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2018-11-29 20:29:25  來源:無憂考網(wǎng)






  Part I Listening (聽力部分)40%

  I. Listen and circle (聽錄音,圈出聽到的單詞,并將序號填入括號內(nèi))10%

  ( ) 1. A. piano B. plane C. play

  ( ) 2. A. whose B. who C. who’s

  ( ) 3. A. swing B. swan C. swim

  ( ) 4. A. make B. milk C. music

  ( ) 5. A. desk B. nest C. rest

  ( ) 6. A. mooncake B. dumping C. rice dumpling

  ( ) 7. A. always B. often C. usually

  ( ) 8. A. the Spring Festival B. the Double Ninth Festival

  C. the Dragon Boat Festival

  ( ) 9. A. Kitty’s triangle is on the chair. B. Kitty’s violin is beside the desk.

  C. Kitty’s drum is under the desk.

  ( ) 10. A. What festivals do you like? B. Which festival do you like?

  C. Which Chinese festival do you like?

  II. Listen and circle(聽錄音,圈出正確的應(yīng)答句, 并將序號填入括號內(nèi))5%

  ( ) 1. A. No. It’s Peter’s. B. Yes. It’s Peter’s. C. It’s Peter’s.

  ( ) 2. A. We eat mooncakes. B. I eat rice dumplings. C. I eat cakes.

  ( ) 3. A. It’s in May or June. B. It’s in October.

  C. It’s in September or October.

  ( ) 4. A. We usually visit our relatives and friends

  B. We usually look at the beautiful moon.

  C. We usually watch dragon boat races.

  ( ) 5. A. Where’s Danny’s drum?

  B. Whose triangle is that?

  C. What can you play, Danny?

  III. Listen and choose (聽錄音,根據(jù)內(nèi)容與問題,選擇正確的答案)10%

  ( ) 1. A. Big and yellow B. Small and yellow.

  C. Big and red.

  ( ) 2. A. The Mid-autumn Festival B. The Chinese New Year C. Christmas

  ( ) 3. A. Jill. B. Eddie

  C. Eddie and Jill.

  ( ) 4. A. The piper of Hamelin. B. The ugly ducking.

  C. Animals friends.

  ( ) 5. A. She climbs mountains. B. She eats a big dinner.

  C. She watches dragon boat races.

  IV. Listen and number (根據(jù)聽到的順序,給下列句子編號) 5%

  ( ) The three ducklings are playing together. The ugly duckling is sad.

  ( 1 ) Mother Duck is making a nest for her eggs.

  ( ) An old woman is driving the ugly duckling away.

  ( ) The beautiful swan is looking into the pond. He is very happy.

  ( ) The three ducks are sitting on Mother’s Duck’s back. The ugly duckling is behind them.

  ( ) Mother Duck is feeding her babies. The big grey duckling is eating all the worms.

  V. Listen and fill in the blanks (聽對話,填入所缺的單詞,每線一詞) 5%

  Kitty: Oh! It’s time for __________ class. So great! I can play the __________ with Miss Fang. What can you play, Alice and Jill?

  Alice: I have a __________. And I can play it very well.

  Jill: l like playing the __________.

  Kitty: Listen! What’s the sound?

  Alice: Oh! It’s very loud. I don’t like it.

  Jill: That’s Danny’s _________. He likes loud music very much.

  VI. Listen and judge (聽錄音,判斷下面句子是否正確,用T或F表示) 5%

  ( ) 1. Linda and Ben are students.

  ( ) 2. They are talking about the Music class.

  ( ) 3. Ben doesn’t like the Mid-autumn Festival.

  ( ) 4. People like eating cakes at the Mid-autumn Festival.

  ( ) 5. There are only two important festivals in China.

  Part II Vocabulary and Grammar (讀寫部分)40%

  I. Read and copy(讀一讀,正確抄寫下列句子, 注意大小寫及標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號)5%

  which festival do you like ben i like the mid autumn festival


  Ⅱ. Look and write(根據(jù)圖意,寫出合適的單詞完成句子,每線一詞):5%

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  1. The ugly __________ becomes a beautiful swan.

  2. Look! Kitty has a __________ in her hand.

  3. There are three small eggs in the __________.

  4. -- Where’s my drum, Mum. – It’s __________ the table.

  5. People usually eat rice ___________ at the Dragon Boat Festival.

  III. Read and write(用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,每線一詞)5%

  1. -- Whose violin is that? --- It’s _________ (Eddie).

  2. The ugly duckling always _________ (swim) behind Mother Duck.

  3. Here _________ (be) some flowers and cakes for you, Grandma Li.

  4. _________ (who) red envelopes are these? They are Ben’s.

  5. We usually eat _________ (mooncake) at the Mid-autumn Festival.

  IV. Read and choose (讀一讀,選擇適當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?10%

  ( ) 1. -- ________ is your triangle? -- It’s in my bag.

  A. How B. What C. Where

  ( ) 2. -- ________ festivals do you like? -- I like the spring Festival.

  A. What B. How C. Where

  ( ) 3. It’s ________ ugly duckling swimming in the river..

