預(yù)約高中1對1精品課程(面授/在線),滿足學員個性化學習需求 馬上報名↓
a, an (art) [ ei ] ;[ æn ] 一,一個
able (adj) [ 'eibl ] 能干的,有能力的
• be able to
about (prep) [ 'əbaut ] 關(guān)于
• What about a cold drink?
• I have about £3.
• a book about animals
above (prep) [ ə'bʌv ] 在...上面
accident (n) [ 'æksidənt ] 事故,意外的事
across (prep) [ ə'krɔs ] 穿過,橫過
• The bank’s across the road.
• He walked across the bridge.
activity (n) [ æk'tiviti ] 活動
actor (n) [ 'æktə] 男演員
actually (adv) [ 'æktʃuəli ] 實際上
add (v) [ æd ] 增加
address (n) [ ə'dres ] 住址
adult (adj & n) [ ə'dʌlt, 'ædʌlt ] 成年的,成熟的;成年人
adventure (n) [ əd'ventʃə] 冒險,奇遇
advertisement (n) [ ædvər'taizmənt ] 廣告
aeroplane (n) [ 'ɛərəplein ] 飛機
afraid (adj) [ ə'freid ] 害怕的,擔心的
after (prep) [ 'ɑ:ftə] 在...之后
afternoon (n) [ 'ɑ:ftə'nu:n ] 下午
afterwards (adv) [ 'ɑ:ftəwədz ] 以后,后來
again (adv) [ ə'gein ] 又,再
against (prep) [ ə'genst, ə'geinst ]
• We watched England play against France [ frɑ:ns ] 反對,靠,倚
age (n) [ eidʒ] 年齡
• I don’t know his age.
ago (adv) [ ə'gəu ] 以前
agree (v) [ ə'gri: ] 同意,贊成
• Yes, I agree with you.
• Don’t you agree, Sam?
air (n) [ ɛə] 空氣,旋律
• to travel by air
airport (n) [ 'eəpɔ:t ] 飛機場
all (det & pron) [ ɔ:l ] 所有的,全部的
all right/alright (adv) 好吧
almost (adv) [ 'ɔ:lməust ] 幾乎,差不多
alone (adj & adv) [ ə'ləun ] 單獨的,單獨地
already (adv) [ ɔ:l'redi ] 已經(jīng)
also (adv) [ 'ɔ:lsəu ] 也
always (adv) [ 'ɔ:lweiz ] 總是
a.m. (adv) [ .ei 'em ] (ante meridiem的縮寫)上午,午前
ambulance (n) [ 'æmbjuləns ] 救護車
among (prep) [ ə'mʌŋ ] 在...之中
and (conj) [ ənd, ænd ] 和
angry (adj) [ 'æŋgri ] 生氣的
animal (n) [ 'æniməl ] 動物
another (det & pron) [ ə'nʌðə] 另一個
answer (n & v) [ ɑŋsə] 答案,回答
any (det and pron) [ 'eni ] 一些,任何
anybody (pron) [ 'eni.bɔdi, 'enibədi ]
anyone (pron) [ 'eniwʌn ] 任何人
anything (pron) [ 'eni.θiŋ ] 任何事
anyway (adv) [ 'eniwei ] 不管怎樣
anywhere (adv) [ 'eniwei ] 任何地方
apartment (n) [ ə'pɑ:tmənt ] 一套公寓房間
apple (n) [ 'æpəl ] 蘋果
appointment (n) [ ə'pɔintmənt ] 約會,預(yù)約
• an appointment with the doctor
arm (n) [ ɑ:m ] 手臂,袖子
(a)round (adv & prep) [ ə'raund ] 弄圓,繞行
• to travel around (adv)
• to sit around the table (prep)
arrive (v) [ ə'raiv ] 到達
art (n) [ ɑ:t ] 藝術(shù)
artist (n) [ 'ɑ:tist ] 藝術(shù)家
as (prep) [ æs ] 當做
• as good as
• as soon as possible
• the same as
ask (v) [ ɑ:sk ] 問,要求
assistant (n) [ə'sistent ] 助手,助理
as well (adv) 也,又
as well as (prep) (除...之外)也,既...又
at (prep) [ æt ] 在
at all (adv) 完全,根本
• It doesn’t matter at all.
aunt (n) [ ɑ:nt ] 伯母,姑,嬸,姨
autumn (n) [ 'ɔ:təm ] 秋季,秋天
away (adv) [ ə'wei ] 遠離,離開
• He’s gone away.
• It’s two miles away.