. Tom’s father.

  ( ) 6. A. In the zoo. B. In the restaurant. C. In the pet shop.

  IV. Listen and fill in the blanks(聽一聽,填入所缺單詞完成短文,每格一詞):8%

  It’s _______ afternoon. All the students are in their _______.Eddie is ________ a model plane in the art room. Alice is sitting on the _______ and drawing a picture. They’re _______. Danny and Peter are playing _______ in the gym. They like sports very much. ______ they play football after school.

  As you can see, everyone ______ a good time today.

  V. Listen and judge (聽短文,判斷正誤,用T或F表示):10%

  ( ) 1. It’s half past nine now.

  ( ) 2. It’s a sunny day today.

  ( ) 3. The students are not in the school.

  ( ) 4. The girls are reading under a big tree.

  ( ) 5. Tom and Mike are swimming in the lake. They’re happy.

  Part 2 Reading and writing(筆試部分) 60%

  I. Copy the sentences(正確抄寫下列句子,注意大小寫和標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)):6%

  where does grandma li live Kitty she lives in the old peoples home

  ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  II. Look and write (根據(jù)圖意,填上適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~完成句子,每線一詞):6%



  1.Taste the ______. Are they sweet?

  2.--Who is cooking ______ in the kitchen? --Mrs Wang is.

  3.Jill has a ______. She can play it very well.

  4.--How many _______? --One.

  5.Look, Dad and Peter are _______ the dishes.

  6.--How does the pencil feel? Is it sharp? --No, it’s ______.

  III. Read and fill in the blanks (用所給單詞的形式填空):8%

  1.There are two _______(glass) of juice on the table.

  2.The Chens often _______(walk) in the garden in their spare time. They like _______(walk) there.

  3.Now it’s six o’clock. Let Tom ______(get) up at once.

  4.Can you _______(wake) me up tomorrow morning, Mum?

  5.Sam always _______(chat) with his parents at home, but now he ________(chat) with his friends on the Internet.

  6.Put _______(this) grapes in the basket, Little Lucy.

  IV. Read and choose (選擇較好答案,將字母代號(hào)寫在括號(hào)內(nèi)):10%

  ( )1. The moon _______ in the morning.

  A. goes off B. goes down C. rises

  ( )2. _____ the plum. It’s crunchy.

  A. Smell B. Touch C. Taste

  ( )3. Miss Fang is super. She can play _____ piano very well, and she can play ______ basketball well too.

  A. the ...the B./...the C. the.../

  ( )4. How _____ the keys feel? Are they hard?

  A. does B. do C. are

  ( )5. The old man is blind. He can’t ______.

  A. see B. hear C. smell

  ( )6. Are the flowers red ______yellow? Yes, they are beautiful.

  A. and B. or C./

  ( )7. They don’t go to the park ______ Monday. They go there ______ weekends.

  A. in...at B. on...on C. on...at

  ( )8. Some children often ______ cold ______.

  A. drinks...drinks B. drink...drinks C. drink...drink

  ( )9. _________! The bus is coming.

  A. Don’t stop B. Be careful C. Be kind

  ( )10. --I never ______ before bedtime. --A good boy!

  A. have a bath B. read a book C. have sweets

  V. Rewrite the sentences (按要求改寫句子):6%

  1. Mark wants to be a vet in the future.(否定句)


  2. That is Betty’s new wind-bell.(對劃線部分提問)


  3. My brother is riding his bicycle in the Century Park.(對劃線部分提問)


  4. The fox likes sour grapes. The fox likes sweet grapes.(選擇疑問句)


  5. It’s four forty-five.(另寫一句,意思不變)


  6. What time does your father have lunch?(按照實(shí)際情況完整回答)


  VI. Read and write (讀一讀,填入適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~完成句子,首字母已給,每線一詞):8%

  1. W______ is in the middle of the week.

  2. Little children don’t like t_____ books. They like thin books.

  3. Alice always does her homework in her b______.

  4. In summer we enjoy a fruit. It’s green and round. It’s red inside.

  It’s a w____.

  5. Look at my s_____. It can grow short. It can grow long. How funny!

  6. It’s n______ on the road. There are many buses and cars.

  7. Here are some d______ for the Spring Festival. We can eat them on New Year’s Eve.

  8. The ugly duckling grows and grows. Now it is a beautiful s______.

  VII. Reading comprehension (閱讀理解):10%

  (A) Read and judge(閱讀短文,判斷正誤,用T或F表示):5%

  Hello, I’m Anna. I like watching cartoons. I like the cartoon ‘Tom and Jerry’. It tells funny stories of a cat and a mouse. It’s very famous. In this cartoon, the cat is Tom and the mouse is Jerry. Jerry is very cute. Although he is much smaller than Tom, he always plays tricks on him. Poor Tom! He often makes a mess in the kitchen after chasing Jerry. He’s not a quiet pet in the eyes of his master(主人). But I think Tom is a good cat, as he always forgives(原諒) Jerry no matter what happens. I really want to have a cat like Tom.

  ( ) 1. Anna likes watching the cartoon “Tom and Jerry”.

  ( ) 2.’Tom and Jerry’ tells us funny stories of a cat and a dog.

  ( ) 3. Jerry is a cute cat.

  ( ) 4.Tom often makes a mess in the living room.

  ( ) 5. Anna wants to have a cat like Tom.

  (B) Read and answer the questions(閱讀短文,回答問題):5%

  Peter is eight years old. He goes to school and comes home on foot. He usually comes home from school at four o’clock. But today he’s late. He’s sad. His mother is busy. She is cleaning the kitchen. She sees him and asks, “Why are you late today?”

  “My teacher is angry and she sends me to the headmaster(校長) after school.” Peter answers.

  “Why does she send you to the headmaster?” Mum asks.

  “Because she asks a question, my classmates can’t answer it. But I can.”

  “Why doesn’t she send your stupid classmates?”

  “But the question is ‘Who puts the glue on my chair?’ ”

  1.What time does Peter usually come home? _______________________

  2.Is Peter’s mother in the kitchen or in the living room?________________

  3.What’s Peter’s mother doing? __________________________________

  4.Can Peter’s classmates answer the teacher’s question?_____________

  5.Who puts the glue on the teacher’s chair?_________________________

  VIII. Writing (補(bǔ)充完整題目,并以此為主題加以簡單描述,要求意思連貫,語句通順。不少于30個(gè)單詞,不少于2--3種句型):6%

  My favourite _____________



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