  A. a B. an C. /

  ( ) 4. Zing-zing! I can play the ________.

  A. piano B. triangle C. violin

  ( ) 5. The ________ can fly in the sky.

  A. ducks B. swans C. hens

  ( ) 6. The Dragon Boat Festival is in ______.

  A. January B. June C. July

  ( ) 7. Jill can play ________ badminton, but she can’t play _______ piano.

  A. /, the B. the, the C. the, /

  ( ) 8. -- _________ triangle is this? --- It’s Alice’s.

  A. Where B. What C. Whose

  ( ) 9. Children get some money in red envelopes at ___________.

  A. the Chinese New Year B. the Dragon Boat Festival

  C. the Mid-autumn Festival

  ( ) 10. _________ is for old people.

  A. the Double Ninth Festival B. the Dragon Boat Festival

  C. the Mid-autumn Festival

  V. Think and write (根據(jù)要求寫出句子,每格一詞) 10%

  1. My piper is in the pencil case. (劃線提問)


  2. The ugly duckling swims in the river. (否定句)


  3. Kitty’s drum is under her desk. (一般疑問句)


  4. My drum is in the music room. (復(fù)數(shù)句)


  5. What special food do you eat at the Dragon Boat Festival? (根據(jù)實(shí)際情況回答)


  VI. Read and match (讀一讀,選擇正確的應(yīng)答句) 5%

  1. When is the Spring Festival? A. It’s behind the door.

  2. Where’s Ben’s drum? B. It’s Ben’s.

  3. What can you play, Ben? C. I like the Spring Festival.

  4. Whose toy duckling is this? D. It’s in January or February.

  5. Which festival do you like, Ben? E. I can play the drum.

  Part III Reading and writing (閱讀與寫作)20%

  I. Read and write(讀一讀,填上合適的單詞或詞組完成句子,每線詞數(shù)不限):4%

  1. It comes in October. People often climb the mountains, visit old people or eat Double Ninth cakes. It’s _______________________.

  2. It comes in September or in October. The weather is cool and dry. It’s always sunny. People look at the full moon and eat mooncakes. It’s _______________________.

  3. It comes in May or in June. The weather then is hot. Sometimes it’s sunny. Sometimes it’s rainy. People watch dragon boat races and eat rice dumplings. It’s _________________________.

  4. It comes in usually or in February. People like buying new clothes and traditional food. The like having a big dinner together. Children can get money from their relatives. It’s ________________________.

  II. Read and choose (讀一讀,填上適當(dāng)?shù)木渥泳幪柾瓿啥涛,每句限用一? 5%

  A. We can climb the mountains. B. It’s autumn.

  C. What can you do on that day? D. We can eat Double Ninth cakes.

  E. When is the Double Ninth Festival?

  A: Hello, Jack. B: Hi, Billy.

  A: _______ B: It’s usually in October.

  A: How is the weather on that day? B: _______ It’s cool and dry.

  A: _______ B: We can do many things. _______ We can visit old people.

  A: What else can we do? B: _______

  A: Are they sweet? B: Yes, they are yummy food.

  III. Read and choose (閱讀短文,回答下列問題) 5%

  Danny, Eddie, Mary and Kitty are students. They are talking on the telephone.

  Eddie: I like playing the violin. I have violin classes every Sunday. Sometimes I go to the hall with my friends and play it there.

  Kitty: I like the piano. I go to the music club every Friday afternoon. I often go to the music corner at Rainbow Park, too.

  Mary: My brother Bob and I love music. We always play the drum together after school. My drum is small, but my brother’s drum is big. Sometimes we play the drum on Sunday afternoon.

  Danny: I am a school volunteer(志愿者). I often help others. Sometimes I help the teachers clean the school library, and sometimes I play the triangle for some old men. They are happy to listen to the music.

  1. How many students are talking on the telephone? __________________

  2. What does Eddie like doing? ___________________________________

  3. When does Kitty go to the music club? ___________________________

  4. Whose brother can play the drum? ______________________________

  5. Do the children like music? ____________________________________

  X. Writing(寫話,可以寫一寫你喜歡的節(jié)日或樂器,至少35個(gè)單詞,2-3種句型。先將題目補(bǔ)充完整。):6%

  My favourite _________

  _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

  _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________



  Part I Listening (聽力部分)40%

  I. Listen and circle (聽錄音,圈出聽到的單詞,并將序號填入括號內(nèi))10%

  1. Look! Peter can play the piano.

  2. Whose drum is this? It’s Alice’s drum.

  3. The ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan.

  4. The students are playing the violin in the music room.

  5. There are many eggs in the nest.

  6. Chinese people usually eat rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival.

  7. Please always remember good table manners when you have three meals.

  8. Happy the Double Ninth Festival, Granma.

  9. Kitty’s drum is under the desk.

  10. Which festival do you like? ( AABCB CABCB )

  II. Listen and circle(聽錄音,圈出正確的應(yīng)答句, 并將序號填入括號內(nèi))5%

  1. Is it Peter’s drum?

  2. What special food do you eat at the Dragon Boat Festival?

  3. When is the Mid-autumn Festival?

  4. What do you usually do at the Mid-autumn Festival?

  5. It’s beside the piano. ( BBCBA )

  III. Listen and choose (聽錄音,根據(jù)內(nèi)容與問題,選擇正確的答案)10%

  1. A. Ben, is this your drum?

  B. No. My drum is small and yellow. It’s over there.

  A. Whose drum is this? Do you know?

  B. Oh! It’s Kitty’s. Her drum is big and red.

  Q: How is Ben’s drum?

