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2019-07-02 16:14:18  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理






  (  )(1)A. pencil    B. pear    C. ruler    D.pen

  (  )(2)A. sad      B. present  C. excited    D. happy

  (  )(3)A. shoe     B. head    C. hand    D.arm

  (  )(4)A. ate      B. went    C. flew    D. swim

  (  )(5)A. monkey    B. tiger    C. kitchen    D. giraffe

  (  )(6)A. taller    B. short    C. older

  (  )(7)A .horse    B. goose    C. home

  (  )(8)A. try    B. often    C. never

  (  )(9)A. third    B. apple    C. first

  (  )(10)A. science    B. China    C. English

  (  )(11)A. when    B. window    C. where

  (  )(12)A. my    B. eraser    C. his

  (  )(13)A. rainy    B. windy    C. baby

  (  )(14)A .Tuesday    B. December    C. Friday

  (  )(15)A. take    B. wash    C. why



 。1)The book is   the bed.  (2)Could I   Mike, please?

 。3)Dont read   . Its bad for your eyes. (4)It is a   pencil.

  (5)1 will   with Mike this week.


  (  )1.Are these your books   his books?

  A. or    B.a(chǎn)nd    C.with    D./

  (  )2.-   on the desk?-Yes, it is.

  A. Whats   B. Where is   C. Is Bills bag   D. Are Toms pens

  (  )3.These are our books. Please look after_________.

  A. their    B. they    C. it    D. them

  (  )4.-Whats the time?   -Its half ________two.

  A. pass   B. for    C. past

  (  )5.-______snakes love music?  -No,they are deaf.

  A. Does    B. Are    C. Do

  (  )6.What do you want________?

  A. to do    B. do    C. doing

  (  )7.China is one______ the first countries in the UN.

  A./    B. for    C. Of

  (  )8.-Do you like ______football?    -Yes,I do.

  A. play    B. playing    C. plays

  (  )9.Do you know the name   the girl?

  A. in    B. on    C. of    D. at

  (  )10.Its a picture of   family.

  A. Bob    B. Bobs    C. Bobs    D. Bobs

  (  )11.BaiLing   her homework last Saturday .

  A. do    B. did    C. does

  (  )12.What’s your hobby ? I like   .

  A. ride a bike   B. bike    C. riding a bike

  (  )13.The third day is   in a week .

  A. Monday   B. Tuesday    C. Wednesday

  (  )14.How   XiaoDong go to HuiZhou? He   there by car.

  A .do…goes    B. does…go    C. does…goes

  (  )15. I’m   . Because my parents take a trip with me .

  A. angry    B.sad    C. happy

  (  )16.On the farm, there are many cows, horses and   .

  A. sheep    B.hen    C. sheeps

  (  )17.When you play football. You can wear your   .

  A. sneakers    B. slippers    C. sandals

  (  )18.I   fishing yesterday . but I’m   homework now .

  A. went…doing    B. went…did    C. go…do

  (  )19.This dress is very pretty .It’s   .

  A. Amy’s    B. John’s    C. Mike’s

  (  )20.Are there   tall buildings in the city ?

  A. a    B. some    C. any

  (  )21.The man   blue is his brother.

  A.with    B.in    C.on

  (  )22.-   is this book?-Kates.

  A. Who    B.Whose    C.Where

  (  )23.The visitors   London next month.

  A. went to    B. is going to    C. are going to

  (  )24.I can speak English   my mother.

  A. better as    B.better than    C.good as

  (  )25.Who do you   write to?

  A.want    B.want to    C.to

  (  )26.—Where   you just now?—I   at the library.

  A. was; were   B. are; was    C. were; was

  (  )27.Its time   listen   the music.

  A. to; /    B. for; to    C. to ; to

  (  )28.________give the ball to him. Give it to________.

  A. Not; her    B. Dont; her    C. Dont; he

  (  )29.-What _________ you   usually on Sundays?

  -I watch TV. But last Sunday I _________to the park with my friends.

  A. did ; do ; does    B. do ; do; went    C. do; do ; want

  (  )30.-   is the shopping center? -About two kilometers away.

  A. How far    B. How many    C. How

  (  )31.Do you like____?

