

課程咨詢: 10108899

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2016-08-03 18:54:01  來源:本站原創(chuàng)



— — 學(xué)而思小學(xué)課程在線預(yù)約 — —


免費學(xué)習(xí)診斷 精品5人班 99元買快課




  一 正確寫出下列句子 5%

  give the ball to me please


  shall we go to the park


  二 在下列選項中選出發(fā)音不同的那一項10%

  ( )1. A. February B. present C. every D. get

  ( )2. A. January B. country C. July D. family

  ( )3. A. August B. but C. uncle D. bus

  ( )4. A. dear B. near.ear D.early

  ( )5. A. man B. camp C. make D. bad

  ( )6. A. eat B. ready C. read D. tea

  ( )7. A. fine B. white C. write D. listen

  ( )8. A. cousin B. house C. about D. ground

  ( )9. A. room B. food C. too D. cook

  ( )10. A. these B. he C. we D. vest

  三 中英互譯 15%

  1. 一只文具盒_________ 2.在9:45_________ 3.一快雞肉_________ 4.在周四上午_________ 5.在冰箱旁_________ 6.洗衣服_________ 7. 聽我說 _________ 8.剛才_________ 9.實在忙_________ 10.問答_________ 11. a pair of chopsticks_________ 12.a brave cricket_________ 13. from different countries_________ 14. eleven minus ten_________ 15. Mid-Autumn Festival_________

  四 單向選擇 10%

  ( )1.–_________ is your shirt? –It’s black and white.

  A. What colour B. Where C. What

  ( )2.There’s ______ apple tree in my garden. Under ______ tree, there is _______

  young man.

  A. a, the, a B. an, the, the C. an, the, a

  ( )3.–What’s that behind the door? –__________.

  A. It’s big B. It’s a broom C. It’s here

  ( )4.He ________ many good friends in London.

  A. there are B. have C. has

  ( )5.Can you show me the way to _______ ?

  A. home B. Here C. the post office

  ( )6.–Which apple is for me, this one ____ that one? –The red one.

  A. and B. or C. but

  ( )7.–_______ is the young man? –He is Kate’s brother.

  A. What B. Who C. Which

  ( )8.This is Mary’s skirt. Please ________.

  A. show her the skirt B. give it to her C. put on it

  ( )9.–What is the time? –__________.

  A. It’s half to seven B. It’s at seven thirty C. It’s half past seven

  ( )10.There ______ two boxes and a ball under the bed.

  A. i

  is B. are C. be

  五 配對 10%

  ( ) 1. How old is your father?A. I like a tiger mask.

  ( ) 2. What colour is that car?B. Good idea.

  ( ) 3. How many birds can you see in the picture?C. It’s blue.

  ( ) 4. Can you ski?D. She is a waitress.

  ( ) 5. What do you like?E. He is thirty-three.

  ( ) 6. Are there any see-saws in the garden?F. I can see seven.

  ( ) 7. Show we go there by bike?G. No, there aren’t.

  ( ) 8. What are those over there?H. They are eighty yuan.

  ( ) 9. What’s the woman’s job?I. They’re horses.

  ( ) 10. How much are the masks?J. No, I can’t.   六 完成下列對話 15%

  Helen is an Australian _______. She is on _____ in Wuxi now. She is ________ about the weather in Wuxi with Li Lei.

  Helen: Hello, Li Lei! What’s the ____ like in spring here?

  Li Lei: It’s warm ______ of the time.

  Helen: _______ about summer here?

  Li Lei: It’s very ______. I usually go ________ in the lake.

  Helen: Which ________ in Wuxi do you like best?

  Li Lei: I like autumn best.

  Helen: The weather here in winter is _______, isn’t it?

  Li Lei: Yes, it is. I think it is _______ than Australia.

  Helen: ________ it often snow in winter?

  Li Lei: No, but sometimes. We need some _______ clothes at that time.

  Helen: What _______ you usually do then?

  Li Lei: We usually _______ snowmen.

  七 閱讀理解10%

  Today is Sunday. The students of Grade One go to school early, but they have no classes. Their teachers are going to take them to the zoo. They take buses there. They get there at half past nine.

  How beautiful the zoo is! There are many trees, some hills, and a big lake. It’s spring now, and the flowers are coming out. There are many people there, too. They like to watch monkeys. They are having a good time there. They leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.

  ( ) 1. The students get to the zoo ___.

  A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D.

  at noon

  ( ) 2. The students have lunch ___________.

  A. at home B. in the zoo C. on the bus D. at school

  ( ) 3. They have no classes because __________

  A. they want to see flowers B. it’s Sunday today C. their teachers take them to the zoo. D. they want to see monkeys

  ( ) 4. They stay in the zoo for ________ hours.

  A. nine and a half B. three C. five D. five and a half

  ( ) 5. Which is right?

  A. The students go to the zoo in January. B. They go to the zoo with their parents. C. They play with monkeys in the zoo. D. They go to the zoo by bus.

  八 根據(jù)中文意思完成下列句子 10%

  1. 這個標(biāo)志是什么意思?它的意思是我們應(yīng)該保持安靜。

  ________________ this sign________? It ____________________________________.

  2. 教師節(jié)是什么時候?它在每年的九月十日

  When is the __________________? It is __________________ every year.

  3. 你想要什么作為生日禮物? 我想要一個大蛋糕。

  ______________ you ___________________? _______________ a big cake..

  4. 他們的手表在哪里? 它們剛才在電腦旁邊。

  _________________ their ________? They __________near the computer __________________

  5. 你較喜愛的季節(jié)是哪個? 我較喜歡秋季。

  ________________ do you like________ ? I like ________________________.

  九 根據(jù)實際情況回答問題 10%

  1. What is your mother?


  2. What are you going to do this evening?


  3.How many students are there in your class?


  4.Who is taller, you or your father?


  5.Are you good at English?


  十 根據(jù)首字母填寫下列單詞 5%

  1. There are s________ days in a week.

  2. E________ me, is this your pencil?

  3. They play football in the football f_________.

  4. My father works in the hospital. He is a d_________.

  5. S________ is the first day of the week.



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