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2021-09-06 11:19:44  來源:百度文庫


初中英語動詞時態(tài)知識點總結書!初中英語語法在學習上,課堂要認真聽講,平時還要加強對語法知識的練習。初中英語語法就像數(shù)學公式,你要背并且看例句最后還要練習!一定要養(yǎng)成多次反復看筆記,記規(guī)則的學習習慣。下面,小編為大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">初中英語動詞時態(tài)知識點總結書。   



  1. Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _________ the Pacific, and we met no storms.

  A. was called B. is called

  C. had been called D. has been called

  【分析】答案選 B。因為這是客觀事實,故用一般現(xiàn)在時。


  2.--What would you do if it ________ tomorrow?

  --We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everything ready.

  A. rain B. rains

  C. will rain D. is raining

  【分析】答案選 B。即在條件句中用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來意義。

  3. As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when _______ and see him.

  A. you will come B. will you come

  C. you come D. do you come

  【分析】答案選 A。when 引導的是賓語從句,不是狀語從句。


  一般將來時主要用于表示在現(xiàn)在看來將要發(fā)生的動作或情況。不過值得注意的是,將來時態(tài)的表示方法有很多種,如 will (shall)+v.,be going to+v.,be (about) to+v. 等,而這些不同的表達法在用法上是有區(qū)別的。

  be about to+v. 通常不與具體的時間狀語連用,而其他結構則可以;表示有跡象要發(fā)生某事,通常要用 be going to+v.;進行時態(tài)表示將來主要表示按計劃或安排要發(fā)生的事,等等。

  will (shall)+v.和 be going to+v. 均可表示意圖,但意圖有強弱之分,如果是事先考慮過的意圖,要用 be going to;如果不是事先考慮過的,而是說話時刻才臨時想到的意圖,則用 will。如:

  1.--Did you tell Julia about the result?

  --Oh, no, I forgot. I _______ her now.

  A. will be calling B. will call

  C. call D. am to call

  【分析】答案選 B。表示臨時的決定,要用“will+動詞原形”。


  2. -What are you going to do this afternoon?

  -I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film _________ quite early, so we _________ to the bookstore after that.

  A. finished, are going

  B. finished, go

  C. finishes, are going

  D. finishes, go

  【分析】答案選 C。由問句和答語I am going…可知,要用將來時態(tài),排除選項A和B;電影的開始和結束是電影院在時刻表中已有的計劃,用一般現(xiàn)在時表示,而表示最近的打算或安排,則可用現(xiàn)在進行時表示。



  1. --If the traffic hadn’t been so heavy, I could have been back by 6 o’clock.

  --What a pity! Tina _________ here to see you.

  A. is B. was

  C. would be D. has been

  【分析】答案選 B。盡管上面一句用的是與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣,但后面一句談的卻是發(fā)生在過去的一件真實情況,故用一般過去時。

  2. Scientists think that the continents _______ always where they _________ today.

  A. aren’t; are B. aren’t; were

  C. weren’t; are D. weren’t; were

  【分析】答案選 C。句意是:科學家認為各大陸并非一直在它們現(xiàn)在所處的位置。既然過去的位置與現(xiàn)在的位置不同,所以談論過去情況用一般過去時。



  1. Listen to the two girls by the window. What language _________?

  A. did they speak

  B. were they speaking

  C. are they speaking

  D. have they been speaking

  【分析】答案選 C。根據Listen to…可知,speak 這一動作正在進行。

  2. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing. People _________ to ask how I am going to spend the money.

  A. phone B. will phone

  C. were phoning D. are phoning

  【分析】答案選 D。指贏大獎以來近階段正在發(fā)生的事,用現(xiàn)在進行時。

  3.--Are you still busy?

  --Yes, I _________ my work and it won’t take long.

  A. just finish

  B. am just finishing

  C. have just finished

  D. am just going to finish

  【分析】答案選 B。由it won’t take long可知即將做完了,用現(xiàn)在進行時表示即將發(fā)生的事;選項D表示“正打算做完”,與句意不符。



  Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didn’t want her parents to know what she _________.

  A. has done B. had done

  C. was doing D. is doing

  【分析】答案選 C。用過去進行時表示過去正在進行的動作。因 decided 和didn’t want 都是過去式,排除選項A和D;因“做”發(fā)生在“決定”之后,而不是之前,故不能用過去完成時,排除選項B。



 點擊了解>>>初中英語知識點專題匯總 預約咨詢請撥打:400-810-2680



  1. Years ago we didn’t know this, but recent science _________ that people who don’t sleep well soon get ill.

  A. showed B. has shown

  C. will show D. is showing

  【分析】答案選 B。由表示對照的Years ago和recent可知,“以前不知”,但“現(xiàn)在已經證明了”,所以用現(xiàn)在完成時。

  2. He was hoping to go abroad but his parents _________ that they won’t support him unless he can borrow money from the bank.

  A. were deciding B. have decided

  C. decided D. will decide


  另外,同學們還要特別注意以下這些習慣上要與現(xiàn)在完成時連用的短語和句型:so far(到目前為止),since(自從),in [for, during] the past [last]…years(在過去…年中),by now (到現(xiàn)在為止),up to [until] now (到現(xiàn)在為止),It's [will be] the first time that…(第一次……)等。如:

  3. My brother is an actor. He ________ in several film so far.

  A. A. appears B. appeared

  C. has appeared D. is appearing

  【分析】答案選 C。so far(到目前為止)通常與現(xiàn)在完成時連用。

  4. The country life he was used to _________ greatly since 1992.

  A. change B. has changed

  C. changing D. have changed

  【分析】答案選 B。since 1992這類時間狀語通常與現(xiàn)在完成時連用。主句主語是the country life,句中he was used to是省略了關系代詞that的定語從句。



  1. He _________more than 5,000 English words when he entered the university at the age of 15.

  A. has learned

  B. would have learned

  C. learned

  D. had learned

  【分析】答案選 D。因為上大學是過去,學了五千個英語單詞是在上大學之前,即“過去的過去”,所以用過去完成時。

  2. When the old man _________ to walk back to his house, the sun _________ itself behind the mountain.

  A. started; had already hidden

  B. had started; had already hidden

  C. had started; was hiding

  D. was starting; hid

  【分析】答案選 A。根據句意,“開始回房子”發(fā)生在過去,“太陽落山”是在“開始回房子”之前,故過去的過去。

  3. Father ________ for London on business upon my arrival, so I didn’t see him.

  A. has left B. left

  C. was leaving D. had left

  【分析】答案選 D。根據“我沒見到他”可知,“在我到達”前“父親已經去倫敦”了,即父親去倫敦發(fā)生在“過去的過去”,故用過去完成時。

  4. The policeman’s attention was suddenly caught by a small box which _________ placed under the Minister’s car.

  A. has been B. was being

  C. had been D. would be

  【分析】答案選 C。因為這個小盒子“被放在部長車下”發(fā)生在“引起警察注意”之前,即“過去的過去”,所以用過去完成時。

  5.--Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.

  --Oh ! I thought they _________ without me.

  A. went B. are going

  C. have gone D. had gone



初中英語動詞時態(tài)知識點總結書就給大家分享到這里,另外學而思學科老師還給大家整理了一份《初中英語知識點專題匯總 》。