  2. A. What festival do you like, Alice?

  B. I like the Mid-autumn Festival. I like watching the full moon at night. Do you like this festival, Miss Fang.

  A. Me too. But my favourite festival is the Chinese New Year. I can visit my relatives and friends. And we can have a big dinner together. What about you? Danny?

  C. I like Christmas. I can get many presents.

  Q: Which festival do Alice and Miss Fang like?

  3. A. It’s time for Music class, Jill.

  B. Oh! I like music very much. I can play the piano. And you, Eddie?

  A. I can play the piano too. And I can play the violin.

  Q: Who can play the piano?

  4. A. Kitty, what are you doing?

  B. I’m reading a story. It is about a duckling.

  A. Do you like the story?

  B. Yes. It is very interesting. Finally, the ducking becomes a swan.

  Q: What’s the name of the story?

  5. A: What’s the date today, Kitty?

  B: It’s the Dragon Boat Festival.

  A: What can you do on the Dragon Boat Festival?

  B: We can eat some rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races.

  Q: What does Kitty do on Dragon Boat Festival? (AACBC)

  IV. Listen and number (根據(jù)聽到的順序,給下列句子編號) 5%

  Mother Duck is making a nest for her eggs. Mother Duck is feeding her babies. The big grey duckling is eating all the worms. The three ducks are sitting on Mother’s Duck’s back. The ugly duckling is behind them. The three ducklings are playing together. The ugly duckling is sad. An old woman is driving the ugly duckling away. The beautiful swan is looking into the pond. He is very happy. (415632)

  V. Listen and fill in the blanks (聽對話,填入所缺的單詞,每線一詞) 5%

  Kitty: Oh! It’s time for Music class. So great! I can play the piano with Miss Fang. What can you play, Alice and Jill?

  Alice: I have a violin. And I can play it very well.

  Jill: l like playing the triangle.

  Kitty: Listen! What’s the sound?

  Alice: Oh! It’s very loud. I don’t like it.

  Jill: That’s Danny’s drum. He likes loud music very much.

  VI. Listen and judge (聽錄音,判斷下面句子是否正確,用T或F表示) 5%

  Miss Fang and the children are talking about the festivals in China. There are some important ones here.

  Miss Fang: Which festival do you like, Ben?

  Ben: I like the Mid-autumn Festival. It’s in September or in October. People like eating mooncakes and looking at the bright moon in the sky at night.

  Miss Fang: What about you, Linda?

  Linda: I like the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s in May or in June. It’s hot, sunny. Sometimes it’s rainy. People often watch the dragon boat races I the river. They like eating rice dumplings.

  Miss Fang: Are people happy to have their festivals?

  Ben and Linda: Yes, they are. ( TFFFF )

  Part II Vocabulary and Grammar (讀寫部分)40%

  I. Read and copy(讀一讀,正確抄寫下列句子, 注意大小寫及標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號)5%

  Which festival do you like, Ben? I like the Mid-autumn Festival.

  Ⅱ. Look and write(根據(jù)圖意,寫出合適的單詞完成句子,每線一詞):5%

  1. duckling 2. violin 3. nest 4. under 5. dumplings

  III. Read and write(用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,每線一詞)5%

  1. Eddie’s 2. swims 3. are 4. Whose 5. mooncakes

  IV. Read and choose (讀一讀,選擇適當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?10%

  1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B

  6. B 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. A

  V. Think and write (根據(jù)要求寫出句子,每格一詞) 10%

  1. Whose piper is in the pencil case?

  2. The ugly duckling doesn’t swim in the river.

  3. Is Kitty’s drum under her desk?

  4. Our drums are in the music room.

  5. I like …

  VI. Read and match (讀一讀,選擇正確的應(yīng)答句) 5%

  1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5.

  Part III Reading and writing (閱讀與寫作)20%

  I. Read and write(讀一讀,選擇合適的單詞填空,每線一詞)4%

  1. the Double Ninth Festival 2. the Mid-autumn Festival

  3. the Dragon Boat Festival 4. the Spring Festival/the Chinese New Year

  II. Read and choose (讀一讀,填上適當(dāng)?shù)木渥泳幪柾瓿啥涛模烤湎抻靡淮? 5%

  1. E 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D

  III. Read and choose (閱讀短文,回答下列問題) 5%

  1. Four students are talking on the telephone.

  2. He likes playing the violin.

  3. She goes to the music club every Friday afternoon.

  4. Mary’s brother can play the drum.

  5. Yes, they do.

  X. Writing(寫話,可以寫一寫你喜歡的節(jié)日或樂器,至少35個(gè)單詞,2-3種句型。先將題目補(bǔ)充完整):6% 略