  A. swim    B. swimming    C. are swimming    D. swim, too

  (  )32.My father works in a hospital. He is a

  A. doctor    B. teacher    C. cleaner    D. writer

  (  )33.-Dont run in the classroom, David.

  A. Never mind, Miss Li.    B.Sorry,Miss  Li.    C.Im fine, Miss Li.

  (  )34.Marys uncle is    doctor, her aunt is____ artist.

  A. a; a    B. an; an    C. an; a    D. a; an

  (  )35.“Hello !  34776855”“ Hello!   “

  A. This is Tom.    B. Im Tom.    C. Who are you?    D. Are you Tom?

  (  )36.Miss Li is a teacher, Meimei is _______student.

  A. his    B. my    C. her    D. she

  (  )37.I usually___  books and   TV in summer holiday.

  A. read; read    B. watch; watch    C. read; watch   D. watch; read

  (  )38.I____ a new book and my sister   a new book, too.

  A. have; have    B. has; has    C. have; has    D. has; have

  (  )39.-How many   are there in a week?-There are____.

  A. day; seven    B. days; seven    C. days; five    D. day; five

  (  )40.-Whats his favourite drink?-   .

  A. Pear juice    B. Tomatoes    C. Pears    D. Red

  (  )41.Ask the boy not to make any ________. I can’t fall asleep.(入睡)

  A. voice    B. noise    C. sound    D. sounds

  (  )42.I wrote ___________ passage in English class yesterday.

  A. an eight-hundred-word    B. an eight-hundred words

  C. a eight-hundred-words    D. a eight-hundred words

  (  )43.An old friend of my sister’s always helps my brother and ___ with ___ lessons.

  A. I … our    B. me … ourselves   C. I … my    D. me … our

  (  )44.Simon heard his neighhour ________ for help at night.

  A. calls    B. call    C. calling    D. to call

  (  )45.It’s cold here. Please keep the window __________.

  A. close    B. closed    C. closing    D. closes

  (  )46._____ your brother _______ his holidays in Beijing next year?

  A. Is … going to spend  B. Is … spending  C. Do … spend D. Does … spend

  (  )47.___________ nice the watch is !

  A. What    B. What a    C. How    D. How a

  (  )48.Let’s get __________ it and have a look.

  A. close    B. be close    C. close to    D. be close t o

  (  )49._______ you afraid of __________ late for school?

  A. Do … be    B. Are … be   C. Do … being    D. Are … being

  (  )50.It’s important _________ with fire.

  A. to careful    B. being carefully   C. to being careful   D. to be careful

  (  )51.A: __________ do you have a bath in winter?  B: Once three days.

  A. How long    B. How often    C. How soon    D. How many

  (  )52.____________! It’s getting dark.

  A. Be careful    B. Hurry up   C. Don’t hurry    D. Don’t worry

  (  )53.A: ________  B: Never mind. What can I do for you?

  A. Don’t rush.   B. Sorry to trouble you.   C. Can I help you.   D. No hurry.

  (  )54.He makes his class ______, so he always makes the students _______.

  A. interesting … laughing   B. interested … laugh

  C. interesting … laugh    D. interested … laughing

  (  )55.When the house is on fire, the firemen let people _________ the fire.

  A. to keep away from   B. keeping away from  C. go into    D. keep away from

  (  )56.當(dāng)你打電話給對(duì)方介紹自己是凱特時(shí),應(yīng)該說:

  A. Hello!  Im Kate.    B. Hello!  This is Kate.    C. Hello! Are you Kate?

  (  )57.經(jīng)由他人介紹后,雙方用來互相問候的話語是:

  A. How do you do?    B. What do you do?    C .How are you?

  (  )58.當(dāng)老師提醒你上學(xué)不要遲到時(shí),說:

  A. Dont read in bed, Xiaoming!  B. Dont be late for school, Xiaoming!

  C. Dont close the window, Xiaoming!

  (  )59.在別人家做客,主人給你拿飲料喝,你接過飲料的同時(shí)應(yīng)該說:

  A. Oh, its good.    B. Thank you.    C. Excuse me.    D. Youre welcome.

  (  )60.如果不想告訴別人你的年齡時(shí)說:

  A. Dont ask me.   B. I dont know.    C. Its a secret.    D. Youre right.

  (  )61.當(dāng)你想知道今天星期幾時(shí),你應(yīng)該怎樣問別人?

