

課程咨詢: 400-810-2680

預(yù)約高中1對(duì)1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學(xué)員個(gè)性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報(bào)名↓



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2016-06-29 14:00:31  來(lái)源:愛智康











  PartⅠ Listening(聽力部分,共30分)

 、. 聽音,選擇。(Listen and choose) (共5分)


  ( ) 1. A. cold B. cloudy C. cool

  ( ) 2. A. pants B. pretty C. potato

  ( ) 3. A. horse B. hen C. sheep

  ( ) 4. A. sock B. scarf C. sunglass

  ( ) 5. A. cheap B. dress C. shorts

  II. 聽音,連線。(Listen and match) (共10分)


  1. white 2. green 3. blue 4. yellow 5. pink

  A B C D E

 、. 聽音,選擇。(Listen and choose) (共10分)


  ( ) 1. A. Can I help you? B. Can I try them on?

  ( ) 2. A. Whose coat is this? B. Whose pants are those?

  ( ) 3. A. They are horses. B. Are they hens?

  ( ) 4. A. It’s cloudy today. B. It’s cool today.

  ( ) 5. A. Time to go home. B. It’s time for lunch.

  Ⅳ. 聽音,排序。(Listen and rank) (共5分)


  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  Part Ⅱ Writing (筆試部分,共67分)

  Ⅴ. Tick or cross. 判斷每組劃線部分發(fā)音是“√”否“×”一致。(共7分)

  ( ) 1. A. world B. horse ( ) 2. A. fork B. born

  ( ) 3. A. apple B. people ( ) 4. A. cow B. brown

  ( ) 5. A. short B. sir ( ) 6. A. farm B. work

  ( ) 7. A. computer B.tiger

 、.look, choose and write.根據(jù)圖片選擇合適的單詞完成句子。(共10分)。

  sunny sweater tomatoes glove expensive

  1. This is my .

  2. Look at this shirt. It’s .

  3. It’s hot and in Sydney.

  4. Amy’s is very pretty.

  5. I don’t like

 、.Look and choose. 選出較好的一項(xiàng)完成句子或?qū)υ挘瑢⑿蛱?hào)寫在題前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(共10分)

  ( ) 1. They are shoes.

  A. John B. John’s C. John is

  ( ) 2. The teachers’ office is the second floor.

  A. in B. to C. on

  ( ) 3. How are these skirt.

  A. much B. many C. some

  ( ) 4. -- What are those?


  A. They are sheep. B. It is a sheep. C. Three sheep.

  ( ) 5. It’s 9:30. It’s time Chinese class.

  A. to B. for C. on

 、.Read and tick (√). 讀對(duì)話,在正確的圖片上畫√。(共8分)

  1.Girl: What are those? Are they apples?

  Farmer: No, they are tomatoes.

  2. Boy: Are they hens?

  Farmer: Yes, they are.

  I have 20 hens here.

  3. Boy: Are those horses over there?

  Farmer: No. They are baby cows.

  4. Girl: What are these?

  Farmer: They’re my potatoes.

 、.Read and choose. 讀句子,為下列句子 選擇正確的答語(yǔ),將序號(hào)寫在題前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(共12分)

  ( ) 1. Sarah, how do you like this skirt?

  ( ) 2. What’s the weather like in Hong Kong?

  ( ) 3. Whose pants are those?

  ( ) 4. Can I try them on?

  ( ) 5. Are these yours?

  ( ) 6. Is this your pencil?

  Ⅹ. Dialogue.看圖選擇合適的句子補(bǔ)全對(duì)話,只填字母標(biāo)號(hào)即可。(10分)

 、.Tick or cross. 讀短文,判斷對(duì)(T)錯(cuò)(F)。 (10分)


  Thank you for the hat. It’s sunny here.

  I wear it every day.

  I don’t like the city. The food here is very

  expensive! The food in the countryside is

  nice and cheap.

  How is my dog? He is so friendly and


  I miss the ducks, too. How many baby

  ducks are there on the farm now?

  Please write soon!


  Wang Ke

  ( ) 1. It is sunny in the city.

  ( ) 2. Wang Ke like the city.

  ( ) 3. Grandpa has a new hat.

  ( ) 4. Wang Ke’s dog is friendly and cute.

  ( ) 5. There are hens on the farm.



  PartⅠ Listening(聽力部分,共30分)


  I. 聽音,選擇。(Listen and choose) (共5分)

  1. cool 2. pants 3. hen 4. sunglass 5. shorts

  II. 聽音,連線。(Listen and match) (共10分)

  1. These white shoes are nice.

  2. My sweater is green .

  3. I have blue shorts.

  4. Amy’s hat is yellow.

  5. I like the pink pants.

 、. 聽音,選擇。(Listen and choose) (共10分)

  1. Can I try them on?

  2. Whose coat is this?

  3. Are they hens?

  4. It’s cool today.

  5. Time to go home.

  Ⅳ. 聽音,排序。(Listen and rank) (共5分)

  A. Hung up your pants.

  B. Ride a horse.

  C. I have a new dress.

  D. Put on your sunglasses.

  E. Bring your umbrella.


  I. 共5分,每小題1分。依次是:CABCC

  II. 共10分,每小題2分。依次是:1-D 2-A 3-E 4-B 5-C

 、. 共10分,每小題2分。依次是:BABBA

 、. 共5分,每小題1分。依次是:35214

 、. 共7分,每小題1分。依次是: ×√√√××√

 、. 共10分,每小題2分。依次是:

  1 .glove 2.expensive 3. sunny 4. sweater 5.tomatoes

 、. 共10分,每小題2分。依次是:BCAAB

 、. 共8分,每小題2分。依次是:

  1. 右圖 2. 左圖 3.右圖 4. 左圖

  Ⅸ. 共12分,每小題2分。依次是: FDACEB

 、. 共10分,每小題2分。依次是: DAECB

  Ⅺ. 共10分,每小題2分。依次是:FFFTF



四年級(jí)課程指南,語(yǔ)/數(shù)/英/全國(guó)數(shù)學(xué)邀請(qǐng)?jiān)\斷 基礎(chǔ)+助力+查漏補(bǔ)缺

五年級(jí)課程指南,語(yǔ)/數(shù)/英/全國(guó)數(shù)學(xué)邀請(qǐng)?jiān)\斷 基礎(chǔ)+助力+查漏補(bǔ)缺

六年級(jí)課程指南,語(yǔ)/數(shù)/英/全國(guó)數(shù)學(xué)邀請(qǐng)?jiān)\斷 基礎(chǔ)+助力+查漏補(bǔ)缺