  A. What is this in English?  B. What is the date today?  C.What day is it today?

  (  )62.怎樣問天氣情況?

  A. What day is it today?  B.What is the date?  C. What is the weather like today?

  (  )63.在每年的9月10日那天,你應(yīng)該對(duì)老師說:

  A. Happy birthday to you!   B. Happy Childrens Day!  C.Happy Teachers Day!

  (  )64.當(dāng)別人向你借尺子時(shí),你應(yīng)該說:

  A. No, thanks.    B. Sure, here you are.    C. No, I dont.

  (  )65.當(dāng)你向別人問路時(shí),但別人不知道時(shí),你應(yīng)該說:

  A. Thank you all the same.  B.Im sorry. C.Dont thank you.



  It is Sunday morning. The students are going to the 1 __. Lily and Lucy like animals 2 __. They get up very 3____ in the morning. After 4____ they go to school. The students 5____ at the school gate. They go there 6____ . Miss Gao goes 7_____ them.

  There are many kinds of 8_____ in the zoo. The biggest one is 9____ . But they can’t see any cats. The students 10_____ the zoo at four in the afternoon. Lily and Lucy get home at about five. They have a very good time.

  (  )(1)A. cinema    B. zoo    C. factory  D. hospital

  (  )(2)A. very well  B. very good   C. very much   D. very nice

  (  )(3)A. early    B. late    C. earlier    D. later

  (  )(4)A. supper   B. lunch    C. breakfast    D. meal

  (  )(5)A. see    B. watch    C. look    D. meet

  (  )(6)A. by foot   B. on foot    C. by feet    D. on feet

  (  )(7)A. for    B. and    C. with    D. of

  (  )(8)A. animals   B. birds    C. cats    D. boats

  (  )(9)A. a monkey  B. a bird    C. a tiger    D. an elephant

  (  )(10)A. get to   B. go to    C. leave    D. like



  In some parts of the world there are large deserts. There are no trees and no water there. Travelers must take food and water with them. The only animal that can walk through the desert is the camel. It can go without food or water for a long time and it can carry heavy things. People call the camel “the ship of the desert”. The camel’s humps(駝峰)hold fat, and its stomach(胃)holds water in twelve deep pockets. Each pocket has a mouth which closes, and the food does not mix(混合) with the water. When the camel wants some water, it can get it out of the pockets. The camel’s food is grass and leaves of trees.


  (  )(1)Camels can walk through the desert because they don’t drink or eat.

  (  )(2)People call the camels “the ship of desert”, because all camels can swim in the desert.

  (  )(3)All camels have less than three humps.

  (  )(4)Every camel, even the young, has got twelve pockets in its stomach.

  (  )(5)Camels eat only grass.


  One day an old man is selling(賣) a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “Don’t say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.” “All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “Now, can you tell me how you found the elephant’s bad ears?” “I didn’t find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asked the old man. The young man answers, “Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”


  (  )(1)________ the elephant.

  A. The young man sells  B. The old man sells C. The two men sell  D. The old man buys

  (  )(2)The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out ____.

  A. which foot of the elephant is bad    B. how heavy it is

  C. which ear of the elephant is bad    D. what it looks like

  (  )(3)The young man ______________.

  A. knows the elephant has bad ears    B. wants to  buy the elephant

  C. looks after the elephant    D. gets some money from the old man

  (  )(4)The young man ______________.

  A. is not interested in elephants    B. knows what an elephant looks like

  C. has seen some elephants before    D. has never seen an elephant before

  (  )(5)Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably(很可能)be_____.

  A. angry    B. happy    C. dangerous    D. hungry


  This is Billy and his sister’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is very clean. There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between the beds. There are some books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other is for his sister. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his sister like their bedroom very much .

  (  ) (1)The bedroom is small, and it’s clean .

  (  ) (2)There are two desks in the bedroom.

  (  ) (3)There are some Chinese books on the desk.

  (  ) (4)There are two maps on the wall.

  (  ) (5)The chairs are for Billy and his brother.






